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Creating a new
mobile lifestyle
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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by providing the best UX across mobiles

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by leveraging the best of social messaging

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by making rich apps that entertain people

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by providing apps for unlimited mobile VoIP

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by connecting people through mobile Video-over-IP

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by letting people share their best moments

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by watching TV in any device

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by unleashing mobile telephony services to work remotely

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by providing enterprise messaging with reliable delivery

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by connecting working people anywhere, in any device

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Creating a new mobile lifestyle

by using the phone for payments

WIT has 5 white-label products, targeted to Mobile Operators, that provide added value to their customers.