Comrade accused in 2013 Aachen bank robbery case arrested in Amsterdam (Netherlands)

July 8th, 2016

From contra-info:

This morning, 6 July, our anarchist comrade was arrested in Amsterdam by an arrestatieteam. This is in connection to an accusation by the Aachen (DE) prosecution in regards to a bank robbery in 2013. The call for solidarity stands. We are fucking angry.

For more information about this repressive story & updates in dutch, english and german: solidariteit.noblogs.org

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YPG International – Official information portal for the Rojava Revolution (Kurdistan, Syria)

July 8th, 2016

Hello friends, comrades, supporters, revolutionaries,

we are glad to present you our new homepage


YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first hand information for everyone who is interested in our struggle, in people’s revolution of Rojava, in Kurdistan and in a democratic Syria. YPG International is the international path to the Rojava Revolution, the official path to support YPG in Rojava.

YPG strives for a democratic, ecologic, and anti-patriarchal system of self-organisation; it takes its power from the people and fight for the people. We struggle to defend the dignity of being a human when there is no one around to defend it and to create an ethico-political society in order to realize ideals of equality, justice, freedom, and self-determination. We wage a war against all forms of fascism and capitalist hegemony that try to enslave the peoples and destroy the nature. We get our inspiration from the philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan whose ideas have become a torch in the jungle of oppression for the poor and the downtrodden; not only in Kurdistan but also in all around the world.

YPG is more than a military force. It is a revolutionary organization that protects the transformation towards the ethico-political society against its external and internal enemies in accordance with the principles of democratic confederalism. So its fundamental mission is to defend the people and the Rojava Revolution. Read the rest of this entry »

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Imprisoned comrades of CCF sentenced to 115 years each for the attempted prison escape (Greece)

July 8th, 2016

08.07.16: Breaking news from Greece: 10 Conspiracy of Cells of Fire defendants sentenced to 115 years each for the attempted prison escape. Relatives / loved ones of the CCF comrades – Evi Statiri, Athena Tsakalou and Christos Polydoros have all been released, while the other 15 defendants received shorter sentences. More news as it becomes available.

Solidarity with the CCF comrades and their families and loved ones!

For an insurrectionary response of international solidarity to the vengeful ‘justice’ of the Greek state!

via InsurrectionNews

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Helsinki joined international days of action for Russian political prisoners (Finland)

July 8th, 2016

After Tel Aviv, Helsinki joined the solidarity campaign. A picket in the center of the city was organised. 1st of July, in the opposite side of the railway station, around 10 anarchists stood with a banner “Freedom to Crimean prisoners” (Vapaus Krimin vangeille) with pictures of Oleg Sentsov and Alexandr Kolchenko, and “Freedom for all political prisoners” (in English). Few hundred leaflets were spread. Goal of the action was to spread information about constant repressions in Russia against those in disagreement with Putin’s politics, and against ongoing bloodshed in Ukraine. Leaflets had the following demands:

– Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine, and both sides of the conflict must fulfill the obligations of the Minsk II peace treaty
– Russia should release all Crimean tatars, anarchists, antifascists and other imprisoned anti-war activists. All illegally detained people in Donetsk and Lugansk areas should be released.


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Sabotage of political offices in solidarity to detained migrants (Australia)

July 8th, 2016

On the 2nd July, the day of the federal election in so-called Australia, we glued locks, graffitted and broke the windows of Liberal and Labour MP offices across Narrm/so-called Melbourne.
We did this in solidarity with those on Manus Island, Nauru and in detention centres everywhere. End the border & prison industrial complex. End white supremacy.

[three photos here]

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Posted in No Borders |

Call for a Black July, plus a chronology of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94 (Germany)

July 8th, 2016

We appreciate the call for a Black July from Rigaer 94. Many comrades in a lot of countries followed the call for a Black December of Nikos Romanos (Greek Prisoner) . It’s not just about the Rigaer 94 that people now connect and think about strategies, attack different enemies of our freedom and struggle against the cops and the system.

Especially in Germany the fight against the system was weak the last years. People were not able to combine their fights and actions without dissociating from others. The question of violence was not discussed anymore and the alliances got wider and more in accordance to the system. Now there is a house that struggles without compromises, maybe their attitude impressed some of us, some still think that they should have brought their house themselves and could be “free” now. But the sign they send, saying that they keep their status and fight, now shows it’s effect on a lot of us. It’s a window that opens up for a short time that we should use to stand together. A moment when we are fucking angry and use our strength to go on the streets and take them back!

Thanks to all of you who used the concept of Tag X to show your solidarity with the Rigaer 94 and their ideas!

For a Black July

Let us feel the heat coming from our hearts to the streets every night
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Santiago: Acción en el marco del mes por la tierra y contra el capital (Chile)

July 7th, 2016

English translation

5 de Julio. Camufladxs por la ciudad nos dirigimos a unas improvisadas instalaciones de maquinarias retroexcavadoras junto a varios container donde dormían algunxs custodixs. Dos bombas de ruido lanzamos a la infraestructura como ataque contra quienes devastan la tierra sin cuestionamientos amparadxs por el Poder.

¡Fuerza Natalia Collado! Tus palabras nos llenan de frenesí y nos inspiran para contribuir de alguna manera (por mínima que sea) a la lucha contra el Dominio.

No olvidamos a Sebastián Oversluij a más de dos años de su muerte en combate en una tentativa de expropiación. Abrazamos sus ideas y actos que en vida defendió fieramente. La defensa de la tierra, lxs animales y la guerra contra toda inmunda autoridad.


Frente de Liberación de la Tierra – FLT

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

2 comrades arrested, accused of throwing molotov bottles at the police (Chile)

July 5th, 2016

Two comrades, Jean Gutiérrez Zambrano and Andrés Aravena Sotelo, are being held on remand for 90 days for investigations. They were arrested following films and police controls relating to a students’ demo organized by Confech (Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile) on 9th June in Santiago of Chile. Prosecutor Sebastián Gana accuses the comrades of having thrown molotov bottles at cop cars at various times during the demo.

More info: Publicacion Refractario
via: croceneranarchica.
Translated by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan trial will end this week (Greece)

July 5th, 2016

Hearing of June 29th

On Wednesday the court heard the speech of the prosecutor I. Koutra. The speech went for almost the whole hearing which is approximately six hours. The bastard devoted himself to criticizing the approaches of anarchists and the actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, defending the existence of the state, laws, judges and police officers and proclaiming that a world without judges or prisons is something ‘cute’ but impossible.

Regarding the charges that he is seeking to convict the CCF comrades with, the prosecutor suggested to the judges that they convict them for ‘directing’ a terrorist organization, attempted murder, the possession and supply of weapons and explosives, explosions that ‘risk human life’, vehicle theft and attempted escape.

The prosecutor also suggested that the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou be convicted of belonging to a terrorist organization and possession and supply of explosives.

For Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri he suggested that the charge of participation in a ‘terrorist’ organization be discarded, which rules out for them a sentence of 10-20 years. For Christos Polydoros he also suggested that same charge be discarded however he suggested that the comrade be convicted for the strange accusation of ‘facilitating the membership of a terrorist organization’ under the idea that the comrade would have helped Angeliki join the CCF. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Rigaer 94 Action Day 05.07.16 (Germany)

July 5th, 2016

Each day is Day X until we got Kadterschmiede back
…and until the existence of Kanal, Linie, Potse/Drugstore, M99 is no longer threatened.
The list of projects in Berlin facing eviction is long. The pressure on alternative living spaces and other places where me can meet up, exchange our ideas and develop alternatives is constantly increasing. So is our anger. We’re pissed off.

On June 22nd cops broke into R94 at 7:30am without prior notice. They were sent by a politician acting on the demands of a former Apartheid attorney. In the following process of eviction they destroyed most of Kadterschmiede, the yard and the ground floor and threw out everything that was left. Since then the rest of the house is under siege by security and cops.

The people living in R94 have been assaulted verbally, physically and sexually by the besiegers. They have lost any kind of privacy and are facing random controls when entering their home. People without papers who had been living in the house so they don’t have to face the dehumanizing situations in the Lager (=official refugee camps) before the attack had to rashly leave their homes and have been unable to return. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

A-Radio: The defense of the Rog factory squat in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

July 5th, 2016

In cooperation with Crna Luknja, the anarchist radio show on Radio Student in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, we produced the following interview on the ongoing struggle against the attempted eviction of Rog, a former bicycle factory and an active squat for 10 years now. The interview focuses on the resistance against the attempts of eviction by the city as well as Nazi attacks and also on the political framework right now in Slovenia.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 13:00 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here.

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Posted in Interviews |

Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento Sunday July 10th (USA)

July 5th, 2016

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on the West Capitol steps in Downtown Sacramento.

They never made it onto those steps. within seconds of stepping onto the capitol they were chased away by a large crowd of anti-fascists. Over 300 anti-fascists and anti-racists had converged hours before the planned march in an attempt to shut it down. When 20 or so white supremacists armed with shields and adorned with TWP imagery attempted to take those steps they were attacked with rocks, bottles, knives, bats, fists, pepper spray and anything that those antifa could get their hands on. They were chased for blocks and when they attempted to escape in a waiting car, all of its windows were smashed out.

In the end it wasn’t only white supremacist blood that splattered the ground. Several antifa comrades had also been stabbed, received knife wounds and suffered serious injuries. Later, the leader of the TWP would call the blood pouring from the chests of our friends a “victory” for him and his bonehead brethren.

Boneheads like the TWP and GSS are only the most obvious and explicit manifestations of white-supremacy. The police, the media and countless other institutions uphold white-supremacy in our everyday lives. On the 26th, anti-fascists fought against the police and the media as well as the more explicit racist in the streets. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

Bloomington, Indiana: Noise demonstration at the local jail (USA)

July 5th, 2016

On the night of July 4th, a small group of individuals had a noise demonstration at the local jail. We shouted to those held captive, lit off fireworks and smoke bombs, and scattered hundreds of leaflets.

There is no point in waiting until there are enough people, until the time is right: you will be waiting forever. Small, modest actions are the necessary groundwork for revolt. You do not need great numbers to do meaningful things.

Text from the leaflet:


Solidarity with those in revolt behind prison walls.
Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Eric King.
Prisons cannot stop anarchy.
War against power.

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Posted in Direct Action |

Sept 9th – International Call to Action against Slavery (USA)

July 5th, 2016

Hello comrades abroad!,

We are getting in touch with you today to inform you about a historical day of action happening in the United States and to make a call for international solidarity actions, both inside and outside prisons across the world!

On September 9th, 2016, prisoners across the United States will be conducting work stoppages, hunger strikes and other forms of action in a call to end prison slavery. The call was originated by organizers from the Free Alabama Movement. A national coalition of community groups associated with the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, Anarchist Black Cross chapters and others throughout the country have come together to build a national support network to push for a final end to prison slavery.

To achieve this goal, we need support from the international community.

We hope that prisoner support groups in the across the globe will hold solidarity demos and inform prisoners they are in contact with about the September 9th day of action. This spring and summer will be seasons of organizing, spreading the word, building networks of solidarity and showing that we’re serious and what we’re capable of. We ask that you organize some sort of solidarity action and help spread the word to prisoners in your area. We hope that the fires of prison rebellion spread from the United States to prisons across the globe! With one unified voice of rebellion we can send a strong message to captors across the globe that the iron bars of their cage cannot contain our thirst for freedom! Read the rest of this entry »

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