- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 40839
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a public research university in Shatin, Hong Kong formally established in 1963 by a charter granted by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. It is the territory's second oldest university and was founded as a federation of three existing colleges – Chung Chi College, New Asia College and United College – the oldest of which was founded in 1949.
Today, CUHK is organised into nine constituent colleges and eight academic faculties, and remains the only collegiate university in the territory. The university operates in both English and Chinese, although classes in most colleges are taught in English. Four Nobel laureates are associated with the university, and it is the only tertiary institution in Hong Kong with recipients of the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal and Veblen Prize sitting as faculty in residence.
The university was formed in 1963 as a federation of three existing colleges. The first of these, New Asia College, was established in 1949 by anti-Communist Confucian scholars from Mainland China amid the revolution there. Among the founders were Ch'ien Mu, Tang Junyi, and Tchang Pi-kai. Curriculum focused particularly on Chinese heritage and social concerns. The early years of this school were tumultuous, with the campus relocating several times between rented premises around Kowloon. Academics there were often self-exiled from the mainland and they struggled financially, with students sometimes sleeping on rooftops and teachers foregoing pay to sustain the college. Funds were gradually raised and the school moved to a new campus in Kau Pui Lung, built with the support of the Ford Foundation, in 1956.
混血BBC, 藝墟反轉CUHK -《拉Prank》
Soaring Over CUHK 「飛」一般的中大
Understanding CUHK (English version) 認識中大(英文版)
CUHK Engineering Video
My Dorm room at CUHK!
Discover CUHK MBA: 3-minute Video Journey
2016 CUHK Summer Institute 高中生暑期課程
Welcoming CUHK New Students 歡迎中大新鮮人
https://www.youtube.com/user/detectivejacky?sub_confirmation=1 拉LIVE 直播時間:有空的夜晚 10pm-12am (FB/Ig通知) 拉Skype: jackylaiyc 拉Ig: http://instagram.com/jackylaiyc 拉FB: http://www.facebook.com/jackylaiyc
請登陸中大視野觀看更多精彩短片 Please watch more videos from CUTV http://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/cutv/index Have you ever wondered what a view you would get looking at the campus from above? Now, let’s go “flying” with the camera and enjoy the campus panorama from another angle.
請登陸中大視野觀看更多精彩短片 Please watch more videos from CUTV http://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/cutv/index The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a comprehensive research-led university in Hong Kong delivering high-quality education on both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and serving the community with its cutting-edge research capability. 香港中文大學是一所研究型綜合大學,提供優質的本科和研究生課程,並以其尖端研究成果,服務社會。
The education experience at CUHK is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, a unique network of colleges, bilingualism and multiculturalism. Our comprehensive engineering curriculum provides students with solid foundation knowledge on engineering and science as well as practical hands-on project experience. There is a wide range of engineering major programmes which students can choose from the Faculty. http://www.erg.cuhk.edu.hk
Hear our students' words on how the longest MBA in the region has helped them excel in the ever-growing Asia. Business Practicum, pioneering entrepreneurship training and the Elite Mentorship Program are some of the features we proudly embrace. Our success lies in the committed mission of nurturing global leaders with strong Asian focus.
It has never been an easy proposition for secondary school students to decide which discipline to pursue if they are to enter university in the near future. To inspire them and give them some direction on their future studies, CUHK has, in recent years, been organizing the Summer Institute, a two-week summer programme designed for S.5 students (or the equivalent). 對於中學畢業生來説,要從大學眾多專業中選擇適合自己的一個並非易事。爲了幫助中學生了解不同科目的特色、確定自己的志向,中大每年暑假都會舉辦高中生暑期課程,邀請就讀中五的學生到校園體驗大學生活的滋味。
請登陸中大視野觀看更多精彩短片 Please watch more videos from CUTV http://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/cutv/index The University has recruited over 3,000 undergraduate students this year. To help the new students immerse themselves in university life, orientation activities have been organized by faculties and colleges. Let’s welcome the new members to CUHK family! 新學年,大學喜迎超過3,000位本科新生。爲了幫助他們了解大學生活,儘快融入中大的大家庭,各書院及學系學生組織舉辦了内容豐富的迎新活動。讓我們透過短片歡迎這班中大新鮮人。
Hear what University of Kent Sociology student Robert Girgis enjoyed about his year abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Discover where you could go at http://www.kent.ac.uk/goabroad
Learn more about Medical Electives http://www.worktheworld.co.uk/medical-electives Learn more about Kathmandu, Nepal http://www.worktheworld.co.uk/nepal-kathmandu
The International Summer School (ISS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) offers July and August Sessions to international students in learning Chinese languages and experiencing the cultural uniqueness of the Hong Kong neighborhood. Both grammar and oral classes in Putonghua and Cantonese (only available in July session) at elementary to advanced levels will be provided by the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre (CLC) of CUHK. Students can also enjoy the energetic summer in Hong Kong and explore the historical and cultural developments of surrounding area. International Summer School (July and August sessions): Office of Summer Programmes (CUHK-OSP) Tel: (852) 3943-1826 / (852) 3943-1827 Fax: (852) 2603-7262 Email: osp@cuhk.edu.hk http://www.osp.cuhk.edu.hk/ Chinese Language P...
Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Lam Hon-ming has a passion for soybeans, a nutritious cash crop first domesticated in China. He named his research "Soybean Homecoming" after seeing the huge amount of money the Mainland was spending to import soybeans. His dream is to bring soybean research and production to a more advanced level in its homeland. Soybeans can be processed into tofu, soy milk, and soy sauce. Made up of 40% protein and 20% oil, they are a highly nutritious yet cheap food source. Soybeans were first domesticated in China more than 3,000 years ago. In the 18th century, the crop was introduced to the Americas and flourished across the two continents. The US, Brazil and Argentina now account for more than 80% of global soybean production. The Mainland spent about $200 b...
I am sad to say there wasn't too much time to take more Time Lapse takes. Furthermore this is my first Time Lapse project and will therefore not satisfy all of you. I like it anyway and it gives nice views from S.H.Ho College. S.H.Ho in Hong Kong is HOME!
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GBCC 2015 PRELIMINARY ROUNDS C3 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Paccar Hall on April 18th.
國民黨中常會「開放」了!國民黨首次邀請知名導演李崗來到中常會談文化、談電影、談多元思考,以及他的努力。 不能只有「自己的聲音」,我們要更加傾聽多元的聲音、人民的聲音!讓更多的能量,更多屬於這塊土地的故事,來改變國民黨的思維與行動! 我們會陸續邀請更多精彩的講者來到中常會,也歡迎各位推薦人選給我們!
Lee, Kam-hon is Li, Jinhan. He uses the alternative name Li, Jinhan to hide something. Lee, Kam-hon was Dean of School of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Director, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He wrote a seemingly perverse marketing dissertation entitled "Promotion of breast feeding : a persuasive communication approach " at Northwestern University in 1975. Some years ago, he changed the author name to Li, Jinhan in Northwestern University library database, making it difficult for people to find out what he wrote. Li, Jinhan is the mainland China spelling of his name. It is extremely rare, if ever, for Chinese to change name spelling from one variant to another, even if one moves from one part of China...
I see a knight - a wandering fool
A man of few words
Doesn’t play by the rules of deceit
I see a knight - courageous and cool
A master of swords
One who never surrenders, and knows no defeat
Now their ship’s setting sail
To the Castle of Sadness
Will their quest for the Grail
Lead to glory or madness
Will their search ever end
Are they lost in this secret land
Where nothing is real
One is judged by his deeds
Based on moral perfection
One is found too discrete
For not asking the questions
So their search never ends
They are lost in these secret lands
Where nothing is real
They can see it, almost touch it
But their eyes will be blinded by the light
Lacking courage, lacking virtue, lacking wisdom
Just found in the purest of knights
I see a knight - his journey begins
He comes from afar
And where others have failed he’ll succeed
I see a knight - free of all sins
His goodness of heart will earn him his place on the
Perilous Seat
In his barren domain
Waits a king for the right one
Plagued by terrible pains
That won’t stop ’till the knight comes
Whose compassion is real
Then his wounds will be healed at last
All misery’s passed
He can see it, he can touch it
And his eyes won’t be blinded by the light
Only courage, only virtue, only wisdom
Combined in the purest of knights
I see a knight
I see a knight