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Bon Jovi is halfway there, singing 'Livin' on a Prayer' at wedding

With all due respect to his Direct TV commercials, if Jon Bon Jovi really had the "power to turn back time," he'd probably RSVP "no" to a recent wedding in Miami. Sorry, Jon, but did you really think you'd avoid being called on stage to sing with the wedding band?

According to the Associated Press, the singer of the wedding band - Lourdes Valentin - prepared the epic Bon Jovi tune Livin' on a Prayer knowing that Jon would be in attendance. But when she asked him before the wedding if he'd join in, he politely declined. But oh no, the story doesn't end there. Feast your eyes on a man forced to do the very thing he probably dreaded all day.

[Last modified: Friday, July 8, 2016 10:36am]


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