Change in sleep patterns.
Disturbances during sleep, hot feet, waking up two or three times during the night. Feeling tired and sleepy after waking up.
Fall asleep and wake up during the day.
The Standard 3
Sonos, which often happens to many people is characterized by: sleep about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep another 2-3 hours, wake up again, go back to sleep another 2-3 hours.
Others saw alter their sleep needs, going to sleep less.
Lately, some people feel enormous energy waves going through your body from the crown (energy center at the top of the head). These waves can affect sleep.
Advice: Get used up.
Pacifique with this energy and not worry about not getting enough sleep (concern that sometimes can cause more insomnia). Be able to afford your day if you think you have the right amount of what you need. You can also ask your self that, from time to time, give you a break in order to have a restful sleep. If, during the night, unable to sleep, take this time to meditate, read poetry, write your journal or look at the moon. Your body will be adjusting to the new standard.
Activity of the crown chakra (top of head).
Feelings of tinkling, itching, tingling and chills on the scalp and / or spine.
Energetic vibration sensation in the top of the head, as if the energy gushed forth in shower. You may feel pressure on the crown, as if someone is pressing a finger against the head center. As mentioned in paragraph 1, we live in huge energy shipments through the crown chakra.
We can feel a more generalized pressure, as if the head was inside a very soft appliance.
Advice: Do not be alarmed. This is the opening of the crown chakra. Such feelings tell you that you are open to receive the divine energy.
Sudden waves of emotion.
Convulsive weeping.
Suddenly, I feel angry, depressed, sad or very unhappy with the slightest provocation.
Emotions run wild.
Often the pressure or the congested emotions are felt in the heart chakra (in the center of the chest), which should not be confused with the heart, the left of the heart chakra.
Accept your feelings as they occur, bless them and let them go.
Feel the emotional content of energy in the heart chakra.
Expand it to all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly button to the upper chest. Feel the emotion and let it evaporate. Do not direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning the past. If you need help, say out loud that you want to leave all this old stuff and ask your
Higher Self. You can also ask the
Angels of
Grace (white crystal energy) to help you release these emotions, easily and smoothly. Thank for your body is releasing these emotions, not the holding within them, which could cause damage. One of our sources suggests that depression is linked to relations of "leave as is", personal relationships, professional, etc. that no longer serve neither we nor to our frequencies.
Clarification of karma.
Old content seem to be resurfacing, as described above, resurfacing in your life the people involved in these episodes.
Process of closing cases. Or you may have to work your self-esteem, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc.
Start appearing the resources or people you need to help in this work.
Council: Same as for
point 3. And again, do not get involved too much in the analysis of situations, as this will make them come back again, each time the deeper levels.
Ask for help from a therapist, if you need, and go. Do not try to avoid or "move to the side" of these "memories".
Embrace what appear and thank so contribute to its development. Thank your Higher Self for giving him the opportunity to get rid of these 'waste'.
Remember, you do not want them to continue in their
You are awakening?
Happy birthday!!!!