- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 55807
FitNesse is a web server, a wiki and an automated testing tool for software. It is based on Ward Cunningham's Framework for Integrated Test and is designed to support acceptance testing rather than unit testing in that it facilitates detailed readable description of system function.
FitNesse allows users of a developed system to enter specially formatted input (its format is accessible to non-programmers). This input is interpreted and tests are created automatically. These tests are then executed by the system and output is returned to the user. The advantage of this approach is very fast feedback from users. The developer of the system to be tested needs to provide some support (classes named "fixtures", conforming to certain conventions).
FitNesse is written in Java (by Robert C. Martin and others). The program first supported only Java, but versions for several other languages have been added over time (C++, Python, Ruby, Delphi, C#, etc.).
FitNesse Tutorial
FitNesse and Java Testing
Aesthetic Natural Bodybuilding Motivation - Fitness Aesthetics
Using FitNese with Maven and Eclipse
Selenium and Fitnesse - Cheese Hunting
Fitness motivation - The Aesthetic Era, here to stay
Combat Fitness Dance Choreography - Saxobeat - Alexandra Stan
CHALLENGE FITNESS : Se sculpter des fesses bombées et des jambes fines!
Fitness Master Class - Fitness pour affiner ses cuisses
♦ EXERCICES FITNESS : 10 Minutes de "Bouge Tes Fessiers" pour Maigrir ♦
Introduction and Basic Tutorial on FitNesse - By a group of UCL 3rd Year BSc Computer Science students. FitNesse is a web server, a wiki, and an automated testing tool for software. It is based on Ward Cunningham's Framework for Integrated Test. FitNesse is designed to support acceptance testing rather than unit testing in that it facilitates detailed readable description of system function.
Aesthetic natural bodybuilding motivation video. Rocking the GYM. More vids coming soon so make sure to subscribe & like me out on facebook for daily motivation: http://alongabbay.com/facebook ►►► German Channel: http://alongabbay.de/youtube ►►► Instagram: http://alongabbay.com/instagram ►►► Website: http://alongabbay.com ►►► Gym gear: http://gymshark.com ►►► Buy these Fitness pants & more here: www.gymshark.com Sponsored by Gym Shark - Buy their stuff in the link above. Music & credits: Intro by: http://youtube.com/NoCopyrightSounds Remix made by: http://youtube.com/TheInstrumentalCore Original artist: http://youtube.com/TwoStepsFromTheMusic This awesome music was originally composed by Two Steps From Hell inter alia: Thomas Bergersen & Nick Phoenix. LIKE AND CHECK OUT THE TWO STEPS F...
A screen capture demonstration of how to use FitNesse with Maven and Eclipse. * Setting up FItNesse to run in Eclipse * Using Maven's classpath in FitNesse * Debugging FitNesse in Eclipse My first screen capture video ever. Be gentle with your comments. :-)
A demonstration of a user friendly way of driving Selenium using Fitnesse and Selenesse.
Amazing, multi talented, aesthetic BMR Sports Nutrition Athlete Martin Heede aiming to become world champion. He all ready have a 6:th place in Fitness World Championships and 5:th place in Men`s Physique European Championships. And he wont stop until he reached the top. Brought to you by http://bmrstore.com/
Subscribe @ our tutorial channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhag835egF4ty8H7hA0dQ Choreo by Sanne
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Si vous trouvez vos cuisses trop fortes, il existe des exercices pour travailler cette zone spécifiquement. Lucile vous propose une séance de sport pendant laquelle vous ciblez les muscles profonds en statique, et les muscles superficiels en endurance pour des jambes toniques et affinées ! Rejoignez-nous sur https://www.facebook.com/doctifit Retrouvez notre dossier Fitness pour les cuisses : http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/forme/fitness/articles/13372-cuisses.htm Découvrez le livre de Lucile "Silhouette de rêve" en cliquant ici : http://amzn.to/14SUKgF Retrouvez nous sur Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/doctissimo Twitter : http://twitter.com/doctissimo Google+ : http://plus.google.com/+Doctissimo
Si on veut maigrir vite, il faut faire le nécessaire: Maigrir + Vite --► http://MaigrirPlusVite.com ◄--
Dividing Line
Party animal or a bird in a cage
mine is a double the spirit of the age
money for old rope, the coin spinning round
your time is up, your time is down
I could read a book, I could watch a film
I could spend a day perfectly still
A solitary ring on a link in a chain
we could look alike but we're not all tame
I want it, I want it all the same
but I'm learning on the way
I wanna remember all the colours and the sounds and the shades
but I'm learning on the way
There's someone here to freeze, it couldn't be
A lot of people tease that we were free
I fell off my chair, I flew into the air
but I didn't land, didn't land nowhere
I want it, I want it all the same
But I'll learn it on the way
I wanna remember all the colours and the sounds and the shades
But I'll learn it on the way
I don't care what they were doing before
I don't care what, they could do it again, again
I don't even care what they are doing here right now
But I'll learn it on the way
and the margin's so wide there's a line down the middle
straight down the middle a dividing line
never, never, never getting anything together
never getting anything together one time
I want it, I want it all the same
But I'll learn it on the way
I wanna remember all the colours and the sounds and the shades
But I'll learn it on the way