Power Rangers Turbo is an American television series and the fifth season of the Power Rangers franchise. The show was prefaced with the franchise's second film, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. As with its predecessors, Power Rangers Turbo is a based on one of the entries of the Super Sentai Series; in Turbo's case, the source of the series is Gekisou Sentai Carranger. The series introduced a child actor as the new Blue Ranger, and featured the departure of the long running characters Zordon and Alpha 5, as well the veteran team of Rangers, sans Justin, and introduced four new characters to take the place of the veteran Rangers.
After Maligore's defeat, Tommy Oliver, Kat Hillard, Adam Park and Tanya Sloan graduate from high school and prepare to resume life as normal. Seeking revenge, Divatox attacks the Rangers. Soon after, the Rangers' longtime mentors, Zordon and Alpha 5 depart to return to Zordon's home planet of Eltar, making way for the spectral Dimitria of Inquiris and the next in the line of robots, Alpha 6. Other changes are also seen as Ernie leaves the series and Lt. Stone takes over the Juice Bar and Bulk and Skull are turned to chimps. Also the first ally Blue Senturion arrives later from the year 2000, with a message for Dimitria and the rangers that Lord Zedd, Rita, The Machine Empire and Divatox will team up to destroy the universe, but fails to show complete message due to Divatox corrupting it at the end of it, although it is believed to be Dark Specter.