Federal Politics

Boost to Turnbull as Coalition takes the lead in two more cliffhanger seats

The Coalition has won a key cliffhanger seat and leads in two more, boosting Malcolm Turnbull's chances of forming a majority government.

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Vote counting continued on Saturday as the Australian Electoral Commission redoubled its efforts on six undecided seats.

It is now clear the Coalition has retained the Brisbane seat of Forde after incumbent Bert van Manen's lead grew from 783 votes to 915 with just 2500 left to count. The win puts Mr Turnbull's team on 74 lower house seats.

Malcolm Turnbull's Coalition is pulling further ahead of Bill Shorten's ALP.
Malcolm Turnbull's Coalition is pulling further ahead of Bill Shorten's ALP. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Coalition also took the lead in the Queensland seat of Capricornia, with Liberal incumbent Michelle Landry moving from 175 votes behind to 139 ahead.

The LNP also pulled ahead in Flynn, with incumbent MP Ken O'Dowd going from 7 votes behind Labor's Zac Beers to 261 ahead.


If the Coalition retains both it will have 76 in the House of Representatives - enough to govern in its own right.

It is also hopeful it can hold on to the Queensland seat of Herbert, which would boost its parliamentary buffer.

Labor's Cathy O'Toole led Ewen Jones by 318 votes on Saturday afternoon but postal votes could push him ahead.

Labor hopes to at least win the other two undecided seats: Hindmarsh in South Australia and Cowan in Western Australia.

However Labor's lead in Hindmarsh is slipping, down from 177 votes to 161. In Cowan, Labor leads by 399.

In total the Coalition has secured 74 seats, Labor 66 and the crossbench five.

Prime Minister Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten were both lying low on Saturday, enjoying a day off after the eight-week campaign leading up to July 2 and the subsequent week of uncertainty.

While Mr Shorten is yet to officially concede defeat, Mr Turnbull will form government. The only question is whether he will be able to govern in his own right or be forced to rely on crossbench MPs.

Queensland crossbencher Bob Katter and Victorian independent Cathy McGowan have both pledged confidence in the Coalition and support for supply in the event of a hung parliament.

Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie has rejected suggestions that he was supporting the Coalition or had done a deal with Mr Turnbull.

"I have made no deal with any party to help them form government," he said. "I do not pledge my support to any leader."

Mr Wilkie has said he will only vote in support of a no-confidence motion on the floor of the Parliament if there is a compelling reason.

There are reports Mr Turnbull is planning to reach out to conservative Liberals disaffected by his campaign, restoring Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to the national security committee of cabinet and promoting junior right-wing MPs to the outer ministry.

There is speculation too that Health Minister Sussan Ley could be dumped as part of a reshuffle amid concerns she did not do enough to combat Labor's "Medi-scare" campaign.

Australian Medical Association President Michael Gannon said he was surprised he did not see more of Ms Ley during the campaign.