@UEFA blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @UEFA desblokeatuko.

  1. One of these players from will hand over a UEFA donation to . Check out the team!

  2. announced today! ' video on its contribution before 2015 handover

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  3. Tomorrow, is named. One of the team members will hand a cheque to

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  4. Belgrade schoolchildren joined UEFA in presenting 'tips and tricks' for a sustainable EURO next month

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  5. Check out the progress so far of and don't forget to follow them for more!

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  6. "Biggest and best ever." Gianni Infantino previews 2016 in his UEFA•direct column

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  7. New list of prohibited substances and methods comes into effect today. MORE:

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  8. On Seydou Doumbia's birthday, remember video with 's Akinfeev

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  9. Too much festive food? Leading , players give tips for a healthy diet

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  10. Going to ? Measure & offset your trip and you could win finals tix

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  11. 2015 was a year of grassroots gold awards for , , Lithuania. VIDEO:

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  12. UEFA supports through vote. There's still time to pick your XI

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  13. Academic development is key to football's future. See UEFA's 2015 syllabus and results here:

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  14. During 2015, football has played a role in driving social development. Check out how:

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  15. Got tickets for ? Try eco-calculator to gauge impact of your trip

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  16. UEFA have been working to develop women's football in 2015. A progress report HERE:

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  17. 2015 has been a year of building for the future in terms of UEFA's coach education. See how:

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  18. See the trends of the Women's U19 EURO 2015 in Israel with our technical report. Online now:

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  19. ., join forces to host UEFA Certificate in Football Management

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