This film's a marathon in slow motion

| Bangalore Mirror Bureau |
This film's a marathon in slow motion
A lead actor who cannot save his life with acting, a plot based on just three incidents, and a supposed thriller in which half the shots are in slow motion; these are the three hurdles for this film's good run. Whatever great expectations the posters and trailer of the film had generated goes for a toss even before the 'run' takes off post interval.

The film starts with the protagonist jumping off a building, but his suicide attempt is a failure. Now, what great reason does he have for it? There is of course a plausible and bold reason. When he makes another attempt to put an end to his life, he gets a reason to postpone it for a few hours. It is at the interval that both the film and our hero get an opportunity to run. But as thrillers go, it is too late. A romance suddenly transforms into an action thriller, and each succeeding scene turns out to be more implausible.

It is an immature run in the second half. Police search for the man on the run in files, while our hero walks around town. Apart from the induced slow-motion, the songs have a terrible placement. Just when the 'running' starts, the lead pair go into a song-and-dance routine minutes into the post interval stretch. The melodies that Manikanth Kadri churns out is misplaced in a film like this.

Rukhsar Mir and Sushmita Joshi make the film bearable, while Manohar Joshi's cinematography is awesome. The film vaguely reminds you of the Upendra-directed and Raghavendra Rajkumar-starrer Swastik, which fell flat only in the end after being an entertainer throughout. This film has a bad mood throughout, provoking the audience to create their own laughter commenting on it. At the end, Antony was still running to save the world.
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