
Queensland police save French backpackers from 'spiders as big as dinner plates'

A big, hairy and scary enemy confronted police in far north Queensland on Tuesday evening.

While on patrol a pair of Mareeba officers were flagged down by French backpackers near Granite Creek, about 70 kilometres west of Cairns.

Two Mareeba police officers were flagged down by French backpackers near Granite Creek and asked to help remove a spider ...
Two Mareeba police officers were flagged down by French backpackers near Granite Creek and asked to help remove a spider from the backpackers' campervan. Photo: Queensland Police

The backpackers claimed their campervan had been invaded by spiders the size of dinner plates. Their description was an exaggeration.

Police said only one spider had "invaded" the campervan and the real concern was the 2 metre long scrub python that liked to curl up on the back seat if the doors were left open.

Police said the two female officers kindly informed the holiday makers their aim was good, but not that good.

Police also suggest travellers and residents invest in a can of insect or spider spray.

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