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Brexit is a 'working-class revolt' – if you're white and British

From Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, to London’s Chinatown, the UK’s vote to leave the EU feels threatening, divisive, and poisonous for Britain’s ethnic minority and migrant communities. - free thinking for the world

Racism is resurgent in the UK, and centre-left is partly to blame

Rather than engaging with the prejudices and misplaced fears of one section of the working class, the Labour party has given validation to forms of bigotry that have deep roots right across society. - free thinking for the world

Brexit is a 'working-class revolt' – if you're white and British

From Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, to London’s Chinatown, the UK’s vote to leave the EU feels threatening, divisive, and poisonous for Britain’s ethnic minority and migrant communities. - free thinking for the world

Racism is resurgent in the UK, and centre-left is partly to blame

Rather than engaging with the prejudices and misplaced fears of one section of the working class, the Labour party has given validation to forms of bigotry that have deep roots right across society. - free thinking for the world

The Sun trials

Racism and xenophobia are resurgent in the UK, and the centre-left is partly to blame

Rather than engaging with the prejudices and misplaced fears of one section of the working class, the Labour party has given validation to forms of bigotry that have deep roots right across society.

When they call Brexit a ‘working-class revolt’, they mean the white British working class

But from Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, to London’s Chinatown, the UK’s vote to leave the EU feels threatening, divisive, and poisonous for Britain’s ethnic minority and migrant communities.

Brexit to nowhere? Finding hope in convivial institutions

People want control of their lives back. Given the right institutions to work with, they can care for each other and so begin to heal a divided nation.

Brexit, the Somme and football

Often it seems that the deep historical roots of people’s experiences of exclusion go unconsidered.

Labour MP brings bill to Parliament to stop NHS privatisation

The NHS Bill – designed by NHS experts to rescue the NHS, and overwhelmingly backed by NHS campaigners – is back in parliament next week. Will MPs back it?

Press freedom in 'post-democracy': Greece

No one would disagree on the importance of press freedom and freedom of expression. But it is utterly naïve to disconnect press freedom from the notion of media power.

‘Parliament must leave London’ and 4 other ideas for Britain’s future post-Brexit

The UK voted to leave the EU -- so, what now? Here are some ideas from openDemocracy readers, including calls for migrant solidarity, for a general election and for new ways of organising party politics. 

My 350 on BREXIT: tackling the democratic deficit

The UK parliament requires a radical overhaul if it is to address public discontent.

Eton Mess: how the referendum result has exposed the fragility of our constitutional arrangements

The Brexit referendum has put added pressure on the UK's floundering constitution. It is time for a codified constitution.

Stolen debates: the financial crisis and Spanish media

Instead of acting as an open space for discussion and debate, Spanish media have been megaphones for the established powers supporting austerity measures and politics.

Chilcot tells us what we already knew – how do we implement?

Decisions to go to war don’t just analyze whether we can win. That is the easy part: the superiority of the western military machine makes this an absolute.

Irish MP calls for North and South to come together over Brexit

In a statement, SDLP MP Mark Durkan called on the Irish government to convene an All-Party Forum for political parties from the north and south of Ireland to consider issues arising from EU Referendum leave vote.

Chilcot's blind spot: Iraq War report buries oil evidence, fails to address motive

When the UK invaded, Iraq had nearly a tenth of the world's oil reserves -- and government documents "explicitly state" oil was a consideration before the war. Why didn't Chilcot explore it further?

The case is building for an end to BBC 'balance'

The BBC is required to provide impartial analysis of public affairs. It invented “balance” to avoid this obligation. It has been found out; it must mend its ways; or else.

Brexit: the cost of bad governance

The European Union referendum exposes routine failures in Britain's exclusive and personalised ruling system.

Will Chilcot mention the real reasons for the Iraq War and the hundreds of thousands who have died since March 2003?

As all sides are protecting their interests, who counts the lost lives alongside their own economic and political benefits?

A war of aggression

In Not The Chilcot Report (Head of Zeus books), Peter Oborne makes clear the erosion of trust between the British state and its public, as a result of the Iraq war.

The similarities between Suez in 1956 and Iraq in 2003 are uncanny

The Chilcot report will, at long last, draw lessons from the Iraq war of 2003 – which many experts have concluded was Britain’s worst strategic blunder since the Suez débâcle of 1956.

Sex workers fear for their lives as London borough pushes criminalisation

Last week, a home office select comittee released a report urging the decriminalisation of sex workers. Yet in Hackney, London, a national sex worker safety charity has expressed "grave concern" due to "a seismic shift towards criminalisation" in the borough.

Chilcot: the Kamel that broke Straw’s back

Who should have scrutinized government assertions on Iraqi WMD with greater commitment, demanding evidence? Other MPs? The BBC?

Austerity and 'Benefits Street' in Stockton-on-Tees

The myths on which Benefits Street was based – namely the myth of so-called “workless communities” – are demonstrably false; however the furore it has generated demonstrates that the politics of class and representation still matter.

Giving up control: where are we and what next?

The public as a whole – not just those who voted for Leave – have every right to have a say on what they would like to come next.

Blimey, it could be the unconstraining voice

Anthony Barnett’s book on BREXIT prompts the hope that Britain will continue to inspire both the US and Europe to ‘transcend ourselves by finding ourselves.’

Housing, immigration and the attack on multiculturalism

If the Immigration Act addresses who can live in the country, the Housing and Planning Act addresses who can live in particular cities. Together, these two acts will serve as pretext for an acceleration of social cleansing.

Labour must fight for our European rights (neither Corbyn nor his opponents have got the response to the crisis right)

This is probably the first opportunity since Blair’s disastrous Iraq venture fractured Labour’s support for Labour to reconstruct the alliance of left and centre which Blairites reminisce about.

Was truth the casualty of the BBC’s impartiality rules?

Following a referendum campaign in which the UK media has been accused of failing in their duty to educate, momentum is building to scrap, or revise, the BBC's impartiality rules.

Westminster must choose between leaving the EU and retaining the UK

History shows that attempts by Westminster to force Brexit on Scotland and Northern Ireland could spell the end of the Union.

Labouring on? It's time to leap

What is to be done about the Labour party in the UK?

Post-exit Britain: democracy or autocracy?

The people have voted on what they don’t want. Nobody has voted on what we do next. A general election must be called before Article 50 is triggered.

If dissensus is the new normal in Britain, we need a new media

An inquiry into the future of public service broadcasting in Britain launched its report days after the Brexit vote. It holds important clues to how we deal with the current breakdown of consensus.

Lord Puttnam: the BBC must confront a "total" loss of trust

The film producer and chair of a major inquiry into the future of public service broadcasting calls on the BBC to help rebuild trust in Brexit Britain.

Time to reimagine Europe

Over 17 million Britons voted to leave. The EU must hear this cry to deepen democracy, before it further awakens Europe's far right.

The constitutional crisis continues and Jeremy Corbyn has now made his great gamble

The UK shadow chancellor has asserted that attempts by MPs to remove Jeremy Corbyn are undemocratic. But this requires a very specific understanding of democracy.

After Chilcot

Will the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War lead to prosecutions?

Brexit: inequality, the media and the democratic deficit

When publics are abandoned, when their voices no longer matter and their identities are demolished through economic inequality, precarity and non-recognition, they lose faith in the political institutions that are supposed to represent them.

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