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  1. Recent Posts by Others on OurKingdomSee All
    •  Ha ha something that the British are good at. Lobbying on behalf of the city. Come on guys, whatever happened to making HP Sauce and steam engines? http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/rachel-tansey/brits-are-best-at-lobbying-eu-to-what-end
      11 · December 14 at 8:14am
    •  A last reminder: tonight is our talk and public debate on the BBC, its latest crisis, and what we want from the Corporation in the future. After all, the beeb belongs to us! So come join an open discussion on its future. Peter Oborne of The Telegraph, Jacky Davis of Keep Our NHS Public (talking about the BBC's pitiful health coverage), the playwright Omar El-Khairy and openDemocracy founder Anthony Barnett will be kicking off the debate, but the main participants will be you, the public. Some advance tickets are still available, just follow the link below. http://www.cafeoto.co.uk/opendemocracy-can-we-trust-the-bbc.shtm
      December 10 at 5:30am
    •  Thank god for Geoffrey Bindman! Read this on Britain's extradition law: how it works, and why it needs to change. A leading lawyer and chair of the british institution of human rights talking clear sense. Human Rights Europe Human Rights Campaign ArtistsFor HumanRights http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/geoffrey-bindman/extradition-muddled-unjust-in-desperate-need-of-reform
      December 6 at 5:29am
    •  If you weren't at our day-long event on how to open up the BBC and make it fit for the digital age, here is all the audio and video. Iain Overton on investigative journalism, Brian Eno on creativity, David Elstein and Lis Howell slogging it out over the licence fee.. and Clare Enders of Enders Analysis gives a potted summary of media trends now and projects for the future. If you care about the BBC at all, or don't care and want to see it scrapped, either way, this is good juicy meaty stuff. Check it out: Check the OurBeeb website. http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourbeeb
      December 4 at 9:57am
  2. you may have a vague notion that conditions *aren't great* for mothers in centres for asylum seekers. This piece hits you with the reality:

  3. Does global networking herald the death of the nation? What we're actually seeing are new national identities, new kinds of rootedness and belonging, emerging through the web. Here is an exploration: http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/alessandra-mcallister/of-nations-and-networks
  4. We are at 999 likes - come on, someone tip us over the line, its Xmas and all that.
  5. Could republicanism provide the model for a political economy that belongs to us all and works for the common good? OurKingdom’s new series explores this question, introduced here by its editor. - http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/stuart-white/democratic-wealth-exploring-ideas-for-citizens%E2%80%99-economy

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