Race to the White House 2016

US State Department reopens Clinton probe

9:45 AM   The US State Department is reopening an internal investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and top aides.

In a defiant, angry speech, Donald Trump defends image seen as anti-Semitic

Donald Trump, presumptive Republican presidential nominee, speaks during a campaign event in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Maggie Haberman, Michael Barbaro And Jonathan Mahler   Donald Trump on Wednesday offered a defiant defence of his campaign's decision to publish an image widely viewed as anti-Semitic ??? saying he regretted deleting it ??? and vigorously reaffirmed his praise of Saddam Hussein, the murderous Iraqi dictator.

Fox News presenter sues CEO for sexual harassment

For News presenter Gretchen Carlson says Roger Ailes called her a "man hater" and said she needed to "get along with the ...

Michael Idato   Murdoch lieutenant accused of sabotaging her career because she 'refused his sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive sexual harassment'.

Reporter calls out publisher (Donald Trump's son-in-law) over anti-Semitism

Dana Schwartz

Jonathan Mahler   Tuesday morning, Dana Schwartz, a culture reporter for The New York Observer, sent a pitch to the paper's editor-in-chief.

FBI 'no charge' recommendation for Hillary Clinton could be devastating

Hillary Clinton, presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and US President Barack Obama at their first campaign ...

Paul McGeough   This election just got so much harder for Hillary Clinton – to be cleared of criminal misconduct was good news that lasted for just a minute.

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FBI chief: No grounds for criminal charges after Clinton email probe

The FBI will not pursue charges against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Matt Zapotosky   Mr Comey said there was evidence to suggest a disregard of standing security protocols, but said the FBI findings determined that "no reasonable prosecutor" would likely bring criminal charges

Hillary Clinton 'vetted' by the FBI

Former President Bill Clinton, left, with his wife, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

Paul McGeough   The timing of the three-and a half hour interview over Clinton's email server is delicate.

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Trump is feminist, says daughter Ivanka

Donald Trump, presumptive Republican presidential nominee on Friday.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has "lived" gender equality, his daughter says.

Donald Trump, once again, nearly turned a good day into a tie

It was a good news day for Donald Trump ... then he tweeted.

Philip Bump   News that Hillary Clinton had been interviewed by the FBI should have given Donald Trump a welcome break from the spotlight. Then he tweeted.

Donald Trump White House is just as likely as Brexit, say odds makers

Donald Trump has a 27 per cent chance of winning White House, according to one oddsmaker.

Dara Doyle   What are the chances of UK still being in the European Union for another four years and beyond? About the same as Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidency, according to oddsmakers.

Trump promised millions to charity, but it was less than $US10,000

Donald Trump's donations to charity are back in the spotlight.

David A. Fahrenthold   In the past 15 years, Trump has promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his enterprises. If he had honored those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $US8.5 million.

Trump a 'thin-skinned bully who's driven by greed and hate'

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, right, speaks as Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State ...

Michael A. Memoli   Elizabeth Warren may not end up being Hillary Clinton's running mate. But there's no question she's mastered one aspect of the job: attack dog.

Donald Trump plunges in new poll that gives Hillary Clinton a double-digit lead

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaking in Cleveland.

Scott Clement and Philip Rucker   Support for Donald Trump has plunged as he has alienated fellow Republicans and large majorities of voters overall in the course of a month of self-inflicted controversies, propelling Democrat Hillary Clinton to a double-digit lead nationally in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Brexit: Hillary Clinton campaign hits Donald Trump for seeing Britain's UK exit as boon to his business

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has a clear vision for the economy, she says.

John Whitesides and Lucia Mutikani   Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign accused Donald Trump on Sunday of caring more about how Britain's historic vote to leave the European Union would benefit his financial bottom line than how it would impact the US economy.


Britain's Brexit just killed globalisation as we know it

Uncertainty over the exit is expected to fuel more volatility in the markets in the weeks ahead.

Jim Tankersley   The economic story of the past quarter century was the rapid advance of globalisation, the unleashing of trade and commerce among countries rich and poor -- a McDonald's in every European capital, "Made in China" labels throughout Toys R Us. The Brexit vote on Thursday ends that story, at least in its current volume.

The morning after the night before: The Trans-Atlantic fallout over Brexit

Donald Trump mixing with the locals in Scotland.

Paul McGeough   As panic set in among institutional and private investors, the American political and pundit classes spun the shock referendum outcome defensively and cautiously, save for Trump,

Who is Hope Hicks?

Hope Hicks watches from the sidelines at a Donald Trump press conference.

Paul McGeough   The island of calm in a chaotic campaign? Meet the 27-year-old at the heart of Donald Trump's US presidential tilt.


Forget Donald Trump's lies. It's that his political language that no longer matters

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump giving a speech. But does language even matter?

Paul McGeough   PolitiFact found 50 per cent of what Clinton had to say on the campaign trail was true or mostly true. With Trump it's closer to 9 per cent.


DNCHack: Did Kim Dotcom warn the world about the Democratic Party hacking?

Providing transparency: Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom

Chris Zappone   Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom said in 2015 that he knew of information that was going to create an obstacle for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election bid.

Mexican flags and bitter history to welcome Donald Trump to Scotland

The Mexican flag, foreground, and the Scottish flag blow on land owned by David Milne, one of Donald Trump's ...

Stephanie Baker   Donald Trump's first foreign trip since becoming presumptive Republican presidential nominee could go sour very quickly.

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