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Constitutional conventions: best practice

A new Magna Carta? A constitution fit for the 21st century

The 800th anniversary of Magna Carta is an opportunity for reform that we must all seize.

Iceland shows that a UK constitutional convention should involve politicians as little as possible

The people of Iceland drafted a new constitution. But their parliament has essentially ignored it.

What can the UK learn from the Irish constitutional convention?

The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2013-14 provides some useful lessons for the UK.

Who are ‘the People’ in a People’s Constitutional Convention?

Citizens must be included, of course, but what of non-resident citizens, or resident non-citizens, or non-resident non-citizens, or even the unborn?

How to design a constitutional convention for the UK

There are numerous options for how to hold a convention. Let's not rush in and instead make sure we get the very best option for lasting democratic change in Britain. Here are some things to consider.

So what is a people’s constitutional convention?

What exactly is a people's constitutional convention and does Labour's proposal meet those criteria?

Welcome to the Great Charter Debate

Next year is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. Calls for a constitutional convention have now reached parliament. OurKingdom, IPPR, the politics departments of Oxford and Cambridge will together be hosting the Great Charter Debate - what would a new Magna Carta say, and what could a new constitutional settlement for Britain look like?

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