- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 48012
Tuzla is a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the seat of the Tuzla Canton and is the economic, scientific, cultural, educational, health and tourist centre of northeast Bosnia. After Sarajevo and Banja Luka, Tuzla is the third largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Preliminary results from the 2013 Census indicate that the municipality has a population of 120,441.
Tuzla is an educational center and is home to two universities. It is also the main industrial machine and one of the leading economic strongholds of Bosnia with a wide and varied industrial sector including an expanding service sector thanks to its salt lake tourism. The city of Tuzla is home to Europe's only salt lake as part of its central park and has more than 100,000 people visiting its shores every year. The history of the city goes back to the 9th century; modern Tuzla dates back to 1510 when it became an important garrison town in the Ottoman Empire.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla is also regarded as one of the most multicultural cities in the country and has managed to keep the pluralist character of the city throughout the Bosnian War and after, with Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and a small minority of Bosnian Jews residing in Tuzla.
Tuzla iz vazduha #2(Fpv,Dji Phantom Quadrocopter)
Tuzla 4K
KAKO SE ZOVE - TUZLA (09 02 2016)
TATTOO in TUZLA?! BOSNA Vlog #4 | Der Kojote
Matura Medicinska škola Tuzla HD 22-05-2016 Restoran Rudar-Tuzla Asim Snimatelj
Tuzla protesti AKCIJA ONLINE
Tuzla - 15-16 maj 1992 - Bitka na Brcanskoj Malti
Bike Fest Pannonica Tuzla 2016: Defile bajkera ulicama grada
tuzla 1995.
Actors: Marc Kunis (miscellaneous crew), Damian Lee (actor), David Lawrence (composer), Damian Lee (director), Michael Dudikoff (miscellaneous crew), Michael Dudikoff (actor), Andrew Stevens (producer), Billy Dee Williams (actor), Lauro Chartrand (actor), Tom Harvey (actor), Damian Lee (producer), Ardon Bess (actor), Noam Jenkins (actor), Patrick Gallagher (actor), Len Doncheff (actor),
Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller,Tuzla,Bosna i Hercegovina,09.08.2013. Letjelica-Dji Phantom Quadrocopter,Kamera-GoPro Hero2
Pripremite se za čulno iskustvo koje do sada niste vidjeli. Film "Tuzla" nudi neobičnu interpretaciju svakodnevnih prizora inspiriranu slikama grada i muzike, kombinirajući staro i novo. Projekat okuplja grupu Tuzkanskih kreativnih fotografa iz FishEye Media, čiji su prethodni kratkometražni filmovi “Prag” i “Timeless” dobili pohvale za kombiniranje vizualne i muzičke umjetnosti. S obzirom da je Grad Tuzla sponzor ovog projekta, film “Tuzla” bit će premijerno prikazan u sklopu Međunarodnog festivala umjetnosti mladih "Kaleidoskop" u ljeto 2016. godine. Film je sniman u periodu od skoro dvije godine na pedeset različitih lokacija, počevši od religijskih objekata, spomenika kulture pa do prirodnih ljepota grada i okoline ali i industrijskih objekata. Kroz moćne prizore snimljene u visoko...
- HAYAT TV - SVA PRAVA ZADRŽANA - - REUPLOAD ZABRANJEN - info +387(0)33 580 882 marketing: +387(0) 33 580 900 Jošanička 55, Vogošća, 71320, prodaja@hayat.ba Saznajte više o Hayatu: http://www.hayat.ba/ Skinite Hayat app za iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/hr/app/hayat/id1003719038 Skinite Hayat app za ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.segvic.hayat&hl;=en Lajkajte Hayat: https://www.facebook.com/HayatTVBIH Lajkajte Hayat PLUS: https://www.facebook.com/Hayatplus Lajkajte Hayat MUSIC TV: https://www.facebook.com/HayatMUSICTV Lajkajte Hayat FOLK TV: https://www.facebook.com/hayatfolktv Lajkajte Hayatovce: https://www.facebook.com/Hayatovci Lajkajte VIJESTI U 7: https://www.facebook.com/vijestiu7 Lajkajte ISPUNI MI ŽELJU: https://www.facebook.com/ispunimizelju Lajkajt...
► ABONNIEREN & NICHTS VERPASSEN: http://bit.ly/2a3K5x1 ► Mein Instagram: http://bit.ly/2aCsBqe ► Mein Snapchat: emir_cehajic _ Letztes Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2fNu-e0ALY Meine Brothers: Leon ►► https://www.youtube.com/user/90lovelock sino ►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgi8UTSlaiwH0jZHpKaWSg ►►► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emir_cehajic ►►► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emircehajicgymlifestyle/?fref=ts TATTOO in TUZLA?! Bosna Vlog #4 | Der Kojote MEIN NEUES TATTOO ? #nahman
Studio Asim Mujkanović tel:061/179-449 Profesionalno snimanje u HD Rezoluciji.Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Za suradnju info tel:061/179-449. Asim.
Prati Tuzlanski.ba: Web: http://tuzlanski.ba Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tuzlanski.ba Twitter: https://twitter.com/tuzlanski Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tuzlanski.ba/ YT official: https://www.youtube.com/user/TuzlaGrad
Tuzla Lake- Money-Talks-Travel-Guide-August 2009
Tuzla salt sea water falls presented by Money Talks Travel Guide
Learn to conduct your own incredible bicycle touring adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube I did it! I completed my bike tour across Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Bosnia... and in this video I finally arrive in the Tuzla, Bosnia (where my 2015 spring/summer bike tour comes to an end and a new chapter of my bicycle touring adventures begins). In this video you'll see me wake up in my tent in a wild camp off the side of the road; you'll see me cycle into the city of Tuzla, Bosnia; buy my bus ticket to Copenhagen, Denmark; check into my AirBNB apartment; make fruit smoothies; wash my clothes for the first time in months; and a whole lot more! MY SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletourin...
Turisticka agencija Hit-Tours Tuzla www.hit-tours.ba by LightMedia production www.lightmedia.ba
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
In September 2015, I went back to Bosnia-Herzegovina for the first time since I left in 1999. It was my first visit to Sarajevo since 1996, and first visit to my birthplace of Tuzla since 1999. These are some sights and sounds from that trip. - Zlatko Filipović
Part 2 of our recent holiday at our apartment in Bogazici, Turkey. Music by The saw Doctors, Indian Summer.
Of all the treasure in our chest
We love the golden God of war the best
Look, look at that little clown
Here, look through the binoculars
Someone burned his schoolhouse down
And he's blinking in the sun
He's drying something in the sun
Ha, it's an old tea bag, now, he rolls it up
Look, he made a cigarette
But he's not gonna smoke it yet
Maybe he's gonna sell it
How much do you think he'll get?
A slice of ham, a long goodbye, three days of peace
A bar of soap, a can of oil, ten years of debt
A pinch of salt, a week of news, four double A's
A plastic bag, a place to hide, one sucker bet
I got what you want
You got what I need
Of all the sterling men of steel
We crave the one who'll teach us not to feel
Look at the guy selling beer
Where the hell did he get it from?
He's the king of the Hill
He's the bug that survives the bomb
See the smirk on his greasy face
Handing a bottle to the mortal foe
It's not the time to kill, not that he forgets
As he takes a crumpled bill
And thinks this is better yet
A pot for the rain, a pair of shoes, two hand grenades
A spade for the grave, four lovely eggs, three cigarettes
A stick of gum, some wood for a fire, two table legs
A cup of rice, a pint of blood, one pound of flesh
Line up to buy here
Line up to die there
Look, look through that window
Looks like your sister
In a Chetnik's bed
Look, there on the table
Looks like she did it for a loaf of bread
Shit, she's got a knife
And he's snoring like a pig
Is he worth more alive or dead?
How much for his boots?
How much for his head?
Though all the days and all the times