Rail Trail popular

ON THE MOVE: Port Fairy's Toby Watkinson cycles along the Rail Trail. He is one of a large number of cyclists and walkers who have used the trail despite a cold and wet winter. Picture: Vicky Hughson

ON THE MOVE: Port Fairy's Toby Watkinson cycles along the Rail Trail. He is one of a large number of cyclists and walkers who have used the trail despite a cold and wet winter. Picture: Vicky Hughson

A COLD and wet first month of winter hasn’t taken the lustre off the Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail.

Figures have been released by the rail trail committee of management showing usage continuing to be strong.

Committee of management secretary Ian Bodycoat said the number of people using the trail remains impressive.

“For the month of June, the counter at the Regent Street section of the trail counted 3000 people,” Bodycoat said.

“We are really thrilled with those numbers given it is the middle of winter and given the weather we have had.”

The rail trail was the location for a major event in the first installment of the Port Fairy Winter Weekends program in June.

A community bike ride left Port Fairy and traveled along the trail to Badhams Road where entertainment and refreshments were had before getting back on the bike and returning to town.

Bike groups from both Port Fairy and Koroit undertake weekly excursions along the rail trail. 

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