Eyes are the organs of vision. They detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. In higher organisms, the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, converts this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmits these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain. Eyes with resolving power have come in ten fundamentally different forms, and 96% of animal species possess a complex optical system. Image-resolving eyes are present in molluscs, chordates and arthropods.
The simplest "eyes", such as those in microorganisms, do nothing but detect whether the surroundings are light or dark, which is sufficient for the entrainment of circadian rhythms. From more complex eyes, retinal photosensitive ganglion cells send signals along the retinohypothalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic nuclei to effect circadian adjustment and to the pretectal area to control the pupillary light reflex.
Walk Among Us is the debut full-length album from the American horror punk band Misfits. The band's first full-length album to be released (although it was actually the third to be recorded, after Static Age and 12 Hits from Hell), it was originally co-released by Ruby and Slash Records as JRR804 in March 1982.
Walk Among Us is the product of a January 1982 recording session at Quad Teck in Los Angeles, California in which Glenn Danzig, for the most part, remixed previously recorded songs, overdubbing additional guitar tracks. Danzig also recorded new vocals for "Vampira" and mixed for the first time the live recording of "Mommy Can I Go Out & Kill Tonight?" that was recorded at the same time as the Evilive release.
The majority of the songs were originally recorded in a variety of sessions throughout early 1981 at the Mix-O-Lydian Studio in Boonton, New Jersey. The dates of these sessions are unknown, but they were all mixed at one time. "Vampira", "Devils Whorehouse", and "Astro Zombies" were recorded and mixed separately at Mix-O-Lydian in August 1981. "Hatebreeders" was recorded in June 1981 at Newsoundland in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. "Mommy Can I Go Out & Kill Tonight?", the only live track on the album, was recorded on December 17, 1981 at the Ritz in New York, New York.
Live is an album by The Dubliners recorded live at the Fiesta Club,Sheffield and released on the Polydor label in 1974. This was to be Ronnie Drew's last recording with The Dubliners for five years as he left to pursue a solo career. Also following this album, Ciarán Bourke ceased to be a full-time member of the group when he suffered a brain hemorrhage. He sings "All for Me Grog" here. The reels that open this album (and which first were released on the group's 1967 studio album A Drop of the Hard Stuff) have become the opening instrumental medley at most of their concerts since.
Side One:
Side Two:
Live is an album by Elkie Brooks. Recorded live on tour in 1999 and 2000, it was released on CD in 2000 through JAM Records.
Since the album was only available on tour, it was not chart eligible.
Live is Jake Shimabukuro's 2009 solo album. It was released in April 2009, and consists of live in-concert performances from various venues around the world, including New York, Chicago, Japan, and Hawaii.
Live peaked at number 5 in Billboard's Top World Music Albums in 2009 and 2010. The album won the 2010 Na Hoku Hanohano Award for Instrumental Album of the Year, and also garnered Shimabukuro the award for Favorite Entertainer of the Year. In addition, it won the 2010 Hawaii Music Award for Best Ukulele Album.
AllMusic noted that, "Shimabukuro is a monster musician and boldly takes the ukulele where no ukulele has ever gone before, dazzling listeners with his blinding speed, melodic invention, and open-ended improvisations of remarkable virtuosity. Before Shimabukuro, the idea of spending an evening listing to a solo ukulele player was probably most people's idea of hell, but the 17 solo efforts here never bore. They show Shimabukuro's range and his humor as well."
"Hollow" is a song co-written and recorded by American singer Tori Kelly for the reissue of her debut studio album, Unbreakable Smile (2015). It was first released to digital retailers October 19, 2015 as the album's third official single before impacting American contemporary hit radio on November 3, 2015, and serves as the lead single from the reissue. Co-written by singer-songwriters Hayley Warner and Zac Poor, the midtempo pop song addresses Kelly's faith and has been described as a "love song to God."
"Hollow" is a midtempo sentimental ballad written by Tori Kelly with singer-songwriters Hayley Warner and Zac Poor and co-produced by Adam Anders and Peer Åström with a duration of three minutes and thirty seconds (3:30). It is a pop song that incorporates synthesizers, piano and drums in its instrumentation. The song begins with synths and piano "fluttering" in the background, emphasizing Kelly's vocals, before building to a more bombastic production style with the inclusion of the drum and hand-clap percussion. Lyrically, the song describes a hollow life becoming filled with love, which Kelly attributes to her faith, describing "Hollow" as her "love song to God."
I must destroy this crippling skin.
I must deny, these wayward thoughts.
A prisoner to myself, this grip is suffocating.
I need out.
Remove this flesh, hollow out my eyes.
Remove this flesh, shed the scab, & hollow out my eyes.
A prisoner to myself, this grip is suffocating.
It's wrapped around my neck, its devastating
To see these walls
To see these walls cave in
Walls cave in
It's devastating
It's devastating me
This is the reaping.
You will reap what you sow.
This is the reaping.
I'm casting this down.
I'm casting down my idols
I'm putting down everything
I'm ready to be moved,
And set aside.
I'm ready to be moved,
Be moved aside
I'm broken for you, seeking only you.
Only you.
I will not be shaken,