Palm oil – share your stories, ideas and experiences with us

As we begin a new year of our palm oil coverage, let us know your ideas and questions on the topic, and whether you’d like to write for us

Workers collect oil palm fruits
Workers collect oil palm fruits at a plantation in Sepang, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photograph: Bazuki Muhammad/Reuters

For the last year, Guardian Sustainable Business has delved into the world of palm oil with our palm oil debate series – now we want to hear from you.

Whether you work in the palm industry, you study the commodity, you campaign on it or you’re simply interested, we want to hear your stories.

We began our palm oil work with an award-winning interactive, which follows the journey of palm oil from the rainforest to your cupboard. Since then we’ve covered countries from Italy to India, and Cameroon to Indonesia, exploring the problems and potential solutions.

This year we want to dig deeper. We’ll be documenting who’s doing what where when it comes to strengthening sustainability in the palm oil supply chain, exploring the alternatives to the prolific ingredient and running an “off the record series”, inviting palm oil insiders and campaigners to write honestly and anonymously about what’s going on in the industry.

Want to suggest ideas for topics you think we should investigate? Want to contribute? Fill in the form below or email with “palm oil debate” in the subject line.