Yvelines | Plaisir : La nouvelle vie du parc du château
Après un an de travaux la place Saint-Pierre et le parc du château de Plaisir ont retrouvé les beautés de leurs jeunesses. Le tout a été inauguré vendredi 24 mai. Marylène Iapichino, Mélanie Poquet et Yves Hubstenberger vous font découvrir cet ensemble rénové.
published: 29 May 2019
Yvelines | Plaisir : Le parc des 4 Saisons va être réaménagé
Dans un an, le parc des 4 saisons aura un nouveau visage. Cet espace vert de Plaisir a été pensé par la ville et les habitants mobilisés. Un chantier de plus de 700 000 qui devrait débuter en 2020.
published: 07 Feb 2019
Yvelines | TV78 visite le chantier Open Sky de Plaisir
Lancé en janvier 2017, le chantier du centre commercial Open Sky de Plaisir arrive bientôt à son terme. L'ouverture est prévue au printemps 2020. Un espace qui comprendra une trentaine de commerces et un cinéma. TV78 s'est rendu sur place pour faire le point sur ce chantier à quelques mois de l'inauguration.
Retrouvez nous sur :
- Les réseaux sociaux :
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
- Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
published: 11 Oct 2019
Golf Isabella vues aériennes - Plaisir - Versailles - Yvelines - Paris
Images aériennes du Golf Isabella (Yvelines) près de Versailles et du Golf National. Vues du ciel signées © FLYGOLF.FR
published: 02 May 2021
Yvelines | La ville de Plaisir recense ses habitants
La ville de Plaisir a commencé son recensement. Les agents recenseurs de la population se présentent chez les plaisirois pour leur remettre les consignes et leurs identifiants. Le reste du recensement se passe sur internet ou par papier, les résultats seront rendu le 22 février à l'INSEE. Nous avons suivi Marie-Gylaine, agent recenseur à Plaisir.
published: 28 Jan 2020
Plaisir (Yvelines)
Découvrez la richesse du patrimoine architectural et naturel de la ville de Plaisir dans les Yvelines !
Images : ©Alexis CHARLES
Musique : ©Ludovico EINAUDI - Divenire
published: 07 Sep 2018
Yvelines | Plaisir : Le rendez-vous multiculturel du festival " Escales d'ailleurs "
Depuis 16 ans la ville de Plaisir organise son festival " Escale d'ailleurs ". Un rendez-vous culturel cosmopolite pour rendre hommage à cet aspect de la commune. Marylène Iapichino et Mickaël Elmidoro.
published: 12 Jun 2019
Yvelines | Football : Plaisir perd en 1/2 finale de coupe des Yvelines
Match à enjeux à Plaisir. Le club local recevait Carrières Grésillons en ½ finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Après un match équilibré, les visiteurs l'emportent 2 à 0. Résumé.
published: 09 Apr 2019
Yvelines | Une journée citoyenne et sportive à Plaisir
Rapprocher les jeunes et la police à travers des activités sportives et ludiques...C'est l'objectif du dispositif " Prox'Raid Aventure ". Il faisait étape le week-end dernier au palais des sports de Plaisir. Une journée citoyenne et sportive que nous présentent Aurélie Ronze et Mickael Elmidoro.
Retrouvez-nous sur :
▶️ Les réseaux sociaux :
- Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
- Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
- Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
▶️ Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
published: 14 Nov 2019
Yvelines | Plaisir en ¼ de finale de la coupe des Yvelines !
On jouait ce week-end les 1/8ème de finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Dans le match qui opposait Plaisir à Rosny-sur-Seine, ce sont les plaisirois qui ont réussi à se qualifier pour le prochain tour. Le score : 4-1.
published: 10 Jan 2022
Yvelines | Plaisir : La nouvelle vie du parc du château
Après un an de travaux la place Saint-Pierre et le parc du château de Plaisir ont retrouvé les beautés de leurs jeunesses. Le tout a été inauguré vendredi 24 ma...
Après un an de travaux la place Saint-Pierre et le parc du château de Plaisir ont retrouvé les beautés de leurs jeunesses. Le tout a été inauguré vendredi 24 mai. Marylène Iapichino, Mélanie Poquet et Yves Hubstenberger vous font découvrir cet ensemble rénové.
Après un an de travaux la place Saint-Pierre et le parc du château de Plaisir ont retrouvé les beautés de leurs jeunesses. Le tout a été inauguré vendredi 24 mai. Marylène Iapichino, Mélanie Poquet et Yves Hubstenberger vous font découvrir cet ensemble rénové.
- published: 29 May 2019
- views: 1533
Yvelines | Plaisir : Le parc des 4 Saisons va être réaménagé
Dans un an, le parc des 4 saisons aura un nouveau visage. Cet espace vert de Plaisir a été pensé par la ville et les habitants mobilisés. Un chantier de plus de...
Dans un an, le parc des 4 saisons aura un nouveau visage. Cet espace vert de Plaisir a été pensé par la ville et les habitants mobilisés. Un chantier de plus de 700 000 qui devrait débuter en 2020.
Dans un an, le parc des 4 saisons aura un nouveau visage. Cet espace vert de Plaisir a été pensé par la ville et les habitants mobilisés. Un chantier de plus de 700 000 qui devrait débuter en 2020.
- published: 07 Feb 2019
- views: 811
Yvelines | TV78 visite le chantier Open Sky de Plaisir
Lancé en janvier 2017, le chantier du centre commercial Open Sky de Plaisir arrive bientôt à son terme. L'ouverture est prévue au printemps 2020. Un espace qui ...
Lancé en janvier 2017, le chantier du centre commercial Open Sky de Plaisir arrive bientôt à son terme. L'ouverture est prévue au printemps 2020. Un espace qui comprendra une trentaine de commerces et un cinéma. TV78 s'est rendu sur place pour faire le point sur ce chantier à quelques mois de l'inauguration.
Retrouvez nous sur :
- Les réseaux sociaux :
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
- Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
Lancé en janvier 2017, le chantier du centre commercial Open Sky de Plaisir arrive bientôt à son terme. L'ouverture est prévue au printemps 2020. Un espace qui comprendra une trentaine de commerces et un cinéma. TV78 s'est rendu sur place pour faire le point sur ce chantier à quelques mois de l'inauguration.
Retrouvez nous sur :
- Les réseaux sociaux :
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
- Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
- published: 11 Oct 2019
- views: 9935
Golf Isabella vues aériennes - Plaisir - Versailles - Yvelines - Paris
Images aériennes du Golf Isabella (Yvelines) près de Versailles et du Golf National. Vues du ciel signées © FLYGOLF.FR
Images aériennes du Golf Isabella (Yvelines) près de Versailles et du Golf National. Vues du ciel signées © FLYGOLF.FR
Images aériennes du Golf Isabella (Yvelines) près de Versailles et du Golf National. Vues du ciel signées © FLYGOLF.FR
- published: 02 May 2021
- views: 376
Yvelines | La ville de Plaisir recense ses habitants
La ville de Plaisir a commencé son recensement. Les agents recenseurs de la population se présentent chez les plaisirois pour leur remettre les consignes et leu...
La ville de Plaisir a commencé son recensement. Les agents recenseurs de la population se présentent chez les plaisirois pour leur remettre les consignes et leurs identifiants. Le reste du recensement se passe sur internet ou par papier, les résultats seront rendu le 22 février à l'INSEE. Nous avons suivi Marie-Gylaine, agent recenseur à Plaisir.
La ville de Plaisir a commencé son recensement. Les agents recenseurs de la population se présentent chez les plaisirois pour leur remettre les consignes et leurs identifiants. Le reste du recensement se passe sur internet ou par papier, les résultats seront rendu le 22 février à l'INSEE. Nous avons suivi Marie-Gylaine, agent recenseur à Plaisir.
- published: 28 Jan 2020
- views: 787
Plaisir (Yvelines)
Découvrez la richesse du patrimoine architectural et naturel de la ville de Plaisir dans les Yvelines !
Images : ©Alexis CHARLES
Musique : ©Ludovico EINAUDI - ...
Découvrez la richesse du patrimoine architectural et naturel de la ville de Plaisir dans les Yvelines !
Images : ©Alexis CHARLES
Musique : ©Ludovico EINAUDI - Divenire
Découvrez la richesse du patrimoine architectural et naturel de la ville de Plaisir dans les Yvelines !
Images : ©Alexis CHARLES
Musique : ©Ludovico EINAUDI - Divenire
- published: 07 Sep 2018
- views: 3978
Yvelines | Plaisir : Le rendez-vous multiculturel du festival " Escales d'ailleurs "
Depuis 16 ans la ville de Plaisir organise son festival " Escale d'ailleurs ". Un rendez-vous culturel cosmopolite pour rendre hommage à cet aspect de la commun...
Depuis 16 ans la ville de Plaisir organise son festival " Escale d'ailleurs ". Un rendez-vous culturel cosmopolite pour rendre hommage à cet aspect de la commune. Marylène Iapichino et Mickaël Elmidoro.
Depuis 16 ans la ville de Plaisir organise son festival " Escale d'ailleurs ". Un rendez-vous culturel cosmopolite pour rendre hommage à cet aspect de la commune. Marylène Iapichino et Mickaël Elmidoro.
- published: 12 Jun 2019
- views: 423
Yvelines | Football : Plaisir perd en 1/2 finale de coupe des Yvelines
Match à enjeux à Plaisir. Le club local recevait Carrières Grésillons en ½ finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Après un match équilibré, les visiteurs l'emportent ...
Match à enjeux à Plaisir. Le club local recevait Carrières Grésillons en ½ finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Après un match équilibré, les visiteurs l'emportent 2 à 0. Résumé.
Match à enjeux à Plaisir. Le club local recevait Carrières Grésillons en ½ finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Après un match équilibré, les visiteurs l'emportent 2 à 0. Résumé.
- published: 09 Apr 2019
- views: 2841
Yvelines | Une journée citoyenne et sportive à Plaisir
Rapprocher les jeunes et la police à travers des activités sportives et ludiques...C'est l'objectif du dispositif " Prox'Raid Aventure ". Il faisait étape le we...
Rapprocher les jeunes et la police à travers des activités sportives et ludiques...C'est l'objectif du dispositif " Prox'Raid Aventure ". Il faisait étape le week-end dernier au palais des sports de Plaisir. Une journée citoyenne et sportive que nous présentent Aurélie Ronze et Mickael Elmidoro.
Retrouvez-nous sur :
▶️ Les réseaux sociaux :
- Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
- Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
- Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
▶️ Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
Rapprocher les jeunes et la police à travers des activités sportives et ludiques...C'est l'objectif du dispositif " Prox'Raid Aventure ". Il faisait étape le week-end dernier au palais des sports de Plaisir. Une journée citoyenne et sportive que nous présentent Aurélie Ronze et Mickael Elmidoro.
Retrouvez-nous sur :
▶️ Les réseaux sociaux :
- Instagram : http://bit.ly/2WeSdRI
- Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Pg5W9r
- Twitter : http://bit.ly/2WddvyX
▶️ Notre site internet : http://bit.ly/2njKVPK
- published: 14 Nov 2019
- views: 2200
Yvelines | Plaisir en ¼ de finale de la coupe des Yvelines !
On jouait ce week-end les 1/8ème de finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Dans le match qui opposait Plaisir à Rosny-sur-Seine, ce sont les plaisirois qui ont réussi...
On jouait ce week-end les 1/8ème de finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Dans le match qui opposait Plaisir à Rosny-sur-Seine, ce sont les plaisirois qui ont réussi à se qualifier pour le prochain tour. Le score : 4-1.
On jouait ce week-end les 1/8ème de finale de la coupe des Yvelines. Dans le match qui opposait Plaisir à Rosny-sur-Seine, ce sont les plaisirois qui ont réussi à se qualifier pour le prochain tour. Le score : 4-1.
- published: 10 Jan 2022
- views: 835
Remix of voices from various beautiful films.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Bandcamp: https://pogomix.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pogomix
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialPogo
Contact: http://www.pogomix.net/contact
published: 20 May 2015
MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget [Official Music Video]
Official Music Video | MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget
Written by Marina
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
[Verse 1]
Sometimes I think I'm not that strong
But there's a force that carries me on
Sick of my small heart, made of steel
Sick of the wounds that never heal (never heal)
[Pre-Chorus 1]
'Cause I have lived my life in debt
I've spent my days in deep regret
Yeah, I been living in the red
Oh, cause I can't forgive and I can't forget
[Chorus 1]
Forget, forget, forget, forget
Ain't no time for regret
Yeah, it's time to forget
[Verse 2]
Ever since I can remember
published: 04 Mar 2015
BigWalkDog - Forget [Official Music Video]
BigWalkDog - Forget
Download/Stream: https://bigwalkdog.lnk.to/ForgetVideo
Subscribe for more official content from BigWalkDog:
FOLLOW BigWalkDog 🥶
Instagram: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Instagram
Facebook: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Facebook
Twitter: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Twitter
LISTEN TO BigWalkDog 🥶
Apple: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/AppleMusic
Spotify: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Spotify
Soundcloud: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Soundcloud
Audiomack: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Audiomack
The official YouTube channel of 1017 Records artist BigWalkDog. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.
#Forget #BigWalkDog #TheNew1017 #AtlanticRecords
published: 06 Sep 2024
BENSOUL - FORGET YOU (ACOUSTIC) SMS [Skiza 8549274] to 811
QWARANTUNES (EP) OUT NOW: http://africori.to/qwarantunes
FORGET YOU is the first acoustic jam off a special series (QuaranTUNES) that I wrote during this period. I will be posting them every week on Thursday for the rest of the month.
Jifungie na ujiwashie yako, kama kawa kama dawa! Happy 4/20. #Youtube #StayHome #WithMe
Shot & edited by: direktorkay
Prod by: Bensoul & Trevor Magak
Written & performed by: Bensoul
Location: Snowball Industries
Mixed and mastered by: Trevor Magak.
Thank you Ross Patel for being the genesis of this song
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bensoulmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bensoulmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bensoulmusic/
I'll never forget you
I'll never pretend to
Tumepita kwenye jua
Tumepita k...
published: 02 Apr 2020
Muni Long - Make Me Forget (Official Lyric Video)
Listen Now: "Make Me Forget": https://MuniLong.lnk.to/MakeMeForget
Follow Muni Long
Instagram: http://instagram.com/munilong
Twitter: http://twitter.com/munilong
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/munilong
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@munilong
YouTube: http://youtube.com/munilong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammunilong
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3naqle9
#MuniLong #MakeMeForget
published: 31 May 2024
#ENHYPEN 공식 채널
ENHYPEN Weverse https://www.weverse.io/enhypen
OFFICIAL V LIVE https://channels.vlive.tv/9A0CA5
OFFICIAL TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN_members
OFFICIAL FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/officialENHYPEN
OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/enhypen
OFFICIAL TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@enhypen
OFFICIAL WEIBO https://weibo.com/ENHYPEN
published: 10 Aug 2021
Kenny Sol - Forget (Official Video)
Inspired by true events, "Forget" is a record that draws inspiration from trepidation caused by past relationships
Audio producer: Niz Beatz
Video director: Big Team
Mix and Mastering: Bob Pro
Out On All Stores https://onerpm.link/KennySol-Forget
Watumye nyaga ndasara
You try me and I try you
Umuhungu ndakwama
Banga bang wari fire Aahh
Kumuhari mwinshi kumuhate
Mwinshi, kuka Jeste wari badgirl
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi
Ndimo mfatirana izi occasion
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi eehh
Ni koco nkinumira aaahh
Vraiment sinkirwana
Ubu Ni one night stand
Izi nkundo nkakatira, ibyuma nkagigira
They say I’m a player, izi relationship
Mba mbona zandab’Ivu, reka zampitana
published: 31 Dec 2021
Machine Gun Kelly ft. Halsey - forget me too (Official Music Video)
Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall is available now!
Follow Machine Gun Kelly:
Follow Halsey:
#MGK #Halsey #TicketsToMyDownfall #ForgetMeToo
published: 22 Oct 2020
Pogo - Forget (slowed down)
Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
⭐Follow TikTokTunes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstiktoktunes
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itstiktoktunes
TikTok Spotify Playlist: https://sptfy.com/4Pdl
Stream Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Contact me: itstiktoktunes@gmail.com
Pogo - Forget (slowed down)
published: 12 Sep 2022
Kygo, Miguel - Remind Me to Forget (Official Video)
Enjoy more videos by Kygo
Follow Kygo on:
published: 07 May 2018
Remix of voices from various beautiful films.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Bandcamp: https://pogomix.bandcamp.com/
Remix of voices from various beautiful films.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Bandcamp: https://pogomix.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pogomix
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialPogo
Contact: http://www.pogomix.net/contact
Remix of voices from various beautiful films.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Bandcamp: https://pogomix.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pogomix
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialPogo
Contact: http://www.pogomix.net/contact
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 27995717
MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget [Official Music Video]
Official Music Video | MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget
Written by Marina
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
Official Music Video | MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget
Written by Marina
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
[Verse 1]
Sometimes I think I'm not that strong
But there's a force that carries me on
Sick of my small heart, made of steel
Sick of the wounds that never heal (never heal)
[Pre-Chorus 1]
'Cause I have lived my life in debt
I've spent my days in deep regret
Yeah, I been living in the red
Oh, cause I can't forgive and I can't forget
[Chorus 1]
Forget, forget, forget, forget
Ain't no time for regret
Yeah, it's time to forget
[Verse 2]
Ever since I can remember
Life was like a tipping scale
Like an abacus I played with
Counting every win and fail (win and fail)
[Pre-Chorus 2]
'Cause I have lived my life in debt
I've spent my days in deep regret
Yeah, I've been living in the red
But I wanna forgive and forget
[Chorus 2]
Ain't no time for regret
Yeah, it's time
[Middle 8]
To be letting go
Oh, baby you know
What I'm talking about
Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove
Oh, baby, I'm bowing out
Out, I'm bowing out
Yeah, I've been dancing with the devil
I love that he pretends to care
If I'll ever get to heaven
When a million dollars gets you there
Oh, all the time that I have wasted
Chasing rabbits down a hole
When I was born to be the tortoise
I was born to walk alone
Forget about it
Forget about it
Forget about it
[Chorus 3]
Ain't no time for regret
I'm gonna leave the past behind
I've had enough, I'm breaking free
No pressing stop, erase, rewind
That chain of thought that followed me
I've put my money where my mouth is
For the first time in my life
I've made mistakes but I believe that
Everything was worth the fight
'Cause in the end, the road is long
But only 'cause it makes you strong
It's filled with peaks and twists and turns
Sometimes you have to learn to forget about it
Written by Marina Diamandis
Produced by David Kosten & Marina Diamandis
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
Website: http://www.marinaofficial.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadiamandis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marinadiamandis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marinadiamandis
Spotify: https://Marina.lnk.to/YTspotify
Apple Music: https://Marina.lnk.to/YTapple
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/marinadiamandis
Official Music Video | MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS - Forget
Written by Marina
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
[Verse 1]
Sometimes I think I'm not that strong
But there's a force that carries me on
Sick of my small heart, made of steel
Sick of the wounds that never heal (never heal)
[Pre-Chorus 1]
'Cause I have lived my life in debt
I've spent my days in deep regret
Yeah, I been living in the red
Oh, cause I can't forgive and I can't forget
[Chorus 1]
Forget, forget, forget, forget
Ain't no time for regret
Yeah, it's time to forget
[Verse 2]
Ever since I can remember
Life was like a tipping scale
Like an abacus I played with
Counting every win and fail (win and fail)
[Pre-Chorus 2]
'Cause I have lived my life in debt
I've spent my days in deep regret
Yeah, I've been living in the red
But I wanna forgive and forget
[Chorus 2]
Ain't no time for regret
Yeah, it's time
[Middle 8]
To be letting go
Oh, baby you know
What I'm talking about
Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove
Oh, baby, I'm bowing out
Out, I'm bowing out
Yeah, I've been dancing with the devil
I love that he pretends to care
If I'll ever get to heaven
When a million dollars gets you there
Oh, all the time that I have wasted
Chasing rabbits down a hole
When I was born to be the tortoise
I was born to walk alone
Forget about it
Forget about it
Forget about it
[Chorus 3]
Ain't no time for regret
I'm gonna leave the past behind
I've had enough, I'm breaking free
No pressing stop, erase, rewind
That chain of thought that followed me
I've put my money where my mouth is
For the first time in my life
I've made mistakes but I believe that
Everything was worth the fight
'Cause in the end, the road is long
But only 'cause it makes you strong
It's filled with peaks and twists and turns
Sometimes you have to learn to forget about it
Written by Marina Diamandis
Produced by David Kosten & Marina Diamandis
Directed by Markus Lundqvist
Website: http://www.marinaofficial.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadiamandis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marinadiamandis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marinadiamandis
Spotify: https://Marina.lnk.to/YTspotify
Apple Music: https://Marina.lnk.to/YTapple
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/marinadiamandis
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 7729558
BigWalkDog - Forget [Official Music Video]
BigWalkDog - Forget
Download/Stream: https://bigwalkdog.lnk.to/ForgetVideo
Subscribe for more official content from BigWalkDog:
BigWalkDog - Forget
Download/Stream: https://bigwalkdog.lnk.to/ForgetVideo
Subscribe for more official content from BigWalkDog:
FOLLOW BigWalkDog 🥶
Instagram: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Instagram
Facebook: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Facebook
Twitter: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Twitter
LISTEN TO BigWalkDog 🥶
Apple: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/AppleMusic
Spotify: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Spotify
Soundcloud: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Soundcloud
Audiomack: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Audiomack
The official YouTube channel of 1017 Records artist BigWalkDog. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.
#Forget #BigWalkDog #TheNew1017 #AtlanticRecords
BigWalkDog - Forget
Download/Stream: https://bigwalkdog.lnk.to/ForgetVideo
Subscribe for more official content from BigWalkDog:
FOLLOW BigWalkDog 🥶
Instagram: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Instagram
Facebook: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Facebook
Twitter: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Twitter
LISTEN TO BigWalkDog 🥶
Apple: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/AppleMusic
Spotify: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Spotify
Soundcloud: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Soundcloud
Audiomack: https://BigWalkDog.lnk.to/Audiomack
The official YouTube channel of 1017 Records artist BigWalkDog. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.
#Forget #BigWalkDog #TheNew1017 #AtlanticRecords
- published: 06 Sep 2024
- views: 696928
BENSOUL - FORGET YOU (ACOUSTIC) SMS [Skiza 8549274] to 811
QWARANTUNES (EP) OUT NOW: http://africori.to/qwarantunes
FORGET YOU is the first acoustic jam off a special series (QuaranTUNES) that I wrote during this peri...
QWARANTUNES (EP) OUT NOW: http://africori.to/qwarantunes
FORGET YOU is the first acoustic jam off a special series (QuaranTUNES) that I wrote during this period. I will be posting them every week on Thursday for the rest of the month.
Jifungie na ujiwashie yako, kama kawa kama dawa! Happy 4/20. #Youtube #StayHome #WithMe
Shot & edited by: direktorkay
Prod by: Bensoul & Trevor Magak
Written & performed by: Bensoul
Location: Snowball Industries
Mixed and mastered by: Trevor Magak.
Thank you Ross Patel for being the genesis of this song
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bensoulmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bensoulmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bensoulmusic/
I'll never forget you
I'll never pretend to
Tumepita kwenye jua
Tumepita kwenye mvua
You've always been so true
Kweli umecome through
Ni heri ungejua
Mwingine sitajua
Saa zile mi ukuwazanga sana
Picha zinakuwanga za maana
Yule anapanganga ni maulana
Ila siwezi ngoja.
Mpaka vile tutaonana....
Show me the greenlight
Tell me you're alright
Je uko na dawa??
Umepiga shower??
Deep in the dark night
Make me your moonlight
Ata bila power
Tutakuwa sawa
Na kama unaniwazanga sana
Mi na wewe tunafanana
Najua pia wewe unang'ang'ana
Na so siwezi ngoja
Mpaka vile tutaonana....
QWARANTUNES (EP) OUT NOW: http://africori.to/qwarantunes
FORGET YOU is the first acoustic jam off a special series (QuaranTUNES) that I wrote during this period. I will be posting them every week on Thursday for the rest of the month.
Jifungie na ujiwashie yako, kama kawa kama dawa! Happy 4/20. #Youtube #StayHome #WithMe
Shot & edited by: direktorkay
Prod by: Bensoul & Trevor Magak
Written & performed by: Bensoul
Location: Snowball Industries
Mixed and mastered by: Trevor Magak.
Thank you Ross Patel for being the genesis of this song
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bensoulmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bensoulmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bensoulmusic/
I'll never forget you
I'll never pretend to
Tumepita kwenye jua
Tumepita kwenye mvua
You've always been so true
Kweli umecome through
Ni heri ungejua
Mwingine sitajua
Saa zile mi ukuwazanga sana
Picha zinakuwanga za maana
Yule anapanganga ni maulana
Ila siwezi ngoja.
Mpaka vile tutaonana....
Show me the greenlight
Tell me you're alright
Je uko na dawa??
Umepiga shower??
Deep in the dark night
Make me your moonlight
Ata bila power
Tutakuwa sawa
Na kama unaniwazanga sana
Mi na wewe tunafanana
Najua pia wewe unang'ang'ana
Na so siwezi ngoja
Mpaka vile tutaonana....
- published: 02 Apr 2020
- views: 5132070
Muni Long - Make Me Forget (Official Lyric Video)
Listen Now: "Make Me Forget": https://MuniLong.lnk.to/MakeMeForget
Follow Muni Long
Instagram: http://instagram.com/munilong
Twitter: http://twitter.com/munilo...
Listen Now: "Make Me Forget": https://MuniLong.lnk.to/MakeMeForget
Follow Muni Long
Instagram: http://instagram.com/munilong
Twitter: http://twitter.com/munilong
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/munilong
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@munilong
YouTube: http://youtube.com/munilong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammunilong
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3naqle9
#MuniLong #MakeMeForget
Listen Now: "Make Me Forget": https://MuniLong.lnk.to/MakeMeForget
Follow Muni Long
Instagram: http://instagram.com/munilong
Twitter: http://twitter.com/munilong
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/munilong
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@munilong
YouTube: http://youtube.com/munilong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammunilong
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3naqle9
#MuniLong #MakeMeForget
- published: 31 May 2024
- views: 2912044
#ENHYPEN 공식 채널
ENHYPEN Weverse https://www.weverse.io/enhypen
OFFICIAL V LIVE https://channel...
#ENHYPEN 공식 채널
ENHYPEN Weverse https://www.weverse.io/enhypen
OFFICIAL V LIVE https://channels.vlive.tv/9A0CA5
OFFICIAL TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN_members
OFFICIAL FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/officialENHYPEN
OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/enhypen
OFFICIAL TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@enhypen
OFFICIAL WEIBO https://weibo.com/ENHYPEN
#ENHYPEN 공식 채널
ENHYPEN Weverse https://www.weverse.io/enhypen
OFFICIAL V LIVE https://channels.vlive.tv/9A0CA5
OFFICIAL TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN TWITTER https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN_members
OFFICIAL FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/officialENHYPEN
OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/enhypen
OFFICIAL TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@enhypen
OFFICIAL WEIBO https://weibo.com/ENHYPEN
- published: 10 Aug 2021
- views: 6983718
Kenny Sol - Forget (Official Video)
Inspired by true events, "Forget" is a record that draws inspiration from trepidation caused by past relationships
Audio producer: Niz Beatz
Video director: Bi...
Inspired by true events, "Forget" is a record that draws inspiration from trepidation caused by past relationships
Audio producer: Niz Beatz
Video director: Big Team
Mix and Mastering: Bob Pro
Out On All Stores https://onerpm.link/KennySol-Forget
Watumye nyaga ndasara
You try me and I try you
Umuhungu ndakwama
Banga bang wari fire Aahh
Kumuhari mwinshi kumuhate
Mwinshi, kuka Jeste wari badgirl
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi
Ndimo mfatirana izi occasion
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi eehh
Ni koco nkinumira aaahh
Vraiment sinkirwana
Ubu Ni one night stand
Izi nkundo nkakatira, ibyuma nkagigira
They say I’m a player, izi relationship
Mba mbona zandab’Ivu, reka zampitana
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize ayiwee
Let me just sip my alcohol
Bad energies far away
Reka ngume murizi High high
Nibagiwe ko wariye Bestfreinds
Reka nshireho aka ga Stick stick
Free me, free my mindset
Nigutyo win win system
Ama hommie yawe nkoremo umuganda
Reka ngukubite aga payback
Kuriyi P**y nabaye Addicted Aahhh
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi
Ndimo mfatirana izi occasion
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi eehh
Ni koco nkinumira
Vraiment sinkirwana
Ubu Ni one night stand
Izi nkundo nkakatira, ibyuma nkagigira
They say I’m a player, izi relationship
Mba mbona zandab’Ivu, reka zampitana
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize ayiweeh
#KennySol #Forget #rwandamusic #afropop
Inspired by true events, "Forget" is a record that draws inspiration from trepidation caused by past relationships
Audio producer: Niz Beatz
Video director: Big Team
Mix and Mastering: Bob Pro
Out On All Stores https://onerpm.link/KennySol-Forget
Watumye nyaga ndasara
You try me and I try you
Umuhungu ndakwama
Banga bang wari fire Aahh
Kumuhari mwinshi kumuhate
Mwinshi, kuka Jeste wari badgirl
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi
Ndimo mfatirana izi occasion
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi eehh
Ni koco nkinumira aaahh
Vraiment sinkirwana
Ubu Ni one night stand
Izi nkundo nkakatira, ibyuma nkagigira
They say I’m a player, izi relationship
Mba mbona zandab’Ivu, reka zampitana
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize ayiwee
Let me just sip my alcohol
Bad energies far away
Reka ngume murizi High high
Nibagiwe ko wariye Bestfreinds
Reka nshireho aka ga Stick stick
Free me, free my mindset
Nigutyo win win system
Ama hommie yawe nkoremo umuganda
Reka ngukubite aga payback
Kuriyi P**y nabaye Addicted Aahhh
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi
Ndimo mfatirana izi occasion
You gave me a reason to hate
F**k and forget
Ubu ntamibare myinshi eehh
Ni koco nkinumira
Vraiment sinkirwana
Ubu Ni one night stand
Izi nkundo nkakatira, ibyuma nkagigira
They say I’m a player, izi relationship
Mba mbona zandab’Ivu, reka zampitana
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize
Mubi High byinshi niho wanshize
Kuba aka bitch bitch Niko wangize
High nyinshi niko wangize ayiweeh
#KennySol #Forget #rwandamusic #afropop
- published: 31 Dec 2021
- views: 2234423
Machine Gun Kelly ft. Halsey - forget me too (Official Music Video)
Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall is available now!
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Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall is available now!
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#MGK #Halsey #TicketsToMyDownfall #ForgetMeToo
Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall is available now!
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Follow Halsey:
#MGK #Halsey #TicketsToMyDownfall #ForgetMeToo
- published: 22 Oct 2020
- views: 85749026
Pogo - Forget (slowed down)
Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
⭐Follow TikTokTunes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstiktoktunes
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nMhW...
Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
⭐Follow TikTokTunes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstiktoktunes
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itstiktoktunes
TikTok Spotify Playlist: https://sptfy.com/4Pdl
Stream Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Contact me: itstiktoktunes@gmail.com
Pogo - Forget (slowed down)
Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
⭐Follow TikTokTunes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstiktoktunes
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nMhW6J
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itstiktoktunes
TikTok Spotify Playlist: https://sptfy.com/4Pdl
Stream Pogo - Forget (slowed down): https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ng3xz2dyz57Z1WpnzM2G7
Contact me: itstiktoktunes@gmail.com
Pogo - Forget (slowed down)
- published: 12 Sep 2022
- views: 8303001
Kygo, Miguel - Remind Me to Forget (Official Video)
Enjoy more videos by Kygo
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Enjoy more videos by Kygo
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Enjoy more videos by Kygo
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- published: 07 May 2018
- views: 122561885