• Interview with Raw Edge Magazine

    I understand that you spent some of your childhood in Jamaica. How old were you when you went back?

    There was never a particular time when I went back and stayed […]

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  • What is an asylum-seeker?

    What is an asylum-seeker? To a lot of people in this country “asylum-seeker” has become a term of abuse. Not so long ago I even heard a girl use the […]

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  • Interview with Tour Magazine

    Benjamin Zephaniah doesn’t like heights. He is sitting on the low wall that runs along the edge of the Blue Note rooftop, look seriously uncomfortable. It’s four floors down to […]

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  • Easy going

    I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve visited Jamaica, but I’ve never had a holiday there. Family visits are not holidays; it’s hard work remembering everyone’s name, eating […]

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  • Poetic Thoughts

    RC: How or when did you first become aware of animal suffering and when did you become Vegan?

    BZ: When I was 11, I had a conversation with my mother. […]

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