The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday arrested the R S Kaushik and G K Nanda, the present and former managing directors of Intelligent Communication Systems India Ltd (ICSIL) respectively in connection to its probe of a corruption case which involves Rajendra Kumar, the former Principal Secretary to Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. ICSIL is a Delhi government undertaking which is a joint venture of Telecommunication Consultants India Ltd (TCIL) and Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation. The company, according to CBI, was used to gift tenders to another company named Endeavour Systems Pvt Ltd, a front company allegedly floated by Rajendra Kumar in 2006.
CBI said Endeavour Systems received contracts through ICSIL, which was empanelled with the Delhi government in March 2007. "It was alleged that both the accused persons acted in conspiracy with Rajendra Kumar and awarded tenders to Delhi based private company by violating tender guidelines.The arrested accused persons will be produced tomorrow in the Competent Court at Delhi," said a CBI official.
According to the CBI, Rajendra Kumar, on the advice of his associate Sandeep Kumar, allegedly shelved a CDAT project and started a new Management Information System (MIS), on which the duo allegedly spent Rs 46 lakh without giving reasons why it was adopted. According to sources, maintenance of these projects was given to ICSIL without following procedures.
CBI also claimed that the duo had been intimidating some of the officers whom the CBI had been calling for questioning in the case involving Rajendra Kumar.
With these fresh arrests, the number of people nabbed by the CBI has gone up to seven. Besides Kumar, Deputy Secretary in Kejriwal's officer Tarun Sharma and two directors of Endeavour Systems Private Limited – Sandeep Kumar and Dinesh Gupta – have been arrested by the probe agency.
The accused were allegedly involved in multiple instances of financial irregularities, favouritism and abuse of authority in a 'scam' that spanned for almost 10 years and was worth Rs 50 crore
After conducting searches at the Delhi Secretariat last year in December, CBI had registered a case against Kumar and others under section 120 B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code and section 13 (2) criminal misconduct, 13 (1) (d) (abusing position as a public servant) of Prevention of Corruption Act. Kumar and four other accused were arrested by the agency last week.