- published: 07 Oct 2016
- views: 37909
Ian, Iain (/ˈiː.ən/; Scottish Gaelic pronunciation: [ˈɪʲən]) is a name of Scottish Gaelic origin, corresponding to English/Hebrew John. It is a very popular name in much of the English-speaking world and especially in Scotland, where it originated. Ian was the 19th most popular male name, taking account of the whole British population (over 300,000 Ians in total).
The name has now fallen out of the top 100 male baby names in the UK, having peaked in popularity as one of the top 10 names throughout the 1960s, while remaining roughly constant in popularity in the USA. Back in 1900, Ian was the 180th most popular male baby name in England and Wales.
The original Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic form of the name is Seán (or Seathan). Ian is a variant spelling of the Scoticisations Eathain, Eóin, and Iain.
Other Gaelic forms of "John" include "Seonaidh" ("Johnny" from Lowland Scots), "Seon" (from English), "Seathan", and "Seán" and "Eoin" (from Irish). Its Welsh counterpart is Ioan and Breton equivalent is Yann.
Ian Gets Lucky
Ian is Pregnant!
IAN GETS KIDNAPPED (Part Timers #15)
IAN SPEAKS SPANISH?! (Smosh Babies #44)
Ian Raiburg - Recital - Braila - 6 Iunie 2014 - Înregistrare integrală
Ian Eastwood Choreography Feat. Megan Batoon | "Chivalry Is Dead" - Trevor Wesley
Actors: Tom Wright (actor), Leighton Meester (actress), Frederic Perrin (miscellaneous crew), William R. Moses (actor), Ralph Winter (producer), David Keith (actor), Mel Harris (actress), Rich Cowan (producer), David Bergeaud (composer), Rafal Zielinski (director), Paula Hunziker (miscellaneous crew), Margaret Travolta (actress), Edwin Hodge (actor), Larry Payne (miscellaneous crew), Jason Mckee (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: Bullying students are becoming deathly ill after screaming the name of a legendary ghost. What's to blame? An exotic illness? An illicit drug? Or is it the supernatural? The clues are few and time is running out for the students of Rogers High School. The only hope is the Veritas Project, a highly trained investigative team working undercover to expose the truth. Lives hang in the balance as they scramble to unravel the mystery and protect the student body from their own hatred and fear.
Keywords: air-duct, apostrophe-in-title, based-on-novel, bully, bullying, cellar, cheerleader, christian, clique, curseLa intención del vídeo es que sepan mas de mi vida privada y contarles muchas cosas, para poder conocernos mejor!! Espero que les haya gustado, me ayudan mucho dándole LIKE y COMPARTIR :) SUSCRIBITE PARA MAS VÍDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/ianlucasoficial?sub_confirmation=1 REDES SOCIALES: Instagram: www.instagram.com/ianlucas Twitter: www.twitter.com/rubeooh Snapchat: @Rubeoohian Facebook: www.facebook.com/ianlucasoficial Producción: https://es-la.facebook.com/pablosecofotografia
DELETED SCENE & ANTHONY'S OWN VID: http://bit.ly/7xmPOe iSHUTUP APP FOR iPHONE: http://smo.sh/Y8u4J9 When Ian and Anthony need money, Anthony files for unemployment... and Ian hatches a get-rich-quick scheme for himself! Will the Smosh app save the day? http://smosh.com http://twitter.com/smosh http://facebook.com/smosh http://myspace.com/smosh
SEE WHY ANTHONY WAS IN IAN'S ROOM: http://bit.ly/17Ureq Thanks for subscribing! Anthony + Ian + baby = 3? WHAT? http://smosh.com http://twitter.com/smosh http://facebook.com/smosh http://myspace.com/smosh
NEXT EPISODE ►► https://youtu.be/lLoG5wWA0ac MORE SMOSH VIDEOS ►► https://youtu.be/-hvlg7tryTM START FROM THE BEGINNING ►► https://youtu.be/dFKEcpSq-ao SUBSCRIBE ►► https://youtube.com/smosh EPISODE #15 Ian gets kidnapped by some illegal fruit smugglers after he, Ella, and Lori find laundered money in the ceiling of Pork E. Pine’s. Meanwhile, Anton leads the rest of the staff in a debate for how to best spend this newfound cash. PART TIMERS is a new series about the employees of Pork E. Pine’s -- a pizzeria and arcade long past its prime. Based on TRUE STORIES from Ian’s real life first job ...kinda. Love the Part Timers theme song? Download it here: http://smo.sh/PTsong Rating: TV-14 Cast: IAN - Ian Hecox ANTON - Anthony Padilla DINGER - Casey Webb ELLA - Jade Martz LORI - Natalie...
PREVIOUS EPISODE ►► http://smo.sh/SmoshBabies44 CHECK OUT SUPER SMOSH! ►► http://smo.sh/SuperSmosh9 SUBSCRIBE ►► http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp After a knock on the head, Baby Ian can speak Spanish! Before Ian and Anthony were stupid adults, they were even stupider... kindergarteners?! Follow their slightly older adventures every other Friday only on Shut Up! Cartoons! Shut Up! and... Subscribe: http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ShutUpCartoons Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShutUpCartoons Add us to your Google+: http://smo.sh/ShutUpGoog Visit the Smosh Store: http://smo.sh/19t1uZA
Worst Audition EVER: http://bit.ly/WORSTaudition In this episode, I give Charlie a bath! Check out Charlie's own channel, Ask Charlie: http://youtube.com/askcharlie FREE SMOSH FACEBOOK APP: http://apps.facebook.com/smoshyt ------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT LINKS: http://smoshpit.com http://smosh.com http://facebook.com/smosh http://twitter.com/smosh http://twitter.com/smoshian http://twitter.com/smoshanthony
ORIGINAL VIDEO! ►► https://youtu.be/sTyVfGRbPxI CHECK OUT SUPER SMOSH ►► https://youtu.be/xcqZOXwLWJ4 MORE FROM ANDREI TERBEA ►► https://youtube.com/andreiterbea SUBSCRIBE for more Smosh ►► http://www.youtube.com/smosh Anthony can't seem to figure out what Ian's mysterious kitchen appliance is. Welcome to SMOSH ANIMATED, where hilarious stories and soundbites from classic Smosh content are brought to life through this brand new animated show. ------------------------------------ SMOSH 2nd: http://youtube.com/ianH Smosh Games: http://youtube.com/smoshgames Shut Up! Cartoons: http://youtube.com/shutupcartoons SMOSH en Français: http://youtube.com/thefrenchsmosh SMOSH en Español: http://youtube.com/elsmosh
What’s up guys, This video is really exciting to me personally because not only is it the second official release off of my dance mixtape “Adultlessons : The World’s First Dance Mixtape”…but it is ALSO the first feature off of the mixtape. Within it being a feature I looked at musicians and their collaborations and how they both adapt their style to usually meet somewhere in the middle for their collaborators music. I thought this was a great version of one of my choreography videos with the feeling of a Megan Batoon sketch, hence the “feat.” like musical artists. We are quite the team if you ask me…it’s just really fun. I know that it’s literally only been a week since my last post and last time I kept you guys waiting for another 4 months before I posted something new but the stars were...
Que inocente fui, en esas cosas del amor, solo fui un soñador, que de ti se enamoro eres libre de ti te es por eso que de mi te vas yo no fui dueño de ti jamas aunque me duela es la verdad...
y volvere a ser de ti solo un soñador aquella noche de insomnio que un beso tuyo anhelo soy un soñador enamorado perdidamente amar en silencio sera mi secreto hasta la muerte.
Y volvere a ser de ti solo un soñador aquel que en noche de insomnio un beso tuyo anhelo, por que soy un soñador enamorado perdidamente AMAR EN SILENCIO SERA MI SECRETO HASTA LA