Federal Politics

Federal election: Dawson MP George Christensen still awaiting AFP decision

The Australian Federal Police is still evaluating a complaint of alleged electoral bribery against newly re-elected George Christensen, leading to calls from the Queensland MP for the process to be sped up.

George Christensen has been accused of electoral bribery over a promise to a local turtle preservation group.
George Christensen has been accused of electoral bribery over a promise to a local turtle preservation group. Photo: ABC News

Left-leaning activist group GetUp referred Mr Christensen to the Australian Electoral Commission over a social media post in which the Liberal National MP promised a local turtle rescue group a $12,000 "personal contribution" if he was re-elected.

The AEC, in turn, referred the matter to the AFP.

George Christensen's Facebook post has been referred to the Australian Federal Police.
George Christensen's Facebook post has been referred to the Australian Federal Police. Photo: Facebook screenshot

More than a month on, and with Mr Christensen having been successfully re-elected to the Mackay-based seat of Dawson, the AFP confirmed it was still an active matter for the agency.

"The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has received a referral from the AEC in relation to this matter," an AFP spokeswoman said in a statement.


"The referral is currently being evaluated."

GetUp had complained to the AEC after Mr Christensen posted his commitment, to Eco Barge's Turtle Rescue Centre in the Whitsundays, on his Facebook page.

A spokeswoman for Mr Christensen said the Dawson MP had "had no further contact" from the AFP since GetUp's initial complaint.

"He understands the AFP are still assessing whether the referral even warrants an investigation," he said.

"Mr Christensen said it would be preferable if such referrals could be expedited during an election campaign, but that had not happened and he had no idea how long it would take."

The AFP dealt with another complaint, this one against former Brisbane MP Teresa Gambaro, much more quickly.

The AFP referred that complaint, made by Labor MP Brendan O'Connor on June 27, to the Department of Finance on Thursday, 10 days after the original referral.

Labor's complaint dealt with allegations Ms Gambaro favoured LNP donors when selecting her Brisbane electorate office in Newstead.

"The Department of Finance is responsible for the administration of entitlements for members of the Australian Parliament," an AFP spokeswoman said.

The department was asked whether it was conducting its own investigation, but an answer was not forthcoming.

"The Department of Finance does not comment on its dealings with individual parliamentarians or in relation to the administration of parliamentary entitlements," a department spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, an AFP spokeswoman said a Liberal Party complaint against Queensland Labor over its controversial "Mediscare" text campaign was still being evaluated.

That campaign saw text messages, seemingly from the sender "Medicare", which said: "Mr Turnbull's plans to privatise Medicare will take us down the road of no return. Time is running out to Save Medicare."

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