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About Stuart White

Stuart White is a lecturer in political theory at Oxford University. He is interested in democratic political economy and is a co-editor of the e-book Democratic Wealth.

Articles by Stuart White

This week's editor

Tom Rowley is editor of oDR.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Will a constitutional convention democratically refound the British state?

Some of the political parties are calling for a constitutional convention. But a convention can mean different things. How would we design a convention to democratically refound the British state?

Alternative liberal solutions to economic inequality

The rich tradition of alternative liberalism has much to offer by way of solutions to inexorably widening inequality—as social movements are beginning to realise.

So what is a people’s constitutional convention?

What exactly is a people's constitutional convention and does Labour's proposal meet those criteria?

Welcome to the Great Charter Debate

Next year is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. Calls for a constitutional convention have now reached parliament. OurKingdom, IPPR, the politics departments of Oxford and Cambridge will together be hosting the Great Charter Debate - what would a new Magna Carta say, and what could a new constitutional settlement for Britain look like?

Taking democracy seriously demands that we identify and address the danger of oligarchy

What institutions do we need to secure our freedom from the danger of oligarchy? From Machiavelli to modern Brazil, there is much to learn...

Can democrats learn from Machiavelli?

Robert Jubb and Stuart White interview John McCormick about his 2011 book, Machiavellian Democracy, and ask what lessons can be drawn today about democratising power and embedding constitutional authority for the common citizen.

Citizen ownership: the lost radicalism of the centre?

As wages stall or decline new methods must be found of creating a fair and democratic economy. Key to this must be a shift from redistributing income to redistributing assets - this is the big question the left should be addressing, and there's plenty of ideas out there.

The dignity of dissent: E.P. Thompson and One Nation Labour

E.P. Thompson was an advocator of freedom of speech and maintaining every citizen's right to dissent. In light of this, how would he have viewed the state of the way One Nation Labour aim to shape it?

The dignity of dissent: E.P. Thompson and Britain's One Nation Labour

What is the role of dissent in a political vision predicated on 'unity', and how does this fit with Labour's record on protest, secret justice and civil liberties?

A democratic case for the free market?

What is the meaning of economic liberty? Is there a moral case for the free market? A review of the recent book 'Free Market Fairness' by John Tomasi tackled these questions, introduced here by the editor of the Democratic Wealth series.

Democratic wealth: exploring ideas for a citizens’ economy

Could republicanism provide the model for a political economy that belongs to us all and works for the common good? OurKingdom and Politics in Spires’ new series explores this question, introduced here by its editor.

Liberty is at stake: Commons, Lords and the Welfare Reform Bill

If the claim to financial privilege over the Welfare Reform Bill stands, little stops the Coalition from forcing through a broad range of laws. Say goodbye to checks and balances! Scrutiny, farewell!

Blue Labour: a Republican critique

How does Blue Labour fit into the ideological landscape of Britain? Stuart White follows Alan Finlayson in an OurKingdom series that asks whether the Left should go Blue

Why UK Uncut can and should denounce the violence

UK Uncut must condemn the violence on Saturday 26 March. The network has formed around common views - such as an opposition to tax avoidance. Why can't one of these views be a condemnation of violence? If not, UK Uncut will dwindle into marginality.

A social democracy of the people? A review of Fight Back!

A review of Fight Back! A Reader on the Winter of Protest, published by OurKingdom on February 15 and free to download. Stuart White concludes that the Reader is

The Oxford Debate I: Cuts, Fees and equality of opportunity in Higher Education

The Oxford University 'Congregation' which governs the University met and debated whether it should raise fees in the context of a fierce wider debate. This is the first of a series of contributions OurKingdom will be publishing.

Is Clegg abandoning liberalism?

A political philosopher sees Lib Dem leader and the Coalition Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg's praise of social mobility as the lodestone of liberalism as a fast-one of a different kind.

Where does the Coalition stand on the new ideological map?

The new coalition government in the UK between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats represents a bewildering political mix for many progressives. How can it be understood in terms of the principal ideological currents alive today?

Book review: What Happened to the Convention on Modern Liberty?

One year on from the Convention on Modern Liberty, Stuart White reviews Rosemary Bechler's edited volume of talks and speeches from a day which saw people from across political parties and from none join to discuss the state of civil liberties in the UK.
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