featured blog posts

Steve Georgakis Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy and Sports Studies at the University of Sydney

Why The Dogs Turned Men Into Monsters

Bongarts/Getty Images
The gambling that goes along with greyhound racing and racing in general is what has driven it to become a corrupt and abusive sport.

How Do You Tell Your Child That One Day She'll Be Hated?

Getty Images/PhotoAlto
The sad thing about humanity is that there will always be people who look for the negative. They feed off hate, intolerance, rejection of anything different from them. And because my loving, clever, outrageously funny little girl happens to be a brown-skinned Muslim of Middle Eastern descent, she will eventually become a victim of this loathing.

Katie Ahmed Mum, wife and lover of coffee who longs for the day we can all get along

I Had My DNA Tested. The Rest Is History

Getty Images/OJO Images RF
On Mother's Day this year, while many mothers were receiving their gifts of bath salts and aromatherapy soaps bought from school Mother's Day Stalls across the country, I was receiving my gift: an AncestryDNA test kit.

Dee Broughton Teacher, freelance writer, television addict

My Four-Month-Old Is Smarter Than Me

Getty Creative
Never underestimate a baby. My son can barely hold his head up, but he's already much smarter than I am. Just last weekend we went to Melbourne as a family and he showed me how little I know about parenthood.

Adrian Pokorny Doctor and father, not in that order

Truth Is, Business Books Need More Fiction

Justin Case
And although the focus on empathy in the workplace and the new breed of business books is heartening, I wonder whether non-fiction is the best place for business managers and leaders to gain an understanding of empathy. I believe that Cloudstreet, Animal Farm or Harry Potter could be a better place to start.

Fleur Morrison Reader, writer, blogger at www.readability.com.au

When A Man Snaps...

Stu Spence
This week's three photions include the inspiration behind Angry Birds, a groom who's a great 'catch', and how you can tell if the fish are biting.

When A Man Snaps Publisher of photions... photographs with captions

Facebook's News Feed Has Gone To The Dogs

Chris Helgren / Reuters
Saving animals from cruelty is a good deed. No doubt about that. I respect Baird for being bold enough to do something, but my Facebook 'friends' are focusing on conspiracy theories and suggesting there's more to it than the welfare of the dogs.

Aimie Rigas Engagement Editor, HuffPost Australia

The Chilcot Report: Too Little, Too Late

Jason Reed / Reuters
If there were real justice in the world today, Tony Blair and his ilk would be held accountable before a tribunal. So, too, would George W. Bush and his fellow American decision-makers.

Scott Ritter Author, ‘Dangerous Ground’

I Took A Shot At A Break From Alcohol

Matthew Micah Wright
As General Practitioners, my parents have been dealing drugs their whole lives. I was never smart enough to get into medicine (thankfully) but I did manage to find myself picking up the family business of dealing drugs at a young age.

Chris Raine Founder of Hello Sunday Morning, a movement towards a better drinking culture

Why The Cops Who Shot Alton Sterling Will Go Free

The bottom line is not about whether or not these officers go to jail; they won’t. It’s about gathering support and continuing to recruit people to a movement who haven’t yet been receptive to the message.

A. B. Wilkinson Assistant Professor of History, University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV)

Safe Injection Rooms Would Save Lives

Denis Balibouse / Reuters
Having lost a child and worked with so many families in the same position, it is a pain that never dissipates. And while we cannot bring our own children back, we can sure as hell try and make sure such tragedy and pain doesn’t happen for other families.

Tony Trimingham Vice President and Co-Founder of Harm Reduction Australia and CEO of Family Drug Support

Why I Voted To Spend Last Saturday At A Polling Booth

Tim Wimborne / Reuters
This is close to democracy’s finest hour. This is why I ask my children to vote, and to ensure their vote counts. Because when we lift that pencil to number those boxes to select our representatives, we literally have the future of our country in our hands.

Larissa Dann Parent, parent educator and coach, writer/blogger

Pauline Is No Punching Bag

If Hanson sees herself as a scapegoat, it means that she takes no responsibility for her policies and ideas, as if she is just the messenger -- which is absolutely not true.

Nama Winston Recovering solicitor, who now just wants us all to be nicer to each other

No One Wants to See ISIS Defeated More Than Muslims

The so-called Islamic State is the enemy of Islam. In fact, ISIS is the enemy of Judaism, Christianity, Yazidism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, atheism and all others who oppose its evil and barbaric agenda. The difference, however, is that Muslims suffer by far the most from ISIS’ horrific attacks.

Dean Obeidallah Political comedian, SiriusXM radio show host and commentator

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Dementia

Andrew Bret Wallis
While there can be no guarantee that following a brain healthy lifestyle will prevent dementia, there is increasing evidence it can help to maintain normal cognition and potentially delay the onset of symptoms by a number of years.

Jenny Brockis Medical practitioner, healthy brain advocate and future mind planner

Pope Francis Should Apologise For His Own Hateful Words Against Gays

Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters
Last week the media gave a lot of attention to Pope Francis agreeing that the Catholic Church owed an apology to gays. But his statement, while positive on its face, deflected from horrendous remarks Francis himself made in the past and which he can and should personally apologize for right now.

Michelangelo Signorile Queer Voices Editor-at-Large, The Huffington Post


