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Way down in Pankisi

Georgia’s Pankisi Valley has gained a reputation for violent extremism in recent years. But the international community’s attention isn’t just unwanted, it’s harmful. - free thinking for the world

Way down in Pankisi

Georgia’s Pankisi Valley has gained a reputation for violent extremism in recent years. But the international community’s attention isn’t just unwanted, it’s harmful. - free thinking for the world

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Роздуми на проспекті Бандери

Дискусії про історичні політики та міфотворчість в Україні часто-густо однобічні й незбалансовані. Комплексний підхід до соціальної й культурної гібридності – в минулому і нині – як ніколи на часі. English

Way down in Pankisi

Georgia’s Pankisi Valley has gained a reputation for violent extremism in recent years. But the international community’s attention isn’t just unwanted, it’s harmful.

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Noah’s Valley is drying up

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Belarus from behind bars

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Neoliberalism, mining and Armenia's politics of plunder

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Their security, our poverty: militarisation and Lithuania’s new labour code

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Bandera mythologies and their traps for Ukraine

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No, Russia is not preparing for all-out war

12946.jpgRussia’s snap military mobilisation drills are an internal exercise. But troublesome relations with the west could still have unintended (and unpleasant) consequences.


Ukraine’s rulers are backing themselves into a corner

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Georgia at the crossroads

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Big government is back in Dagestan

Dagestan's Khasavyurt is a city that never quite fit into Russia's power vertical — and local government is starting to feel the consequences. Русский

Хасавюрт: государство возвращается

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"You have to start improving yourself to improve Russia"

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Why is the war in eastern Ukraine still going on?

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Life after facts: how Russian state media defines itself through negation

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Depoliticising protests in Armenia

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Ramzan Kadyrov, John Oliver and the power of ridicule

As we hunt for the Chechen leader’s cat online, are we falling into the dictator’s trap? 

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