Topic of the Week: Attacks and Organization

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

The past few weeks have had a few more headliners than usual when it comes to death by bullet. While police and soldiers are killing people consistently throughout the year, the other recent attacks happen less often. What is consistent for these other shootings is that despite differences in personal motivation, there really haven't been any organizations to claim them. They have been so-called lone wolves, taking action towards whatever targets they decide.


Live in the moment: the Situationists & Pokemon Go

  • Posted on: 12 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Overland - by Jeff Sparrow

Over the last few days, the streets have filled with Situationists, as Pokemon Go sends its legions of players out on prolonged dérives.
OK, the comparison’s slightly ridiculous. Yet consider Situationist pioneer Guy Debord’s description of the dérive, the psychogeographic technique his coterie was trialling in Paris in the fifties:

(Video) Greece: Refugees reveal the living conditions at Shisto Refugee Camp during Anarchist protest

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On Thursday 30 June 3016 an anarchist demo took place in solidarity to refugees, outside the Shisto concentration camp (on the outskirts of the city of Athens) following a call by the Assembly of Anarchists for Social and Class Emancipation. During the solidarity demo many witness reports were documented, detailing the harsh living conditions in the camp resulting form the EU policy of closed borders.

Video at

The Clarity of Rupture: Dallas and Los Angeles

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Lucha No Feik

On October 28, 1967 Huey Newton allegedly killed police officer John Frey. Up until that moment the Black Panther Party, barely a year old and only around one hundred members deep, had only engaged in police patrols, established community defense initiatives, planned rallies for Denzil Dowell who was shot dead by police in Richmond,CA, and enacted the spectacularized armed protest at the California State Assembly. October 28, 1967 marked a significant turning point in the tenor of the BPP and the broader Black Power movement. This singular action became both a moment of division and clarification that went on to set the tone for a future wave of struggles.

Athens: Summary of sentences in the CCF escape case trial

  • Posted on: 9 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On July 8th 2016, the Koridallos prison court – presided over by special judge Asimina Yfanti – convicted all members of the anarchist revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who were accused of placing an explosive device at Koridallos tax office; sending a parcel bomb to the police station in Itea (in retaliation for the murder of inmate Ilir Kareli by prison guards); sending a letter bomb to the home of Dimitris Mokkas (special appellate judge against terrorism); planning an armed escape from Koridallos prison (dubbed “Gorgopotamos project”); and possession of firearms, explosives and anti-tank RPGs with the purpose of “disrupting the country’s social, economic and political life.” Furthermore, in relation to these charges, they were convicted of “direction of a terrorist organisation” and incitement (“moral instigation”) to four attempted homicides.

Vegan Anarchist Manuel Salas to be Released from Prison

  • Posted on: 9 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Manuel Salas, a vegan animal rights activist who was arrested for arson (unrelated to his animal rights activism) a few months before his 19th birthday, is scheduled to be released from prison on August 20th, 2016 after more than a decade in prison. In addition to his initial 12-year sentence, Manuel was sentenced to an additional 4.5 years after being charged with felony criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct stemming from an escalation of a protest against the facility for denying him vegan food.

Legal fees for attacking cops in Montreal

  • Posted on: 8 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On June 13, 2016 in Montreal, a judge sentenced me to 3 years of probation and 125 hours of community service for a memorable event that took place during the 2015 May Day in Montreal. I also have $600 of judicial fees to pay in 45 days. For this, I need your help. But in addition, I’ll offer you the delicious testimony of the cop who got beat while arresting me!

Sydney: Anarchist anti-electoral campaign

  • Posted on: 7 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Over the past two months some anarchists around Sydney mounted a campaign against politics and the democratic process.

This election takes place in a period of historic disillusionment with the political spectacle and the politicians who represent it, and never before have so many parties been on offer, to direct that mistrust back into the electoral process.
