Cities around the world: show us the healthy spaces in yours

Do you live in a city and have a favourite skatepark, rooftop garden, or outdoor gym? Share your photos with us via GuardianWitness

New York
Gapstow bridge in Central Park, New York City. Show us the healthy spaces in the city where you live via GuardianWitness. Photograph: Alamy
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Cities have been linked with killer air pollution and increased stress levels. But surely life in the world’s concrete jungles can’t be all bad, or why would so many of us live in them? In among the mix of tower blocks and tarmac is someone’s favourite park, or hill with a view. We’d like to see yours.

Show us the healthy spaces in your city. This could be your local lido or outdoor gym, the nearby skatepark or basketball court. Maybe your workplace has a rooftop garden or you’ve recently come across a smoke free space, or some creative public health messaging.

Share your photos with us and we’ll feature the best contributions on the site.

You can share your photos, videos and stories by clicking on the blue “Contribute” buttons or use the Guardian app by searching for “GuardianWitness assignments”.

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