Australian Unions - Rights Watch blog

Rights Watch blog

Maree asks: We just found out yesterday that my dad has mesothelioma. The whole family is just beside ourselves and we don’t know what to do. He was a builder so he could’ve been exposed to asbestos on any number of occasions. We don’t know where to turn. Can you refer us to something in Queensland?
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Leonie asks: I work for the local council and I’ve just now changed jobs within the council. I’m not being paid for overtime or coming in on the weekends.
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Erin asks: If I normally work on a day when a public holiday falls but I’m sick on that day and so don’t go in, would I get penalty rates?
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Liam asks: I’ve been doing the same work for about 10 years. In 2010 someone bought the business and told me I’d have to get an ABN. He said I would be self-employed. I did this because I needed to keep my job. That’s the only thing that’s changed though I still work about 35 hours a week and my pay’s...
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Eva asks: I am a cleaner and we clean toilets and showers. In the spare toilet block we keep chemicals and cleaning equipment and there is toilet water leaking all over that has a horrible odour to it. This water lies around for days sometimes weeks and we have to walk through it to get to the cleaning products and...
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Leon asks: My employer says she doesn’t have to pay me the amount set down in the Award as when I started working for her the Award said I was paid at a lower rate. She said the amount I was employed under is the correct amount and still applies. Is this true? I’ve been here for three years.
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Laurel asks: I’m pregnant but I haven’t told my boss yet. I’m a bit worried that she won’t be happy about it.
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Casey asks: I’m working at a kitchen that is non-ventilated and is already reaching 33 degrees. I’m worried about how I will be in summer.
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James asks: My boss has asked me to obtain an ABN. Since then I have done so, but I don’t understand why I need to have an ABN if I am working for his business.
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Gavin asks: I didn’t get my annual leave pay and when I left the job. I asked them but I am missing my pay.
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