A soundtrack for your summer. Seven volumes of it.
A soundtrack for your summer. Seven volumes of it.
18F — Take our code: 34 reusable projects from 18F
Data, code, best practices…
Chart.js | HTML5 Charts for your website.
Data visualizations using HTML5, JavaScript, and canvas.
Jason Client
“Jason is a scriptable iOS client that lets you view and interact with any data and any server, in any way you desire.” Basically, you feed it a JSON config file which describes a UI and data sources. The client then consumes those sources and displays them according to your UI definition. And you get access to device-native APIs, too.
LShift - Everything you ever wanted to know about git submodules and more
A look at how to work with submodules in Git.
LShift – Everything you ever wanted to know about git submodules and more
Instagram: Transponder. #easymacro #moblog
Tasks: A Time-Triggered Scheduler for Arduino | chris barlow
A library for managing scheduled execution of multiple functions for Arduino. OS-less multitasking(-ish) for microcontrollers!
Tasks: A Time-Triggered Scheduler for Arduino | chris barlow