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Critical thinking at (the) stake: Ukraine’s witch hunt against journalism

In the two years since Ukraine’s Maidan protests, Ukrainian society has become increasingly politically active — with unintended consequences. РусскийУкраїнською

Ukraine’s displaced people: status unknown


Why are refugees in Ukraine second-class citizens? Русский


Georgia: the exiles’ election

Twenty five years after the separatist wars that shook Georgia, 265,000 displaced people still struggle to make ends meet — and their voices heard. 

Breaking the cycle: ending underage marriage in Georgia

Every year, girls across Georgia become wives and mothers before their 18th birthday. How should the country address underage marriages? Русский


Russia’s regions: federalism and its discontents

Creating the appearance of stability is the Russian political elite’s primary goal. Yet colonial-like rule over the country’s regions, combined with a lack of civic activity, harms the Kremlin’s legitimacy on the ground. Русский

In Armenia, gender is geopolitical

A wave of homophobia in Armenia is playing on pro-Russian and pro-European sympathies. Gender has become geopolitical, and the LGBT community is fearful.


The pitchforks are coming

Farm workers in the depths of southern Russia are hardly a protest constituency, but corruption and corporate raids have pushed them to the brink. They may even take their grievances to Moscow — by tractor. Русский

Fear and loathing in Ukraine: a very “European” protest


A new type of mass mobilisation on the streets of Ukraine shows how society is being divided along lines all too familiar to EU citizens.




The sentence against Nadiya Savchenko is absurd. Where do we go from here? Русский


Why so secretive?

The Russian authorities are keeping far too many secrets from citizens. Komanda-29 and its founder Ivan Pavlov are fighting back. Русский

The long arm of the despot

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Tajikistan’s government doesnt hesitate to go after its critics abroad. Intimidation, beatings and murder — this is Central Asias authoritarianism without borders.


A law beyond improvement

Defining “political activity” may seem like an academic exercise, but in Russia, it is an existential one.


Azerbaijan’s 2016: sink or swim?

Protests have broken out in Azerbaijan against rising prices and falling living standards. Will the regime respond with anything but brute force?

“Two million soms and we’ll let you go”

If you push hard enough you can get justice — even in Uzbekistan.


В поисках «армянского лобби»

Из-за теорий заговора люди становятся покорными, а правители перестают чего-либо бояться. В Азербайджане всех диссидентов считают агентами скрытого «армянского лобби». English

Searching for the ‘Armenian Lobby’

Conspiracies keep the people pliant and rulers fearless. In Azerbaijan, all dissidents are considered to be agents of a shadowy ‘Armenian lobby’. Русский

Who are your comrades now?

The Russian state wants payback for the mass protests of 2012. But the arrest of another political activist in Russia has attracted the attention of neither the west, nor the European left. Русский

The red zone

The system is dehumanising people, and the recent death of an inmate in a southern Russian penal colony is only further proof. Graphic warningРусский

Serial violations: finding new ways to limit freedom of association in Russia


The first sentences under a new law limiting freedom of association in Russia are coming into effect. Their target? ‘Malicious picket-holders’. Русский

Between dialogue and violence: the North Caucasus's bloody legacy

After Paris, we need to act against radicalisation. Russia's legacy in the North Caucasus tells us how not to. Русский


Unmasking Central Asia's neoliberal judges


Despite claims of impartiality, judges in Central Asia often incorporate neoliberal economic and moral values into their judgements on illegal settlements.


Russia’s secret treason investigations


In Russia, the number of state treason cases is rising. Secret service tactics mean we know less and less about who is under investigation. Русский

‘The convention on refugees: rescind it or carry it out’


Who receives refugee status or temporary asylum in Russia – and how.


SOS from Dagestan

One year since a young man was killed in a police station in this North Caucasus republic, the victim’s family is still trying to find out what happened. Русский

Oleg Sentsov and Aleksandr Kolchenko: prisoners of conscience

Statement on the sentencing of Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and co-defendant Aleksandr Kolchenko.

'Is your mum a foreign agent?'

Russian NGOs, large and small, are facing closure after the blacklisting of their foreign funders. speaks to some of the organisations affected.

Film review: ‘Grozny Blues’ (dir. Nicola Bellucci)

Grozny Blues is a haunting, often dreamlike documentary about Chechen people caught between the contradictory pressures of manufactured realities and coerced silences.

Как украинцы живут в России в условиях конфликта

Как украинцам живется в стране, в которой постоянно ищут бандеровцев и сторонников Майдана? in English


Ukrainian refugees in Russia receive a mixed welcome

Many people took refuge in Russia after fleeing eastern Ukraine last summer. Their experiences are far from uniform. Русский


Will the patriotic stop list kill Russia’s NGOs?


Since 2012, Russian NGOs receiving funding from abroad have had to register as ‘foreign agents’. A new patriotic stop list might shut funding off forever.

Azerbaijan's failed rebranding


No matter how much time and money Azerbaijan’s government spends making ‘friends’ in the west, the country is still characterised by a poor record on human rights.

Из Сирии домой - на российский Кавказ

В арабской стране потомки черкесов, вытесненных из царской России после завоевания Кавказа, всегда чувствовали себя гостями. Но историческая родина сирийских беженцев принимает неохотно. English

In Osh, the flames have died down, but not the discontent

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In 2010, the Osh region in southern Kyrgyzstan was riven by ethnic violence in the aftermath of revolution. And still nobody wants to talk about it.


Russia's senseless investigation into Baltic independence

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In another manifestation of the absurd, Russia's latest investigation into the legality of Baltic independence uses the very tactics used by dissident movements against Soviet rule.

The ‘Switzerland of Central Asia’ is not looking very Swiss

Daniele Rumolo.jpgKyrgyzstan, the ‘Switzerland of Central Asia’, has been moving closer to Russia, with perhaps predictable results.


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