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2015 Election

The BBC played a key political role in the 2015 election, hosting extensive debate and analysis on which millions of people were dependent for a primary source of information. But how did the broadcaster perform in its public duty of presenting the electoral choice?

Time to fight for the BBC

George Osborne and his neoliberal backers are not just attacking the BBC. They're launching a concerted assault on Britain’s democratic public culture.

Why the Conservatives should be fighting to keep the BBC exactly as it is, and why they won't

The support of a widely mistrusted press is not enough to keep the UK together.

Newspapers, not the BBC, led the way in biased election coverage

Does Britain's partisan press have too much influence on broadcast news? 

Propaganda or professionalism on Pacific Quay?

How were political issues covered by BBC Reporting Scotland and STV News in the four months before UK General Election 2015? 

Business leaders, letters and the BBC

The corporation’s economics coverage has been relatively balanced in the run up to this election but it has failed to convey the extent of the Conservatives’ ties with big business. 

The BBC's dumb public: a view from Greece

The BBC’s election coverage has been filled with gossip, technological gimmicks, and patronising ‘common sense’ rhetoric. This has little to do with its public service remit.   

Even on its own terms Westminster journalism makes increasingly little sense

The elite world of Westminster journalism used to be irrelevant to people's lives. Now, as an election approaches, it can barely comprehend itself. 

The election debates: winners and losers?

The broadcasters appear to have settled on a format for the UK election debates. But who won and who lost in this stand-off?

The ‘Election Debates’ debate: is legislation the answer?

Ed Miliband has promised legislation that would see regulators imposing a debate structure at future general elections. Could it work? And is that the best answer? 

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