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If you are getting touch about OurKingdom, the British section of openDemocracy, please contact the editors: and


If you are not sure that your input/request relates to the British section, please contact openDemocracy, here.


Pitch or Submit content

Submitting - All submissions to openDemocracy go through a centralised system. If you think your submission belongs in OurKingdom, please check the 'OurKingdom' box, and we will get it more swiftly. If you have discussed the submission with one of the team, or it has been commissioned, please email it directly to

You may also find it easier to email it directly if it is a video.

Pitching – If you'd like to pitch a submission, rather than submit, simply write the pitch in the same form you would use to submit an article (as above).


Submission Guide

We especially like ‘investigate comment’, short posts, video and dossiers. By ‘investigative’ comment we mean writing that presents original argument, making use of, or exposing new facts. Work by writers simply ‘downloading’ their thoughts on a general topic will be rejected. We welcome work that surprises, interrogates and challenges. We accept only one article of more than 1,200 words a week, for our Friday Essay slot. If your submission is an article, please do accompany it with images.

We are looking for submissions that show an awareness of the debate as it stands, both in the wider media and on OurKingdom itself, and which make good use of links (these should be embedded in the text, like this.) For example, if you're writing on democratising the media, read our latest pieces on the media and check out our past media debates (you can see all our current and past debates listed here).

Authors should be aware that nearly 50 per cent of our readers are based outside of the UK and keep an intelligent, informed international readership in mind.

We don't have a strict style guide, but there are a few rules we abide by.

  • Direct quotations should be in double quotation marks.

  • Please try to avoid superscript, i.e. 21st rather than 21st, as this messes up our layout.

Thank you.


Commenting Guide

Following from our commitment to debate and deliberation, we place as much emphasis on our comments as on our posts, and expect them to meet as high a standard. We moderate our comments to try and ensure precision, respect and relevance, and we won’t tolerate abuse. We may delete comments that don't meet these standards, and will always be transparent about the decisions we have taken.



About the author

OurKingdom is the British section of openDemocracy. 


We encourage anyone to comment, please consult the
oD commenting guidelines if you have any questions.