
Capitalism will save the planet

This week: 1. North Pole Freakout 2. Global Warming Greening the Planet 3. Obama’s strip tease 4. Dick Branson’s Plan B 5. Steward Brant’s Mutant Future 6. Tepco nukes the Pacific 7. Frack Off! 8. Stink bombs for miners 9. You can’t drink money 10. Di Nigunim 11. The Endgame...


¡Vieques Resiste!

Vieques is a small Caribbean island that boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It is home to generations of men and women, who survive from the bounty of the ocean and the land. It is also the stomping ground to thousands of feral horses. Vieques is...



***SPOILER ALERT*** Game of Thrones plot-line revealed in the video. You have been warned. What’s ironic about this post, is that I just started watching “Game of Thrones.” As I usually do when dealing with heartbreak, instead of escaping into substance abuse, I escape into the world of TV for...


Free Tar Sands B-Roll

For over 6 years has been talking shit about the Muthafuckin Tar Sands. But for the first time, we actually fuckin went there. So as a gift to video ninjas out there doing work to stop this bullshit, here’s some anti-copyright footage to use in your productions. Go to...


Direct Action stops Utah Tar Sands

The fight against the muthafuckin tar sands has intensified in the US Empire. Greedy land destroyers want to bleed the earth out of the last bits of oils, that are encrusted in the soil, this time in Utah. But the Muthafuckin resistance was there to greet the corporate death machine...


Uprising in Turkey

The folks from Global Uprisings, once again bring us an in depth documentary about a current rebellion. This time with a 30 minute report on the uprisings in Turkey. From their website: This short documentary tells the story of the occupation of Gezi Park, the eviction on July 15, 2013,...


Come Home to Roost

In this week’s sedition, we take a look at the so-called “War on Cops” in the United Snakes, simmering anti-cop sentiment in the UK and the fallout stemming from Turkey’s recent failed coup. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! On the musical break we’ve got Rocky Rivera...


A Brief History of the Modern Police

In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you this interview with Kristian Williams, author of “Our Enemies in Blue.” This was originally published in 2009. Save In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you...

Plague of Nationalism

The Plague of Nationalism

  This week we unpack the historic #Brexit vote in the UK, which has sparked a political crisis and generalized a populist anti-immigrant sentiment. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical break, we’ve got Caxton Press, with Broken Dreams. We then shift our attention to...



This week we catch up on the multi-layered insurrection taking place in France, where the state is struggling to get a handle on things, amidst regular protests, strikes, fuel shortages, and the general drunken chaos of soccer hooliganism. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical...



  This week we look at the current turmoil in South America, where the so-called “pink tide” is beginning to recede in Venezuela and Brazil as the United Snakes seeks to exploit political and economic crises for its geopolitical gain. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For...

Protesting migrants try to bring down part of a border fence as Macedonian police stand guard during clashes at a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece, April 10, 2016. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis

Smashing the Fortress

  This week, we take a look at the tens of thousands of migrants tapped in limbo in Europe, facing down the prospect of being deported back to the war zones they’ve just escaped. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical break, we’ve got The...

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