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Our supporters

openDemocracy Ltd is a not-for-profit enterprise.

The development of openDemocracy has been funded by the generosity of almost 100 trusts, foundations and individuals since 2001. In addition, openDemocracy also raises revenue from editorial partnerships; in 2015 this accounted for £42,000 of our income.

openDemocracy's independent Sections raise their own funding in parallel to the funding of the Main Site and contribute to our core running costs via the platform fee (see below).

openDemocracy receives support from the Open Trust, a registered UK charity (number 1086404). The Trust has no direct stake in openDemocracy but conducts regular oversight to be sure that oD is operating in conformity with the Trust's charitable purpose.

There is more information on donating here


In this chart we show the proportion of funding openDemocracy Main Site received from different sources during 2015:

Core costs income share


Our Supporters

We are extremely grateful for the generous support of foundations, editorial partners and individuals for both the Main Site and the Sections. See below for a list of our supporters and editorial partners covering the period 2012-2015.

Grant funding

£1,000 - £10,000

Jas Fund (Network For Social Change) (Arab Awakening)

Lipman-Miliband Trust (oD-UK)

Lush (oD-UK)

Marmot Trust (oD-UK)

Johnson Trust (Main Site Core Costs)

Robert Bosch Foundation (CanEuropeMakeIt?)

£10,000 - £15,000

Andrew Wainwright Trust (ourNHS)

The Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust (oD-UK)

Betterworld (ourNHS)

£15,000 - £20,000

Compton Foundation (Transformation)

Flora Family Foundation (Main Site Core Costs)

Fritt Ord (Arab Awakening)

Network for Social Change (Arab Awakening)

£20,000 - £25,000

Barrow Cadbury Trust (50.50)

Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust (Climate Unspun Project)

Mulberry Trust (Arab Awakening)

NOREF (openSecurity)

Rockefeller Brothers Fund (Main Site Core Costs)

£25,000 - £30,000

Eric Abraham Fund (oD-UK)

Hauser Raspe Foundation (Main Site Core Costs)

£30,000 - £40,000

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (Main Site Core Costs)

Foundation to Promote Open Society (Democracia Abierta)

Kallopeia Foundation (Transformation)

National Endowment for Democracy (Arab Awakening)

£40,000 - £60,000

Hidden Leaf Foundation (Transformation)

Tinsley Foundation (Main Site Core Costs, oD-UK)

NoVo Foundation (Transformation) 

£60,000 - £80,000

Bertha Foundation (Main Site Core Costs, Shine A Light)

David and Elaine Potter Foundation (Main Site Core Costs, oD-UK)

Ford Foundation (openGlobalRights)

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (openSecurity, 50.50, Main Site Core Costs)

Roddick Foundation (Shine A Light)

Tedworth Charitable Trust (Main Site Core Costs, Exile Nation)

£80,000 - £100,000

HIVOS (50.50, Transformation)

Mott Foundation (oDR)

Oak Foundation (50.50)


Norwegian MFA (openSecurity)

Open Society Foundation (oDR)

Open Society Initiative for Europe (Main Site Core Costs)


Editorial partnerships

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Argentina (The human cost of global drug policy)

Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance (Participation Now, Creating Publics), Open University.

October 2012 - May 2015

Goldsmiths College (Liberalism in neoliberal times)

July 2014 - July 2015

International Center for Nonviolent Conflict (CivilResistance)

May 2011 - February 2016


Kings College London (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery)

April 2014 - ongoing

National Coalition for Independent Action (Localisms)

New Field Foundation (Our Africa)

The Open University (Oecumene - citizenship after orientalism)

October 2012 - March 2014

United Nations University-GCM  (Immigration, women and the city of Barcelona/Mediterranean journey of hope)

June 2015 - ongoing

University College, London (Brexit Divisions)

January - May 2016

University of Bristol (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery)

2014 - ongoing

University of Cambridge (Imagining Conspiracies: Suspect Science)

September - November 2015

University of Minnesota (openGlobalRights)

June 2013 - ongoing

University of Nottingham (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery)

2014 - ongoing

University of Sheffield (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery)

2014 - ongoing

University of Warwick, Gendered Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament programme (Political Aesthetics)

October 2012 - October 2013

University of West England, Social Science in the City (Europe the very idea)


Individual Donors 

Anne Lapping; Alex Graham; Carl Djerassi; Charles Ann Cotton; Charles Chadwyck-Healey; Clare Enders; Clive and Sue Hollick; Costas Carras; David Elstein; David and Elaine Potter; Dennis Stevenson; Diego Hidalgo; Ed Ross; Greg Dyke; Heidi Bergemann; Hermann Hauser; Jeremy Fox; Jeremy Hardie; Jo Stanislaw; John Jackson; John Mills; Judith Herrin; Kate Gavron; Mark Oliver; Nelly Munthe; Pamela Raspe; Reinhard Hesse; Tore Engebretsen

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