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About Caroline Molloy

Caroline Molloy is Editor of OurNHS and a freelance writer. In 2011/12 she was part of a successful campaign which reversed one of the largest planned NHS privatisations in the country, involving 9 Gloucestershire hospitals. Since then she has been campaigning alongside local and national groups to defend the NHS. 

Articles by Caroline Molloy

This week's editor


Mairi Mackay is openDemocracy’s senior editor.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Labour MP brings bill to Parliament to stop NHS privatisation

The NHS Bill – designed by NHS experts to rescue the NHS, and overwhelmingly backed by NHS campaigners – is back in parliament next week. Will MPs back it?

What does the Brexit vote mean for the NHS?

If we let it, 'post-truth politics' will kill our NHS.

Hunt and Stevens - leaving their dirty footprints all over the NHS

Sustainability and Transformation Plans - the biggest attack on the NHS you've never heard of. 

You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to know Hunt is getting the NHS wrong – this week, everyone does!

MPs are waking up to the scale of the unnecessary destruction being wrought on the NHS. But with local NHS leaders now told to choose between sacrificing services or their careers, will it be too late?

NHS cuts - are we in it together?

Downing Street was accused by another former minister of “massaging” NHS cuts figures this week – just as locally NHS bosses propose more sweeping cuts that are beginning to look like the worst ‘reorganisation’ yet.

Biggest NHS 'market' deal to date collapses - what now?

A highly controversial new style of contract for nearly a billion pounds worth of older people's healthcare in the East of England has collapsed - but will anyone learn the right lessons? 

Jeremy Hunt, George Osborne, and the OTHER NHS shambles this week

Neither the Department of Health nor NHS England seem to have a clue who has a say in Hunt and Osborne's far-reaching new NHS plans, OurNHS can exclusively reveal. Cock-up or conspiracy?

Don't want the government to let the NHS die? Here's one crucial thing you can do right now

The government is setting out what it will tell the NHS to do for the next five years (the 'mandate') - and there are lots of worrying signals. Here's our response - you've 10 days if you'd like to respond, too.

It may not look like it, but Jeremy Hunt DOES have a plan for the NHS...

The Tories would have us believe they're backing away from NHS privatisation. In fact, they're stealthily laying the groundwork for maximum profit opportunities - and comprehensive healthcare may be the first casualty. 

England’s Health Secretary wants to make us all work as hard as the Chinese – and our doctors and nurses already know it

The Tories have been talking about the ‘global race’ for a few years now – but Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s unguarded comments have revealed that it’s a global race to the bottom.

The 5 reasons Addenbrookes really ‘failed’ – and what it means for the whole NHS

Disgraceful attempts by The Sun to blame, 'name and shame' NHS staff for failings are designed to obscure the ideological idiocy being imposed from Westminster.

The Trade Union Bill is an attack on the NHS, our services, and all that it means to be British

Tonight we see a party leader in hock to a narrow ideological clique and foreign interests, drastically out of touch with majority public opinion. Not Corbyn - Cameron. Will Tory MPs stop him before he does untold damage? 

“PFI on steroids”? More like an NHS debate on tranquilisers

With under a week to go til the Labour leadership election closes, how much do you know about the candidates' positions on the NHS?

Why does Downing Street want details of all your appointments with your doctor?

Despite hiccups, Downing Street is still keen to get its hands on details of when, how often, and why you visit your doctor. For what purpose?

Researching health companies: a web search guide

How to uncover the facts about the companies involved in NHS privatisation - a joint OurNHS/Corporate Watch guide, and the first in a series of bite-sized OurNHS guides to NHS campaigning. 

Labour made the NHS both scary and boring

You can't defeat the politics of fear, with more fear.

Eight reasons you really can't trust the Tories with the NHS

Huge hidden cuts to hospital budgets, soaring privatisation, and some scary plans to make us pay for healthcare - as voters go to the polls, the consequences of more Tory government could be dire.

100 hours to save the NHS...Labour's manifesto analysed

Labour's spending pledges and commitments on comprehensive healthcare are welcome - but campaigners shouldn't turn a blind eye to the worrying gaps and inconsistencies in their plans. 

Why £8bn is a zombie figure that won't save the NHS

As the former boss of the NHS slams politicians for not addressing the financial 'black hole', will the pledged £8bn merely be used to pump prime further privatisation and cuts? The introduction to a series examining the parties' NHS manifesto pledges.

Cameron's biggest broken promise on the NHS

Virgin Care has won a £280m contract to run NHS healthcare for frail and chronically ill people in the Midlands, it was revealed today.

Osborne mostly 'forgets' to mention NHS - but the devil's in the detail

There were little bits of extra 'NHS' cash on offer in today's budget - but who will get them?

Leak reveals worrying truth behind the biggest NHS privatisation yet

A leak obtained exclusively by OurNHS reveals deeply worrying details of one of the largest NHS privatisations yet - the proposed privatisation of cancer care in the Staffordshire area.

Public health concerns mount as 'personal health budgets' imposed on 10,000 chronically ill patients

Patients across the country are to have their health funding rolled into their social care funding and be expected to manage both themselves. Is this empowerment, or something more sinister, health experts wonder?

What's really causing the A&E crisis - and how can we fix it?

Singularly stupid 'marketising' policies have caused our A&E crisis - and none of the main parties have fully grasped what needs doing to fix it.  

Hinchingbrooke - why did England's privatised hospital deal REALLY collapse?

Shocking examples of poor care are the real reason Circle withdrew from running Hinchingbrooke Hospital - they've got their eyes on easier ways to privatise the NHS, anyway.

Devon - the canary in the NHS coalmine?

This week Devon has announced that smokers and obese people will be denied all routine operations, and deaf people get only one hearing aid. The end of the NHS is swimming into focus - unless we swim hard against the current.

Osborne lays out path to broken NHS funding promises

George Osborne’s ‘new’ NHS money comes with worrying strings attached. Is this really about healthcare at all?

Efford's "Save the NHS" Bill - does it do what it says on the tin?

This Friday MPs vote on a Bill its advocates say will "reverse the most noxious elements of Cameron's Health Act". Does it merit our support?

NHS boss Stevens and the TTIP 'trade' lobbyists who threaten our NHS

New NHS boss Simon Stevens ducks questions about his alleged connection to pro-TTIP treaty lobbyists pushing to open the NHS up further to profiteering US companies.  

The billions of wasted NHS cash no-one wants to mention

As calls mount for the NHS cash crisis to be 'solved' by charging patients, there is one pot of money that sits glistening and untouched...

New law proposed to "stop the NHS becoming simply a memory"

The "NHS Bill 2015" campaign is calling on all General Election candidates to sign up to the new "NHS Reinstatement Bill", and is already attracting cross-party support.

Vote Yes for the NHS - independence is the best chance to protect Scotland's NHS

The NHS has become the burning issue of the Scottish Independence Referendum. OurNHS takes a close look, and finds in favour of the Yes campaign.

Charge seriously ill patients for NHS beds, proposes commission

Hidden amidst the aspirations on social care are some nasty precedents which could undermine the whole principle of free NHS care.

We all already own the NHS - the latest 'mutual' spin is about taking it out of our hands

So-called 'John Lewis style mutuals' have been tried in the NHS - and flopped badly. So they want to give this Trojan horse for privatisation and asset-stripping new legs - and teeth.

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