- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 4042
Kim Longinotto (born 1952) is a British documentary film maker, well known for making films that highlight the plight of female victims of oppression or discrimination. Longinotto studied camera and directing at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, England, where she now tutors occasionally.
Longinotto was born to an Italian father and a Welsh mother in 1952; her father was a photographer who later went bankrupt. At the age of 10 she was sent to a draconian all-girls boarding school, where she found it hard to make friends due to the mistress forbidding anyone to talk to her for a term after she became lost during a school trip. After a period of homelessness Longinotto went on to Essex University to study English and European literature and later followed friend and future filmmaker Nick Broomfield to the National Film and Television School. While studying, she made a documentary about her boarding school that was shown at the London Film Festival, since when she has continued to be a prolific documentary film maker.
Divorce Iranian Style is a 1998 documentary film directed by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini which chronicles the legal battles of three Iranian couples as they seek divorce in the Iranian court system. The film documents three couples as they go through the various legal processes and cultural barriers as they seek to file for divorce and highlights the poignant differences of men and women in the court system. The film also shows the complexity of blending religious law with a state run court system.
One of the key elements this film documents is the dichotomy between men and women in the eyes of the Iranian court. From the start of the film this becomes clear as the documentary shows the two entrances for men and women as they enter the courthouse. As the men enter they are searched for weapons and cell phones, and as the women enter they are examined to ensure they are dressed according to Islamic standards and guidelines. As the men and women stand before the judge and argue their case the differences between the men and women become even more readily apparent. While the women often plead their cases vigorously, alleging everything from infidelity to domestic abuse, they are almost constantly reminded that divorce is greatly frowned upon by Islam, and if they would try harder at home (i.e. wear makeup around the house, make themselves more attractive, show more respect for their husbands) many of the allegations would resolve themselves.
Women Make Movies is a non-profit feminist media arts organization based in New York City. Founded by Ariel Dougherty and Sheila Paige as a community based workshop teaching film to women, WMM was incorporated in 1972 and developed as a membership organization that screened and distributed members' work. In the early 1980s focus shifted to concentrate on distribution of independent films by and about women. WMM also provides production assistance to women filmmakers.
The organization distributes more than 500 films created by over 400 women filmmakers from nearly 30 countries. These films address such subjects as reproductive rights, AIDS, body image, economic development, racism, immigration, medical ethics, and global feminism. The collection includes films by key feminist filmmakers including Trinh T. Minh-ha, Julie Dash, Pratibha Parmar, Jane Campion, and Kim Longinotto.
Films distributed by WMM have appeared at film festivals worldwide, including the Sundance Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA)., and the Athena Film Festival Its films have received such media awards as the Special Jury Prize at Sundance (The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo and Rough Aunties), the Academy Award (Love & Diane), the Emmy (Quick Brown Fox: An Alzheimer’s Story), and the Peabody (Sisters in Law). In 2011, WMM received an award from the Athena Film Festival for their outstanding work distributing films by and about women.
A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record. Such films were originally shot on film stock—the only medium available—but now include video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video, made into a TV show or released for screening in cinemas. "Documentary" has been described as a "filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries.
In popular myth, the word documentary was coined by Scottish documentarian John Grierson in his review of Robert Flaherty's film Moana (1926), published in the New York Sun on 8 February 1926, written by "The Moviegoer" (a pen name for Grierson).
Grierson's principles of documentary were that cinema's potential for observing life could be exploited in a new art form; that the "original" actor and "original" scene are better guides than their fiction counterparts to interpreting the modern world; and that materials "thus taken from the raw" can be more real than the acted article. In this regard, Grierson's definition of documentary as "creative treatment of actuality" has gained some acceptance, with this position at variance with Soviet film-maker Dziga Vertov's provocation to present "life as it is" (that is, life filmed surreptitiously) and "life caught unawares" (life provoked or surprised by the camera).
Real Stories is an Australian satirical television comedy series produced by Carlton Television for Network Ten. It was created by Hamish Blake and Andy Lee. The series was first broadcast on 22 August 2006.
Eight episodes were produced. The program was a parody of current affairs shows. It was hosted by Jennifer Adams, a former Seven Network reporter. The show mimicked a standard current affairs format. Pre-recorded segments in the show were introduced by the host. These segments starred Hamish Blake, Andy Lee, Ryan Shelton, and Tim Bartley with voice-overs provided by Greg Fleet.
The show originally started as a project for Melbourne's Channel 31, a community access television station, as a collaboration between Roving Enterprises and Hamish & Andy's production company, Radio Karate. There are no plans to continue production of the show. It was repeated during 2007, and is currently available on DVD. Several podcasts were produced, including material not broadcast in the series.
Ask a documentary filmmaker: Kim Longinotto
Divorce Iranian Style (Kim Longinotto - Documentary Film) - Real Stories
Kim Longinotto - Being a Documentary Filmmaker (Part One)
"Shinjukuboys", Kim Longinotto & Jano Willians (1995) - parte 1
Kim Longinotto on Dreamcatcher - Q&A; | BFI Women's Day
SISTERS IN LAW | Women Make Movies | Trailer
Salma - Official Trailer
The Day I Will Never Forget de Kim Longinotto
16-Year-Old Vying For Divorce In Iranian Court (Kim Longinotto - Documentary Film) - Real Stories
Sisters in Law - Trailer (English Subtitles)
Kim Longinotto is one of Britain's pre-eminent documentary filmmakers, receiving honours at the Cannes Film Festival and a retrospective at New York's Museum of Modern Art. Here she answers your questions about the world of documentary filmmaking. Visit the Ask an Expert playlist for more: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British filmmaker Kim Longinotto joins dir. Ziba Mir-Hosseini to create an intimate look into the lives of 3 women, all vying for divorce in a society where men dominate. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesC... Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
FilmDoo are on the couch with documentary filmmaker Kim Longinotto to talk about her style and techniques as a observational filmmaker. Music Credit: Kevin MacLeod
Três 'onnabe' - mulheres japonesas que vivem como homens - que trabalham como anfitriões em uma boate de Tóquio. Filmado em casa e no trabalho, eles falam abertamente sobre suas vidas, suas esperanças e sua sexualidade.
Kim Longinotto on Dreamcatcher - Q&A; | BFI Women's Day Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetotheBFI. Award-winning director Kim Longinotto discusses Dreamcatcher, her first film shot in the US. As part of a series of events celebrating International Women’s Day at BFI Southbank, Longinotto talks to journalist Kira Cochrane about the compelling connection with her subject Brenda Myers-Powell and coming to terms with the past. Watch more on the BFI Player: http://player.bfi.org.uk/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFI Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BritishFilmInstitute Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+britishfilminstitute/
For more information on SISTERS IN LAW, visit http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c645.shtml Email orders@wmm.com for order information. Tell us you found it on YouTube! SISTERS IN LAW A film by Kim Longinotto, Co-directed by Florence Ayisi Winner of the Prix Art et Essai at the Cannes Film Festival and screened to acclaim at more than 120 festivals around the world, SISTERS IN LAW is the bestselling documentary about the little town of Kumba, Cameroon, where there have been no convictions in spousal abuse cases for 17 years. But two women determined to change their community are making progress that could change their country. This fascinating, often hilarious doc follows the work of State Prosecutor Vera Ngassa and Court President Beatrice Ntuba as they help women fight often-difficult...
Documentary by Kim Longinotto, 2013, UK/India, 90' The remarkable story of a woman who defies her village to become the legendary activist, politician and poet SALMA. When Salma reached puberty, her parents locked her away from the world. She spent nine years trapped in one small room. Millions of young girls endure the same sort of fate, but Salma refused to let the long years of imprisonment break her spirit. Using hoarded scrap paper, she managed to smuggle out poems that expressed her hidden anger and pain. The poems scandalized her community but inspired readers all over South India. Twenty-five years later, Salma's brave defiance is a rare beacon of hope. Like an unfolding detective story, this moving, passionate film charts the transformation of a frightened, isolated young girl ...
Documentário marcante, onde Longinotto retrata o tema da mutilação genital feminina no Quénia, com excepcional sensibilidade e franqueza. De depoimentos comoventes de mulheres que foram submetidas à circuncisão até entrevistas com idosas matriarcas que teimosamente defendem a prática, o filme retrata a complexidade das polémicas e conflitos em torno da angustiante questão do combate à tradição.
Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', a young 16-year-old girl, married to a much older man, has 'agreed' with her husband to get divorced. In Iran, divorce is frowned upon, and it proves more complex than it may seem. Watch the full documentary here: https://youtu.be/yYaRb070r8E Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
Winner of the Prix Art et Essai at the Cannes Film Festival and screened to acclaim at more than 120 festivals around the world, SISTERS IN LAW is the bestselling documentary from internationally renowned director Kim Longinotto, co-directed by Florence Ayisi. In the little town of Kumba, Cameroon, there have been no convictions in spousal abuse cases for 17 years. But two women determined to change their community are making progress that could change their country. This fascinating, often hilarious doc follows the work of State Prosecutor Vera Ngassa and Court President Beatrice Ntuba as they help women fight often-difficult cases of abuse, despite pressures from family and their community to remain silent. Six-year-old Manka is covered in scars and has run away from an abusive aunt, Ami...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British filmmaker Kim Longinotto joins dir. Ziba Mir-Hosseini to create an intimate look into the lives of 3 women, all vying for divorce in a society where men dominate. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesC... Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
Kim Longinotto on Dreamcatcher - Q&A; | BFI Women's Day Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetotheBFI. Award-winning director Kim Longinotto discusses Dreamcatcher, her first film shot in the US. As part of a series of events celebrating International Women’s Day at BFI Southbank, Longinotto talks to journalist Kira Cochrane about the compelling connection with her subject Brenda Myers-Powell and coming to terms with the past. Watch more on the BFI Player: http://player.bfi.org.uk/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFI Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BritishFilmInstitute Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+britishfilminstitute/
Runaway, 87-minute documentary, shot in a shelter for runaway girls in Tehran in 2000, with Kim Longinotto, for 'True stories' series, Channel 4 TV, UK. Premiered at Edinburgh International Film Festival, August 2001. Finalist for Joris Ivens award at IDFA, Amsterdam 2001; Best Documentary, Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema 2002; Silver Dhow, Zanzibar International FF 2002; Children's Rights Award, Osnabruck 2002; Best International Film, Maremma Doc. Festival, 2003. http://www.zibamirhosseini.com
Britain's own Kim Longinotto is one of the pre-eminent filmmakers working in both broadcast and theatrical documentary today, widely revered for her incisive, compassionate portraits of female oppression and injustice. As part of our focus on women in film this year, Doc/Fest is very proud to honour Kim with the Sheffield Inspiration Award for her outstanding contribution to the documentary form. In this masterclass Kim is joined by her longstanding editor Ollie Huddleston to discuss the mechanics of their creative partnership. Kim and Ollie's joint credits include Sisters in Law (2005); Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go (2007) and Rough Aunties (2009) which screened at the Festival last year. Filmed by Sheffield Hallam University students and edited by Dave Holloway.
After escaping the world of prostitution, Ms. Myers Powell now devotes her life to preventing the sexual exploitation of at-risk youth and to helping current victims of human trafficking find confidence and stability through education and individualized care and services. She was recently featured in veteran filmmaker Kim Longinotto’s acclaimed documentary, “Dreamcatcher” now available on Showtime.
The film follows three cases of Americans caught in the act of gross child exploitation, and shows how - in the Obama era - American agents are working supportively with their Asian counterparts to deal with crime. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs Content licensed by Digital Rights Group (DRG). Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com
Brutally murdered by her family in 2006, 'Banaz: An Honour Killings' tells the story of her, Banaz' sister Bekhal, and the story of the police team that didn’t give up on her case and brought her killers to justice. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
Ben Underwood has been completely blind since the age of three when he lost both eyes to retinal cancer. Yet he zooms around on a skateboard, shoots basketball hoops and dodges lampposts and parked cars unaided; all thanks to an extraordinary sound technique he has developed. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/Real_Stories__ Content licensed by Digital Rights Group (DRG). Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com
For 150 years the Ku Klux Klan has existed in the shadows, terrifying outsiders with its reputation for violence and racism. For the first time, key leaders of today's largest surviving KKK organizations reveal their true identities and grant access into their homes, charity events, secret meetings, sacred rituals, including a cross-lighting ceremony. These events and interviews open a door on previously secretive organizations that only reluctantly open up to cameras. It's an eye-opening journey beyond the robe and beneath the hood of today's KKK. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu In the middle of 1920, Isaac Ochberg, a South African businessman of Russian extraction, started a fund raising drive to save at least a few of the Jewish orph...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British . A documentary about real divorce cases in Iran's tribunals. Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', a young 16-year-old girl, married to a much older man, has 'agreed' with her . Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', Mariam is struggling to persuade the courts to let her keep her children after .
Host: Darek Kuzma Translation: Kasia Kuzma Production: MarkFilm
Filmed by Dorothy Allen-Pickard and Oliver Gordon, edited by Dorothy Allen-Pickard
"Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go" premiered on PBS's POV series on July 28, 2009. Watch the entire film online on the PBS Video Player (through September 27, 2009) at http://video.pbs.org/video/1198282133/program/1154485580. In this interview, British filmmaker Kim Longinotto talks about "Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go" with Chris White, POV's director of production. They discuss Kim's observational style of filmmaking, the extraordinary teachers who inspire at the Mulberry Bush School and more.
For private educational use only
An interview with Nick Broomfield and Kim Longinotto talking about the importance of film festivals, differences between documentary films and feature films, giving advice to new film makers, their reasons and inspirations for film making as well as what drives their work. www.sheffdocfest.com www.optimisticproductions.co.uk
BYOD on YouTube brings this REMIX clip from the 2013 Sundance Film Fest, with Director Kim Longinatto and the namesake subject of her film, of Salma. Salma's story of being shut indoors by her family in India is too customary, but her asserting her own independence and creativity is exceptional. Watch more from this interview and other great docs at Sundance here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwkWB--AtVQ http://thelip.tv/ http://www.facebook.com/thelip.tv http://www.facebook.com/BYODOC https://twitter.com/#!/onditimoner
Kim Longinotto is one of Britain's pre-eminent documentary filmmakers, receiving honours at the Cannes Film Festival and a retrospective at New York's Museum of Modern Art. Here she answers your questions about the world of documentary filmmaking. Visit the Ask an Expert playlist for more: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Documentarian Kim Longinotto discusses her film "Salma" at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival with the woman who inspired the film. Be sure to subscribe for daily interviews and content with our experts! Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/genconnect Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/genconnect Visit our Website: http://www.genconnect.com
Kim Longinotto on Dreamcatcher - Q&A; | BFI Women's Day Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetotheBFI. Award-winning director Kim Longinotto discusses Dreamcatcher, her first film shot in the US. As part of a series of events celebrating International Women’s Day at BFI Southbank, Longinotto talks to journalist Kira Cochrane about the compelling connection with her subject Brenda Myers-Powell and coming to terms with the past. Watch more on the BFI Player: http://player.bfi.org.uk/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFI Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BritishFilmInstitute Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+britishfilminstitute/
Kim Longinotto is one of Britain's pre-eminent documentary filmmakers, receiving honours at the Cannes Film Festival and a retrospective at New York's Museum of Modern Art. Here she answers your questions about the world of documentary filmmaking. Visit the Ask an Expert playlist for more: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British filmmaker Kim Longinotto joins dir. Ziba Mir-Hosseini to create an intimate look into the lives of 3 women, all vying for divorce in a society where men dominate. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesC... Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
FilmDoo are on the couch with documentary filmmaker Kim Longinotto to talk about her style and techniques as a observational filmmaker. Music Credit: Kevin MacLeod
Três 'onnabe' - mulheres japonesas que vivem como homens - que trabalham como anfitriões em uma boate de Tóquio. Filmado em casa e no trabalho, eles falam abertamente sobre suas vidas, suas esperanças e sua sexualidade.
Kim Longinotto on Dreamcatcher - Q&A; | BFI Women's Day Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetotheBFI. Award-winning director Kim Longinotto discusses Dreamcatcher, her first film shot in the US. As part of a series of events celebrating International Women’s Day at BFI Southbank, Longinotto talks to journalist Kira Cochrane about the compelling connection with her subject Brenda Myers-Powell and coming to terms with the past. Watch more on the BFI Player: http://player.bfi.org.uk/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFI Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BritishFilmInstitute Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+britishfilminstitute/
For more information on SISTERS IN LAW, visit http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c645.shtml Email orders@wmm.com for order information. Tell us you found it on YouTube! SISTERS IN LAW A film by Kim Longinotto, Co-directed by Florence Ayisi Winner of the Prix Art et Essai at the Cannes Film Festival and screened to acclaim at more than 120 festivals around the world, SISTERS IN LAW is the bestselling documentary about the little town of Kumba, Cameroon, where there have been no convictions in spousal abuse cases for 17 years. But two women determined to change their community are making progress that could change their country. This fascinating, often hilarious doc follows the work of State Prosecutor Vera Ngassa and Court President Beatrice Ntuba as they help women fight often-difficult...
Documentary by Kim Longinotto, 2013, UK/India, 90' The remarkable story of a woman who defies her village to become the legendary activist, politician and poet SALMA. When Salma reached puberty, her parents locked her away from the world. She spent nine years trapped in one small room. Millions of young girls endure the same sort of fate, but Salma refused to let the long years of imprisonment break her spirit. Using hoarded scrap paper, she managed to smuggle out poems that expressed her hidden anger and pain. The poems scandalized her community but inspired readers all over South India. Twenty-five years later, Salma's brave defiance is a rare beacon of hope. Like an unfolding detective story, this moving, passionate film charts the transformation of a frightened, isolated young girl ...
Documentário marcante, onde Longinotto retrata o tema da mutilação genital feminina no Quénia, com excepcional sensibilidade e franqueza. De depoimentos comoventes de mulheres que foram submetidas à circuncisão até entrevistas com idosas matriarcas que teimosamente defendem a prática, o filme retrata a complexidade das polémicas e conflitos em torno da angustiante questão do combate à tradição.
Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', a young 16-year-old girl, married to a much older man, has 'agreed' with her husband to get divorced. In Iran, divorce is frowned upon, and it proves more complex than it may seem. Watch the full documentary here: https://youtu.be/yYaRb070r8E Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
Winner of the Prix Art et Essai at the Cannes Film Festival and screened to acclaim at more than 120 festivals around the world, SISTERS IN LAW is the bestselling documentary from internationally renowned director Kim Longinotto, co-directed by Florence Ayisi. In the little town of Kumba, Cameroon, there have been no convictions in spousal abuse cases for 17 years. But two women determined to change their community are making progress that could change their country. This fascinating, often hilarious doc follows the work of State Prosecutor Vera Ngassa and Court President Beatrice Ntuba as they help women fight often-difficult cases of abuse, despite pressures from family and their community to remain silent. Six-year-old Manka is covered in scars and has run away from an abusive aunt, Ami...
Filmmakers Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams follow an aspiring wrestler trying to pass her tests in Japan. Initial release: 2000 Directors: Kim Longinotto, Jano Williams Cinematography: Kim Longinotto Cast: Chigusa Nagayo, Meiko Satomura Screenplay: Kim Longinotto, Jano Williams Producers: Kim Longinotto, Jano Williams PWDmedia is posting this simply to promote the documentary and had no part in the making of the film.
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British . A documentary about real divorce cases in Iran's tribunals. Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', a young 16-year-old girl, married to a much older man, has 'agreed' with her . Taken from Kim Longinotto's 1998 documentary film 'Divorce Iranian Style', Mariam is struggling to persuade the courts to let her keep her children after .
Salma (Documentary Film 2013) Internationally-acclaimed, multiple award winning filmmaker Kim Longinotto (ROUGH AUNTIES, World Cinema Jury Prize in Documentary, Sundance, 2009) returns to Sundance 2013 with the World ...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British . Taken from Kim Longinottos 1998 documentary film Divorce Iranian Style, a young 16-year-old girl, married to a much older man, has agreed with her . Taken from Kim Longinottos 1998 documentary film Divorce Iranian Style, a 16-year-old fights for a divorce and her right to the marriage gift promised to her by . Taken from Kim Longinottos 1998 documentary film Divorce Iranian Style, Mariam is struggling to persuade the courts to let her keep her children after .
Salma (Drama Film 2013) Internationally-acclaimed, multiple award winning filmmaker Kim Longinotto (ROUGH AUNTIES, World Cinema Jury Prize in Documentary, Sundance, 2009) returns to Sundance 2013 with the World ...
Divorce Iranian Style (1998) not only breaks stereotypes of what Iranian women are like, and what their life is like, but also for the fact it was made at all. British filmmaker Kim Longinotto joins dir. Ziba Mir-Hosseini to create an intimate look into the lives of 3 women, all vying for divorce in a society where men dominate. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesC... Instagram - @realstoriesdocs
salma,poetry,kim longinotto,islam,indian village,womens rights,tamil,rajatha salma,south india,journeyman pictures,docuemtnary,news,current affairs,world news,documentary
After escaping the world of prostitution, Ms. Myers Powell now devotes her life to preventing the sexual exploitation of at-risk youth and to helping current victims of human trafficking find confidence and stability through education and individualized care and services. She was recently featured in veteran filmmaker Kim Longinotto’s acclaimed documentary, “Dreamcatcher” now available on Showtime.
Fearless, feisty and resolute, the “Rough Aunties” are a remarkable group of women unwavering in their stand to protect and care for the abused, neglected and forgotten children of Durban, South Africa. This iconic Sundance-winning documentary by Kim Longinotto follows the outspoken, multiracial team of Operation Bobbi Bear, Thuli, Mildred, Sdudla, Eureka and Jackie, as they wage a daily battle against systemic apathy, corruption, and greed to help the most vulnerable and disenfranchised of their communities.
Runaway, 87-minute documentary, shot in a shelter for runaway girls in Tehran in 2000, with Kim Longinotto, for 'True stories' series, Channel 4 TV, UK. Premiered at Edinburgh International Film Festival, August 2001. Finalist for Joris Ivens award at IDFA, Amsterdam 2001; Best Documentary, Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema 2002; Silver Dhow, Zanzibar International FF 2002; Children's Rights Award, Osnabruck 2002; Best International Film, Maremma Doc. Festival, 2003. http://www.zibamirhosseini.com