07.12.2016 - 9:08 PM EDT

O'Reilly asks Trump whether it's true that there's bias against African-Americans in American society. Trump responds that sure, the system is rigged against him too. Video after the jump.

07.12.2016 - 12:32 PM EDT

After Ginsburg criticizes Trump, Trump says he wants her off the Court asap.

07.12.2016 - 11:24 AM EDT

I've been wanting to assign this piece for quite a while. It's owned by millions of law-abiding American gun owners. It's also the weapon of choice for mass shooters. This is our biography of the AR-15. From battlefield, to state of the art marketing, to mass shootings and mass popularity. Give it a read (sub. req.). And let me know what you think.

07.12.2016 - 9:49 AM EDT

After Dallas, Trump says "you were having big, big trouble in many cities. And I think that might be just the beginning for this summer."

07.12.2016 - 12:01 AM EDT

By endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, Bernie Sanders will finally and officially end his campaign for the presidency – and fittingly so. Was it all worth it? Political history is littered with dissident campaigns that made a splash but didn’t have much impact after they were over – Brown in ’92, McCain in 2000, and Huckabee and Edwards in 2008 – as well as those that did – Reagan in 1976, Hart in 1984, and Dean in 2004. It’s too early to tell about Sanders’ campaign, but here are several aspects in which Sanders either reinforced a trend or, perhaps, began one.

07.11.2016 - 11:21 PM EDT

I had intended to do this on Friday. But with the horrific news out of Dallas I decided to wait. I want to tell you about a major expansion of Prime, TPM's membership program. Over the next two months we're going to be rolling out a number of new features and additions. But the one I want to tell you about most is The Arch, a new longform magazine we're about to launch as part of Prime.

You'll see the first piece tomorrow, followed by another every two weeks.

David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and avid Donald Trump supporter, said...
A brief lockdown at the US Capitol and visitor’s center was lifted Tuesday afternoon...
Fox News announced Tuesday it had "mutually" halted its contributor agreement with former House...
President Obama gave an emotional speech Tuesday during an interfaith memorial service for the...
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will join a handful of Republican leaders planning...

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