
Dallas shooting: Who was Micah Xavier Johnson?

Dallas, Texas: They called him X – as in his middle initial. Some thought him cool – "not a violent or rough dude," in the judgment of Israel Cooper, a mate who'd known him for a couple of years.

When Micah Xavier Johnson was four years old, his African-American parents split.

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It was back in 1996, but the family still hung in Dallas' eastern suburbs – his father James remarried and moved up the road, to Garland; his mother Delphene still has a smart home in working-class Mesquite, and that's where Johnson lived, along with a sister, Nicole, and his disabled brother, Tevin.

The parents were community spirited – his mother did church work; his father was part of the local neighbourhood watch. And despite the divorce, the father was back every two weeks, to mow the grass; and the paternal grandfather stayed on in the mother's home till his death last year.

Micah Xavier Johnson who shot dead five police officers, injuring seven more in Dallas last week.
Micah Xavier Johnson who shot dead five police officers, injuring seven more in Dallas last week. 

As a kid, Johnson was a bit of a lark – "fun-loving and goofy", according to a friend; "a sweet-hearted joker", according to another. But in secondary school he became a bit of a loner – "stand-offish…keeping to himself," a neighbour thought.

Johnson obsessed about military-grade weapons and talked from an early age about joining the US Army. At the local John Horn High School, he joined the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, the US equivalent of Australia's military cadet corps; and on graduating in 2009, he joined the Army Reserves, a part-time program which made him eligible for deployment to foreign conflicts.


Next-door neighbour Avis Blanton has fond memories of that stage of Johnson's life – often as she set out for a five-block walk, to take her then seven-year-old son to school, Johnson would take-over, telling her: "Hey Ms Avis. I got this."

"He was a good kid… truly, truly good," Blanton told a reporter.

Micah Xavier Johnson, right, with Professor Griff of Public Enemy who denies knowing him.
Micah Xavier Johnson, right, with Professor Griff of Public Enemy who denies knowing him. Photo: Facebook

Johnson was smart too, but the jobs he landed were going nowhere. He did a stint as foreman at a company that distributed fliers; and as a shift manager and driver at a Jimmy John's sandwich franchise, in suburban Richardson.

Caitlyn Lennon, 27, worked with Johnson at the sandwich joint. She recalls his distrust of the police and an enthusiasm for guns – he had shown her his long guns and handguns during the two years they had worked together.

FBI agents and other law enforcement officers investigate the scene of Thursday's night shooting in Dallas.
FBI agents and other law enforcement officers investigate the scene of Thursday's night shooting in Dallas.  Photo: AP

In 2013, Johnson's reserve unit, the 420th Engineer Brigade based in Seagoville, Texas, deployed to Afghanistan. His rank - private first class; his specialty – carpentry and masonry; his location – the sprawling Bagram Air Base, north of the capital, Kabul.

Johnson underwent combat training. But he was confined to base for virtually his entire deployment – there is no record of him being injured or even seeing combat; the service medals he was awarded were the kind soldiers get merely for turning up – as opposed to displaying courage or bravery.

Emergency responders administer CPR to an unknown patient on a stretcher in Dallas.
Emergency responders administer CPR to an unknown patient on a stretcher in Dallas. Photo: AP

Sarah Castaneda recalls serving alongside Johnson in Afghanistan, describing him as "my battle buddy, my brother in arms". But the evidence suggests that in Afghanistan Johnson might have started to unravel – just six months into the deployment, in 2014, he was accused of sexually harassing a female colleague and was sent home in disgrace, with a recommendation that he be shunted with an "other than honourable" discharge.

The detail is murky. But Bradford Glendenning, a military lawyer appointed to represent Johnson, concluded his behaviour must have been pretty bad – the word he uses is "egregious" – because, he said, discipline for sexual harassment rarely went beyond counselling in the military.

Worshipers pray and sing during a "United To Heal Prayer Vigil" at Cathedral Guadalupe, in honor of the slain police ...
Worshipers pray and sing during a "United To Heal Prayer Vigil" at Cathedral Guadalupe, in honor of the slain police officers in Dallas. Photo: AP

Wells Newsome, a soldier who claimed to have served with Johnson, is derisory: "We all knew he was a pervert because he got caught stealing girls' panties". And in her formal complaint, Johnson's accused claimed he had bought her Victoria's Secret underwear – unsolicited.

Asking that Johnson get "mental help", the woman, thought to be a fellow-Texan, demanded "a protective order against PFC Johnson pertaining to myself, my family, home, restaurant and any other place of residence I may reside at."

Crystal Delgado comforts her children Brielle, 8, and Dasani, 10, at a makeshift memorial in honor of the slain Dallas ...
Crystal Delgado comforts her children Brielle, 8, and Dasani, 10, at a makeshift memorial in honor of the slain Dallas police officers. Photo: AP

Here's the lawyer Glendenning's take: "I'm sure he created a hostile work environment by being sexually forward with her…they kicked him out of Afghanistan to separate him from her".

"I got the sense he was generally disliked by his command, that he was the black sheep of his unit."

But sizing up his client, the lawyer observes: "he didn't carry himself in a respectful way, [but neither] was he overtly disrespectful". And importantly, given how events were to unfold, at no stage did Glendenning sense that Johnson could turn violent.

Johnson ultimately was ordered to stay away from the woman. But he still had a clean criminal record and Glendenning posits he would have been screened for mental health issues, PTSD and brain injury, ahead of his discharge from the military. "There was nothing about my interaction with [Johnson] that would lead me to believe he would commit any criminal misconduct," the lawyer said.

It might be too strong to characterise Johnson as coming unhinged immediately upon returning from Afghanistan. But he was noticeably more preoccupied with his gun collection and, according to Myrtle Booker, 62, who knew his mother through the church, "he was withdrawn – didn't talk to people anymore, didn't believe in God anymore".

Others didn't see it. Even after the theft of several of his guns from his mother's home, which Johnson reported to the police, his neighbour Jim Otwell recalled that in telling him about the theft, Johnson was "really mellow…a laid-back guy".

Jowanda Alexander, also a neighbour, told The Guardian of an encounter with Johnson when he complained about her daughter "messing with his mailbox". She said: "he didn't become aggressive, just real gentle [but] he seemed real nervous".

Back in Civvy Street, Johnson worked for a time at a plant run by the aviation conglomerate General Dynamics.

About this time, he was the target of a "suspicious person" complaint to the police, because he and four guys sat in a vehicle for about half-an-hour, on a shopping strip in Richardson, in Dallas' northern suburbs – he was interviewed by the police who took no action when he told them he was waiting to meet his father.

Early in 2015, he landed a job at Touch of Kindness, a privately-run service agency that helped intellectually disabled adults and children – one of whose clients was Johnson's younger brother Tevin.

Several times a week in the last two years, Johnson headed away from his mother's home to the nearby Jay Thompson Elementary School, where he, his buddy Israel Cooper and others played pick-up basketball. "He had good vibes," Cooper recalled, describing Johnson as "not very political" but "educated".

At times, Johnson was alone on the court. Cooper recalls: "He would be out there for eight hours…like it was his job. Just hoopin".


Johnson didn't have much of a war in Afghanistan – reserve colleagues joked that even after training, he couldn't shoot straight. But by early in 2016, Johnson was steeped in the social media outpourings of extremist, separatist and militant movements. He embraced their claim that police forces across the US were at war with African-Americans – and Micah Xavier Johnson was preparing himself to fight back.

He kept a low profile – he was not known among activists in the movement of the moment, Black Lives Matter.

But his Facebook page was a give-away.

The raised-fist salute and the red, black and green of the Pan-African flag adorned his home page and at the end of April, he switched his profile photo for an image of himself, shoulder to shoulder with Professor Griff, real name Richard Griffin, from the 1980s hip-hop group Public Enemy, whose lyrics challenge police brutality.

Johnson "liked" pages tied to Elijah Mohammed, the late founder of the Nation of Islam, a militant Black Muslim movement; and he liked the page of the Black Riders Liberation Party – both of which are classified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Centre.

Another of his likes was a page for the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, named for a co-founder of the Black Panther Party. Established in 2015, it instructs members in self-defence and mounts "armed patrols" in neighborhoods where black men have been killed by police.

He liked the New Black Panther Party, which was founded in Dallas. And he liked the Black Riders Liberation Party, self-described as a "new generation" of Black Panthers. In a post calling for recruits in the first week of July, it ran the slogan – "Arm yourself or Harm yourself!".

Johnson also liked the African American Defence League, which in the days after the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, urged a violent response – "The Pig has shot and killed Alton Sterling … We must 'Rally The Troops!' It is time to visit Louisiana and hold a barbecue".

Johnson was busy on other fronts – building an arsenal, training to be able to shoot straight and pushing himself through rigorous sessions of military physical training.

He was compiling a dense combat manual on what is described as the "shoot and move" tactics of the US Navy SEALs' – how to kill at close quarters, without getting killed; and how to stay on the move, to confuse the targets on the location and strength of the enemy confronting them.

At his mother's home, he was stashing bomb-making materials, ballistic vests and ammunition.

Johnson enrolled at the Academy of Combative Warrior Arts, in ­Richardson, which boasts on the internet: "Reality is highly dynamic, you will be drawing your firearm, moving, shooting on the move, fixing malfunctions, etc. all under high levels of stress."

Offering "reality based training for today's urban environment," academy courses include "urban everyday carry and Improvised weapons" and "weapons defence".

In the week of the Sterling killing by police in Louisiana and the Castile death by police gunfire in Missouri, the Johnson household exploded in anger.

In a Facebook post, Johnson's younger sister Nicole seemed to suggest that the police should be attacked: "Everything coming into the light and I for one think these cops need to get a taste of the life we now fear".

And on the courts at the Jay Thompson Elementary School, the strength of feeling in Johnson's venting about the mistreatment of African-Americans by white cops alarmed his hoops buddy Israel Cooper. He was used to Johnson's low-level spiel, but now he declared the police were engaged in genocide – "White cops are slaying black people – this is getting out of hand."


Anger was in the air, but there was fun too on Thursday evening as hundreds of protesters, including many family groups, assembled at the top of a grassy rise in the downtown Belo Gardens for a march through the streets of Dallas to protest the police killings in Baton Rouge and St Paul.

The Dallas Police Department was not expressly excluded from the marchers' chants of "enough is enough" and "black lives matter" – but neither were the local cops expressly included.

As the march headed down Main St, the cops tweeted on its progress and some of the protesters slowed to take selfies with cops. Protester Ossie Boddie, 34, was struck by the good humour of it all - "It was all love, man. We were here for a peaceful march – there was no 'F--- the police'."

And off they went – "Indict! Convict! The whole system is as guilty as hell!" Along the way, some did mock the police – "Hands up – don't shoot".

In the minutes before 9pm, co-organiser Reverend Jeff Hood looked from the front of the march, back over the heads of an estimated 800 protesters and deemed it to be a peaceful protest – "no question about it," he thought.

But wheeling into Commerce St and then crossing Market St, screams erupted at the front – "They're shooting at us!"

Stacey Brown, 30, was near Dealey Plaza, in which there is a monument Dallas' last moment of infamy – the assassination in 1963 of President John F Kennedy – when all hell broke loose. "I heard a shot and all of a sudden people are running ... children everywhere, everything."

Then a voice on the police radio network – "Shots fired, officer down". Another panicked voice articulates the problem: "got a guy with a long rifle… don't know where the hell he's at".

The gunman was Johnson. He was seen alighting from his mother's SUV, kitted for war – wearing body armour and armed with an old, Soviet style SKS rifle and a high-capacity handgun and keeping on the move, he took aim at any of about 100 cops who came into his line of fire.

Sirens muffled the crack of gunfire as it slapped the city walls; cops were dropping – some dead, some wounded, others taking cover. Frightened protesters didn't know what to do – some sought cover between the columns of the JFK memorial; organiser Olinka Green was heard yelling: "Run the other way, you idiots!"

Reverend Hood looked to where he heard a volley of shots: "Two police officers had gone down. I saw it. I mean, I saw people drop. I knew."

Accompanied by her teenage son and daughter, Sharay Santora was struck by instinctive good will amidst such terrifying chaos.

"Everyone was helping each other. It wasn't about black or white; everyone was picking each other up and moving them away. Not only were people doing that, but also the police were there to help."

The focus of the action seemed to be near the intersection of Market and Main Streets – by El Centro College.

Carlos Harris, a member of the US military living downtown, was struck by the strategic nature of gunfire – "It was tap, tap, pause. Tap, tap, pause". Such was the ferocity and seeming omnidirectional nature of the shooting that the police concluded there were up against two or more gunmen who, they said, were high in city buildings and "triangulating" their targeting for maximum impact.

It didn't help that Texas has open-carry gun laws, which meant that the police had observed as many as 20 people in the crowd dressed in camouflage and with guns slung on their shoulders – of course they ran; and of course the police gave chase, in the belief that they were perpetrators or co-conspirators.

But it was just Johnson. Watching, and video recording from his room in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Ismael Dejesus, explained as CNN ran his video – starting as Johnson leaps from the Chevy Tahoe SUV, he explained how he witnessed an execution: "Man had a rifle, AR-15, clear as day; pretty big magazine. And you can see towards the end of the video here, that he goes ahead and drops a few mags.

"He had multiple pockets, he had three to four pockets in front of his pants. He definitely looked like he was wearing something in his shirt. He got out of there, walked over to the pillar, put a magazine in and started firing."

Despite incoming from multiple police weapons, Johnson weaves through a hail of gunfire, circling around and behind one of the pillars to come at a crouching officer from behind – who he then murders callously, with multiple shots fired into his back at point blank range.

"It looked like an execution honestly. He stood over [the officer] after he was already down and shot him maybe three to four times in the back. It was very disturbing to watch."

Driving through the city, Robert Rodriguez, 30, spotted Johnson shooting at police from the hip – with the rifle. The cops were returning fire from two directions – some crouched by a wall and another officer who drove up in a patrol car, from which he leapt – gun blazing. But Johnson kept moving, kept shooting – he stayed cool; he wasn't injured.

The guy who couldn't shoot straight in Afghanistan, now was shooting very straight.

Reuters quoted a US Army officer: "The way he raises and lowers the rifle to his shoulder, apparently firing two rounds at a time, with discipline in his movements and use of cover, is what makes it seem as though he has military training."

With a dozen or more cops returning fire, Johnson retreated into El Centro, where the witness Ismael Dejesus' video captures him using the pillared entrance to the college as cover, while firing at cops who are closing in.

As Johnson enters and moves through college building, at times pausing to shoot through windows, some of the cops raced to the higher levels of surrounding buildings – hoping to get a bead on him.

It was 12.30am on Friday before Johnson was pinned down – on the second level of the college's parking garage. For a while the shooting stopped and the cops tried to negotiate Johnson's surrender.

But the gunman treated it as a bit of a joke – at one stage, even laughing and singing; and then explaining to the cops that he had been working-out in preparation for this show down with the law. They detected neither anxiety nor nervousness in him.

Johnson told them he was ready to die and that his objective had been to kill white people – especially white police officers.

He did manage to cause the police to pause in their planning, as they explained his options – one of which was for them to bomb him out of the garage, in which case he surely would die. Johnson parried with a claim that he had stashed improvised bombs in the building.

"The end is coming, and [I'm] going to hurt and kill more of [you]," he told them.

"He wanted to kill officers. And he expressed killing white people, killing white officers, he expressed anger for Black Lives Matter", city police chief David Brown recounted later.

Johnson revealed that he was a so-called lone wolf; he was not affiliated with any terrorist groups; and that he was driven to act by the police killings in Louisiana and Missouri.

After about an hour of talking, Johnson suddenly started shooting again – and kept it up for about 45 minutes. At 2.30am there was an explosion and then silence – carrying out his earlier threat, Brown the police chief had ordered a small bomb to be attached to a robotic vehicle, which was directed into the garage and then the device was detonated remotely in what was hailed as the first such use of a robot by a US police department.

It was close to 3am when Brown confirmed for reporters that Johnson was dead. And it was 5am before the police were satisfied that Johnson had lied about laying his own explosives.

The toll: Five Dallas cops dead; seven injured; also, two civilians injured.


Johnson's family and friends seemed genuinely shocked at what he had done.

"It's the quiet ones that do the most devastating stuff," his hoops buddy Cooper told a reporter. "You never see it coming. But then it's more expected, like 'I should have known'."

Others genuinely wanted to know who he was – or, in the case of some of those he had "liked" on the internet, to disown him, quick smart.

Activists gathered near City Hall on Friday, said they did not recognise Johnson or his name; then had not seen him at earlier protests. March organiser Dominique Alexander said: "Never in our wildest dreams would we think our efforts to save lives would take lives".

At the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, reporters were told: "We'd never seen him and we don't know him – the gun club isn't affiliated with him in any way".

Same-same at the Academy of Combative Warrior Arts. Founder and chief instructor Justin Everman was quoted: "I don't know anything about Micah. I'm sorry. He's gone. He's old to us. I have thousands of people".

A couple of those who Johnson had liked saw a bit of mileage for their cause.

As the drama unfolded in Dallas, New Black Panther Party boss Malik Zulu Shabazz, posted a CBS news flash and this: "Grief and pain and funerals now on all sides. As the chickens have [now] come home to roost."

And the next morning, African-American Defence League founder Mauricelm-Lei Millere posted on his hate group's Facebook page a call for people to attack "everything in blue", except the mainman. 

Between those two postings Dallas city mayor Mike Rawlings was ushered into a crowded room at one of the city's hospitals – cops and their families, some wounded; nurses and doctors; families and friends. He was struck by the diversity – black, white, Hispanic, young, old, men, women.

Rawlings says they listened quietly as Brown announced that that the suspect was dead. The mayor explained the muted response: "There were no high fives. No one cheered.

"But there were some slight smiles. Like, alright. We got this son of a bitch."

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