- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 38237
The the life of the four Imam’s series, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'I and Hanbali. The story of Imam al-Shafi'i episode 3 coming soon Insh'Allah. These upcoming weeks are uploads for the new Series. Please like, share and subscribe to receive a weekly update. For those who have not seen the any of my series check them insh’Allah on my channel. More series to come… Companions Of Prophets Office channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5FelYB_3ddJeG518PmNeYQ Second Channel: Al-Bashir Media : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW961cgKb_ZzfFZg_Vvyb8A Support the Dawah (Face Book): https://www.facebook.com/companionsofprophets?ref=hl Follow me on twitter: @companions01: https://twitter.com/?lang=en-gb The Merciful Servant Office channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGAqdQBKTVON_FUC...
By Belal Assaad.
About the Speaker: NAME: Adv. Faiz Syed Adv. stands for Advocate DESIGNATION: * Founder & President, Islamic Research Centre, Aurangabad. * President Al-Kitab Education & Welfare Society, Aurangabad. * President, Ilm Foundation, Aurangabad. * President, Zakat Foundation, Aurangabad. * President, Azam Ali Syed Public Library, Aurangabad. * Managing Director, Al-Huda Educational Foundation Pvt. Ltd. * President, Janseva Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd, Br. Aurangabad (A Non Interest Based Islamic Banking System) FATHER'S NAME: Azam Ali Syed (Saudi Aramco Retired) BORN: 12-Dec-1979. OCCUPATION: Business. EDUCATED AT: * Burhani National English High School, Aurangabad. * Maulana Azad College of Arts Science & Commerce, Aurangabad. * Tom Patrick Institute of Computer & Information Techno...
Four great legal theorists dominate the history of Islamic Sacred Law. In this lecture, we meet Imam Malik ibn Anas (d.795), celebrated as the 'Imam of the City of Emigration' (Imam Dar al-Hijra). Revered for his great love of the Sunna of the Chosen One (a.s.), Imam Malik dedicated his life to preserving the great treasure of Prophetic wisdom for future generations. As the honoured scholar of the City of Light, he knew that the Sunna was to be learned not only from the Hadith, but from the lived practice of the great people of Madina. His fiqh is therefore rooted in community practice, which gives it great flexibility and humanity. Close to many of the Second Generation (the Tabi'un), he narrated the famous 'Golden Chain': his own teacher Nafi had learned hadiths from Ibn Umar, who repo...
The Memory of Imam Malik | Mufti Abu Layth The way of Madina in the 21st century - Mufti Abu Layth Full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-lXZdgFg8U ------------------------------- YT Channel: http://www.youtube.com/lightoftheummah Like our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/lightoftheummah Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/lightofalummah Follow us on instagram: http://instagram.com/lightoftheummah
Suara Imam Malik Mampu Didengari Sehingga Keluar Masjid Tanpa Mikrofon - Ustaz Don Daniyal Ayuh kongsikan video bermanfaat ini kepada sahabat yang lain.Semoga Allah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah kepada kita semua. Like FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tanyalah-Ustaz-20-Channel/1549420075328504 credit video daripada: zonkita zonkuliah:https://www.youtube.com/user/teamkosuke Channel surau Arrahmah:https://www.youtube.com/user/ChannelSurauArRahmah Masjid An Najah:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8S7Vzf9mcGaB1GF7ROXPw Studio Mukmin:https://www.facebook.com/studiomukminonlineshop Lamn Annur:https://www.youtube.com/user/lamanannur Online Majlis ilmu:https://www.youtube.com/user/dinsboom1 Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah:https://www.youtube.com/user/8lipan Surau Alhusna:https://w...
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Imam Malik DEUTSCH Das Leben von Abu Hanifa (Episode 1): https://youtu.be/vQ9cKFbUMpw Das Leben der vier Imame: Abu Hanifa (Hanafi), Imam Malik (Maliki), Imam Shafi'i (Shafi'i), Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Hanbali). Imam Malik Ibn Anas - Deutsch Abonnieren - Liken - Kommentieren & Teilen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook Official : https://www.Facebook.com/LoransYusufIslam Youtube: https://www.Youtube.com/LoransYusuf Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/LoransYusuf