- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 25458
In geometry, a diagonal is a line segment joining two vertices of a polygon or polyhedron, when those vertices are not on the same edge. Informally, any sloping line is called diagonal. The word "diagonal" derives from the ancient Greek διαγώνιος diagonios, "from angle to angle" (from διά- dia-, "through", "across" and γωνία gonia, "angle", related to gony "knee"); it was used by both Strabo and Euclid to refer to a line connecting two vertices of a rhombus or cuboid, and later adopted into Latin as diagonus ("slanting line").
In matrix algebra, a diagonal of a square matrix is a set of entries extending from one corner to the farthest corner.
There are also other, non-mathematical uses.
In engineering, a diagonal brace is a beam used to brace a rectangular structure (such as scaffolding) to withstand strong forces pushing into it; although called a diagonal, due to practical considerations diagonal braces are often not connected to the corners of the rectangle.
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehoweducation Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehoweducation Finding the length of a diagonal running through a rectangle only requires you to follow a few basic, easy to manage steps. Find the length of a diagonal running through a rectangle with help from a longtime math teacher in this free video clip. Expert: Marija Kero Filmmaker: Victor Varnado Series Description: Mathematics in some form is used almost constantly in our everyday lives, even if you don't necessarily realize it. Get tips that will make mathematics easier than ever before with help from a longtime math teacher in this free video series.
Be the first to check out our tutorial of Elsa's Textured French Braid from Disney's new movie "Frozen". Click to view, and subscribe there... http://youtu.be/7No-S07VaNc Feel free to also follow Charity {our model from the DisneysStyle tutorial above} here: http://www.youtube.com/CharityVanceMusic * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHDiagonalBowBraid Our viewers have asked for this tutorial ever since they saw a glimpse of it on Bailey way back when we introduced The Bow Braid {http://youtu.be/4ICAWFHaA7g} in May 2012. Making the bows really is not that difficult once you get the hang of it... our viewers were actually stumped trying to figure out where to get the hair for the bows. That is the main purpose of this tutorial. Enjoy, and feel free to sha...
Neste vídeo mostro como marcar é acentar cerâmica em diagonal passo a passo
A vídeo aula "SEGREDOS DO CORTE EM CERÂMICA DIAGONAL " tem como objetivo central, revelar segredos sobre medidas, dimensionamento de uma forma econômica e pratica, facilitando assim o entendimento tando para iniciantes como profissionais!!!! VÍDEO ANTERIOR: COMO COLOCAR CERÂMICA NA DIAGONAL FÁCIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsSXVwHCa1s COMO COLOCAR SOLEIRAS (PASSO A PASSO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pbenT70Y8o SE VOCÊ GOSTOU CURTI, COMENTA, COMPARTILHA E SE INSCREVA NO CANAL!!!!
Beneponce: Este video foi uma tentativa de editar no editor do youtube, mostrando como colocar pisos em diagonal em area retangular com mais de cinco metros de cumprimentos. Espero que gostem e sirva para tirar duvidas tambem.
Na vídeo aula "COMO COLOCAR CERÂMICA NA DIAGONAL", contém um conteúdo de fácil aprendizagem seguindo uma passo-a-passo didático, que pode ser compreendido tanto pelo iniciante como profissionais do ramo da construção civil. SE VOCÊ GOSTOU, DEIXE SEU "CURTI", COMPARTILHE O VÍDEO E SE INSCREVA NO CANAL! VEJA TAMBÉM: COMO COLOCAR SOLEIRAS (PASSO A PASSO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pben... DICAS DE COMO CONSERTAR PORTAS DE MADEIRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql_B3... CORTE DE CERÂMICA DIAGONAL(REVELANDO SEGREDOS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsm4T... DICAS DE COMO CONSERTAR PORTAS DE MADEIRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql_B36Q2Mho
Olá, vamos fazer um lindo tapete de crochê ? este é o tapete diagonal, fica muito lindo para decorar sua sala ♥ ▶ INSCREVA-SE no canal → http://goo.gl/mcBQT2 ▶ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/professorasimonecroche ▶ Instagram: http://instagram.com/crochedaprofessora ▶ Google+ : http://goo.gl/joAUsT Este é o canal da "Professora Simone Crochê", vídeos toda Segunda-feira e Quinta-feira as 09:00h da manhã. ▼ PLAYLISTS DE VIDEOS ▼ ★ Sapatinhos em Crochê: http://goo.gl/Vt1gGu ★ Lembrancinhas Maternidade : http://goo.gl/pdBgNq ★ Flores em Crochê : http://goo.gl/OAH58I ★ Toucas em Crochê : http://goo.gl/kT8Lf3 ★ Toalhas e Trilhos de Mesa : http://goo.gl/zIDiTq ★ Jogo de Banheiro em Crochê : http://goo.gl/sG6LQC ★ Jogo de Cozinha em crochê http://goo.gl/OkZxon ★ Tapetes em crochê : http://g...
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Even if I could take you away with me
Would I get out of this town?
I don't know now if there's something I'll get out of
this town
Summer sounds and the wind through my woolen clothes
When I get out and about
Round and around if there's something I'll get out of
this town
I don't know now if there's something I'll get out of
this town
Tell me, there're shoes hanging on the line
An hour to wet, a day to dry
We walk on a diagonal
Da-da-da-da and the lanes lead to everything
Will we be caught underground?
I don't know now if there's something I'll get out of
this town
I don't know now if there's something I'll get out of