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About Liz Cooper

Liz Cooper has worked in publishing for over 30 years. In the 70s she worked on the paper Shrew, the magazine Red Rag, and the Women’s Liberation Newsletter. She worked for 4 years for PDC, a radical publishing and distribution co-operative before moving on to the New Statesman in the 80s and briefly News on Sunday. She now lives in Northern Spain. Follow her on twitter @LizAnneCo.

Articles by Liz Cooper

This week's editor


Mairi Mackay is openDemocracy’s senior editor.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Spain, seriously?

As elections in Spain loom for the second time since October, the slogan of the caretaker government of the conservative Partido Popular (PP) “España en serio”  gets more surreal every day.

Gender violence in Spain: from electoral tool to decisive issue ?

As political parties in Spain struggle to form a government this week their commitment to dealing with violence against women is being put to the test.

La violencia contra las mujeres en España: ¿a quién le importa?

Ante las elecciones, todos los partidos políticos en España han hecho comentarios sobre la  violencia contra las mujeres. Pero la preocupación de los españoles por esta tragedia sigue siendo baja. English.

Violence against women in Spain: who cares?

Ahead of the election all the political parties commented on the level of violence against women, but public concern remains low. Is this the wake up call?

Spain's traditional parties: past their sell by date?

This week's TV debate between the young leaders of the new parties made clear that a fresh political scenario is being thrashed out between the left and the right, the past and the future.

Adam and Eve still leading Religious Studies in Spain

As the autumn political agenda gets off the ground in Spain with this weekend's vote on Catalunyan independence and the forthcoming General Election, will the antiquated education system get a look in?

Scandal and corruption: Spanish voters take their chances

With the two party system under threat in Spain following last week's elections, the right is sounding increasingly ridiculous as it accuses the left of trying to destroy constitutional democracy.

Podemos and gender: nods and winks

Are the politics of Podemos as revolutionary as they claim, or are they just the same set of rules in a new format for yet another club for the boys?

"Unas pocas cosas" (a few minor incidents)

Yet more political corruption throughout Spain; calls for the Prime Minister’s resignation; a new left-wing party challenging bipartisan politics. Is the Spanish electorate ready to change the rules of the game?

Abortion rights: victory for women in Spain

As the political analysts get into their stride over the Spanish Government's decision to back down over mediaeval reforms to the current abortion law, citing everything from conspiracy theories to a feminist victory, the Catholic Church has taken a beating and is busy churning out hate messages.

Gender inequality in Spain: glass ceiling or steel barrier?

From the law of succession to domestic violence, from political representation to the judiciary and the boardroom, from pay to reproductive rights, gender equality in Spain remains a distant goal

Spain progressing? Time for a reality check

The right-wing in Spain is getting back into its stride. Will the electorate use the opportunity of the imminent European elections to point out that being lied to by politicians and treated to unacceptable delays by the courts may not represent the type of modern democracy that many want to live in?

The Liberty Train: "Because I Decide"

A women’s group on the northern coast of Spain devised a plan to fill a train full of protestors against Government proposals to reform the abortion law by destroying a woman’s right to decide. “El Tren de la Libertad” - destination Madrid - was the result. Liz Cooper got on board at Valladolid.

Spain: national television, government tool?

The Spanish government's  determination to manipulate public television and treat viewers as idiots is backfiring. Liz Cooper reports on the response of the private sector, backed by social networks and free press

Spain: ruled by habit?

Anger amongst the Spanish electorate is rising fast amidst the dramatic events in a long-running corruption case implicating the Spanish Government. Liz Cooper says that above all the Spanish want stability, but where stability lies is now uncertain...

"Doublethink": the latest threat to women's rights in Spain

George Orwell’s “1984” is alive and well in Spain as the Minister for Justice talks- up plans to deny women the right to an abortion, says Liz Cooper

Spain: redefining democracy?

The Spanish prefer to describe themselves as picaresque or roguish, but the arrogance of the rich and endemic corruption in post-Franco Spain is changing attitudes.  Liz Cooper says that volcanic change is on the way 

The politics of sexual harassment in Spain

A scandal related to women’s rights and the socialist party in Spain, PSOE, broke out last month on International Women’s Day. Liz Cooper looks at a case of sexual harassment by politicians at work that is at the heart of the current row in the PSOE.

Ex-President Zapatero : the fate of the new political man

As a "convinced and proud feminist" José Luis Rodrigues Zapatero opted for feminist strategies and policies as a means of furthering democracy. Liz Cooper suggests his failure to be recognised is because in a patriarchal society, equal rights for women, homosexuals, the old and dependent, are not seen as the stuff of politics

Who will decide the future of Spain ?

Accusations of corruption against members of the “Partido Popular” far outstrip previous corruption scandals involving Government members. Liz Cooper asks whether the technically independent Judiciary will keep faith with the people, hold its nerve and bring the cases to court without delay to be tried free of political interference 

On the streets in Spain: not only the homeless

The monarchy, the political and economic systems, even the judiciary and the church appear to be failing the people of Spain as they face what amounts to a right-wing coup by a Government that legislates by decree. Their only option seems to be to protest on the streets, says Liz Cooper.

No more 'machismo': domestic violence in the political arena

Domestic violence in Spain can’t be blamed on ‘machismo’ argues Liz Cooper. When the statistics show Spain is just like other countries, Spanish feminists argue that it's time to get beyond the stereotype of a macho culture and see violence against women as a political issue. 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Spain: from 'los indignados' and '15 M' to the first strike by society

400,000 evictions, a hunger strike by Carmen Armaña, and the suicide of Amaia Egaña as the eviction police came up the stairs to put her family out on the street, have brought mass anger and fury at unjust political and financial decisions in Spain, says Liz Cooper

Abortion rights in Spain: back to the past

Spain's conservative right is taking the opportunity whilst in power at a time of economic crisis to revive its historic determination to suppress women's reproductive rights, putting the clock back nearly 30 years when abortion was first decriminalised

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