
Latest commentary

The stupid appliances we waste money on

You can find popcorn makers in the "Pointless Appliances You Don't Need" section of any department store.

This is how I know I'm an idiot. This week I bought a Popcorn Maker. You can also find them in the "Pointless Appliances You Don't Need" section of any department store.

Greyhound racing culture has to go

Tabcorp is predicting a lot of the money currently being bet on the dogs will migrate to "other wagering product".

The decision by the Baird government to end the greyhound racing industry in NSW was as brave as it was right. The conclusions of the McHugh inquiry were damning; but it still took an act of political courage to act on its recommendations.

This is no time for wreckers

Cartoon by Alan Moir.

Australia is emerging from this federal election not so much divided as ambivalent. The parliament is almost evenly split, the Senate chaotic, Labor triumphant in defeat and Malcolm Turnbull much weakened after a political near-death experience.