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OurKingdom Team


Niki Seth-Smith

headshot of NikiA news journalist, writer and editor, Niki previously worked for The London Magazine and The Statesman (India). She now works full-time for OurKingdom. She co-edited the collections The Great British Summer? and England Riots, and edited the Blue Labour and Big Society Challenge debates. Twitter: @NikiSethSmith

Oliver Huitson

headshot of OliverOliver Huitson is a writer and editor. He contributed the chapter 'The privatisation of governance' to Jenny Manson's 2012 book, Public Service on the Brink. He is reading for a Masters in Politics and Government at Birkbeck. He edits the debate Devalue or Else! and leads the OurNHS project. He previously worked in the City throughout the financial crash and its aftermath. Twitter: @OllyHuitson.

Clare Sambrook

headshot of ClareNovelist, journalist, and pro-bono coordinator of End Child Detention Now, Clare is also winner of the 2010 Paul Foot Award and the Bevins Prize for outstanding investigative journalism. She also edits the debate, G4S: Securing Whose World?

Anthony Barnett

headshot of AnthonyA founder of openDemocracy in 2001, and its editor until to 2006, Anthony is a non-fiction writer, journalist and organiser who was the first Director of Charter 88 and Co-Director of the 2009 Convention on Modern Liberty. His book on why Britain went to war over the Falklands, Iron Britannia, has just been republished in a new edition. 

Debate editors

Stuart White, editor of Democratic Wealth: building a citizens' economy

headshot of StuartStuart teaches political theory at Oxford University. His books include Equality (2006) and Building a Citizen Society (2008, co-edited with Dan Leighton). He participates in Oxford Save Our Services and Oxford University Campaign for Higher Education. 

Jamie Mackay, editor Rebirth of the Nation: challenging 'global citizens'

headshot of Stuart

Jamie is a freelance journalist based in Venice. He was an assistant editor at OurKingdom and also co-edited the debate, Great British Summer?

David Krivanek, editor of Drifting Apart: Where to for Europe and Britain? (a joint debate with the openDemocracy Europe series, Can Europe Make It?

headshot of DavidDavid is an Associate Editor of openDemocracy. He edits the Can Europe Make It? debate and tweets @David_Krivanek. His openDemocracy blog is called Esplanade.



About the author

OurKingdom is the British section of openDemocracy. 


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