- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 56
In astronomy and physical cosmology, the metallicity or Z is the fraction of mass of a star or other kind of astronomical object that is not in hydrogen (X) or helium (Y). Most of the physical matter in the universe is in the form of hydrogen and helium, so astronomers use the word "metals" as a convenient short term for "all elements except hydrogen and helium". This usage is distinct from the usual physical definition of a solid metal. The astronomical usage is claimed to be justified because in the high-temperature and pressure environment of a star, atoms do not undergo chemical reactions and effectively have no chemical properties, including that of being a metal as usually understood. For example, stars and nebulae with relatively high abundances of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon are called "metal-rich" in astrophysical terms, even though those elements are non-metals in chemistry.
The distinction between hydrogen and helium on the one hand and metals on the other is relevant because the primordial universe is believed to have contained virtually no metals, which were later synthesised within stars.
In astronomy and physical cosmology, the "metallicity" or ""Z"", is the fraction of mass of a star or other kind of astronomical object, beyond hydrogen and helium . Most of the physical matter in the universe is in the form of hydrogen and helium, so astronomers conveniently use the blanket term "metals" to refer to all other elements. For example, stars or nebulae that are relatively rich in carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon would be "metal-rich" in astrophysical terms, even though those elements are non-metals in chemistry. This term should not be confused with the usual physical definition of solid metals. Metallicity within stars and other astronomical objects is an approximate estimation of their chemical abundances that change over time by the mechanisms of stellar evolution...
Still on the topic of WR 104, astronomers look at the correlational between the amount of metals present versus the rate of Gamma Ray Burst events. It seems that although stars may still undergo a supernova, the rotational speeds are reduced the heavier the star therefore less chance of them resulting in a Gamma Ray Burst. Still the million dollar question is... Are we in flying into the danger zone? NEXT: The Death Star galaxy 3C321 makes systems like WR 104 look like nothing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cberEfe698A Suggested WR104 videos: "WR 104: Looking down the barrel - Supernova or Gamma Ray Burst?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI6fW5i_JhU "WR 104: A real life death star system - Wolf Rayet Stars" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiL6lKYo-YY More cool shorts like this in the...
This is an OSU Astronomy "Coffee Brief" for the Brown et al. (2016) paper "A Recalibration of Strong Line Oxygen Abundance Diagnostics via the Direct Method and Implications for the High Redshift Universe" posted on astro-ph on February 4, 2016.
What is METALLICITY? What does METALLICITY mean? METALLICITY meaning, definition & explanation. In astronomy and physical cosmology, the metallicity or Z is the fraction of mass of a star or other kind of astronomical object that is not in hydrogen (X) or helium (Y). Most of the physical matter in the universe is in the form of hydrogen and helium, so astronomers use the word "metals" as a convenient short term for "all elements except hydrogen and helium". This usage is distinct from the usual physical definition of a solid metal. The rationale for the astronomical usage is that in the high-temperature and pressure environment of a star, atoms do not undergo chemical reactions and effectively have no chemical properties, including that of being a metal as usually understood. For example,...
Duncan Forbes, Swinburne, "Metallicity maps of galaxies in observations and simulations" 2013 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop University of California, Santa Cruz http://hipacc.ucsc.edu/GalaxyWorkshop... August 15, 2013
A Bryce 7.1 Pro tutorial aimed at people who are very well versed in Bryce and wish to expand their skills. Exploring material properties and creating a soft pearlescent sheen material effect as a result. Be aware, this video is more experiment than tutorial, hence my suggestion that it is aimed at more advanced users. Some additional text is included in the video, you may have to pause the video to read it. Better viewed in HD - some of the controls in Bryce are quite fiddly and small. For more tutorials visit http://www.bryce-tutorials.info/
According to the Illustris simulation, this is a four-panel display of the same ~33 million light year on-a-side cube in space. What started out as an overdense region grew into a region filled with stars, gas, galaxies and more. The evolution takes place from high redshift (~z = 10) and comes all the way to the present day (z = 0). The upper left panel shows stellar light, the upper right panel shows the gas density, the lower left panel shows gas temperature, while the lower-right panel shows the evolution of metallicity, which measures the abundance of heavy elements (heavier than helium) in each region of space. Credit: The Illustris Simulation / Illustris Collaboration. More at: http://www.illustris-project.org/media/.
The Universe Exploration : Strange Astronomy Facts of Inner Planets Full Documentary Films (2016) Introduction to Astronomy: Crash Course Astronomy A new era of Astronomy Begins - Biggest Black Holes and Cosmic Monsters - Space Documentary 2016 Neil deGrasse Tyson's Lecture about Astronomy, Science (AMAZING & HILARIOUS) Life in The Universe Documentary | HD 1080p Gravitational Waves: A New Era of Astronomy Begins Milky Way secret facts , full Astronomy Documentary Astronomy: Beautiful Documentaries (Full Length) Eyes on the sky: Astronomy - Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the telescope NASA Astronomy Video: Tour of the Moon - A detailed view of the lunar surface What is the biggest star in the Universe ✶ Astronomy Space Documentary 2016 Discovery 100 Greatest Discoveries 1of9 Astrono...
Here the metallicity of gas in a hydrodynamical cosmology simulation is shown. There are 128^3 gas particles in this volume, and the metallicity is projected into 2D from 3D. The simulation software GIZMO was used, along with the new mesh-free methods.
In astronomy and physical cosmology, the metallicity or Z is the fraction of mass of a star or other kind of astronomical object that is not in hydrogen or helium .Most of the physical matter in the universe is in the form of hydrogen and helium, so astronomers use the word "metals" as a convenient short term for "all elements except hydrogen and helium".This usage is distinct from the usual physical definition of a solid metal.The rationale for the astronomical usage is that in the high-temperature and pressure environment of a star, atoms do not undergo chemical reactions and effectively have no chemical properties, including that of being a metal as usually understood. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): NASA, The Hubble Heritage Team, STScI, AURA License: Public ...
A video I made for a stellar structure assignment showing how stars of varying metallicities evolve off of the main sequence. The stellar evolution models come from EZ-WEB (http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~townsend/static.php?ref=ez-web) and the video was done in Python.
Title: Low metallicity star formation: a nursery for compact binary mergers? Speaker: Richard O'Shaughnessy (U. of Wisconsim, Milwaukee) Date: 2011-10-05 Slides: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/presentations/380.pdf
Talks in Session 6: 00:00:33 Marc Rafelski (Caltech/IPAC): "Metallicity of Damped Ly-alpha Systems out to z~5" 00:15:48 Janet Colucci (UCSC): "The Detailed Chemical Abundance Patterns of M31 Globular Clusters" 00:30:45 Jason Melbourne (Caltech): "Constraints on the colors and luminosities of high-mass, low-metallicity AGB stars from Keck Adaptive Optics" 00:46:28 Brendan Bowler (U. Hawaii): "A High Contrast Adaptive Optics Imaging Search for Giant Planets Around Young M Dwarfs" 01:00:03 Anne Medling (UCSC): "Nuclear Disks in Nearby Gas-Rich Mergers" 01:15:22 Chris Gelino (NExScI/Caltech): "The Discovery and Characterization of the Coldest WISE Brown Dwarfs with Keck"
Stellar metallicity and planet formation are intimately linked. Theoretical work based on the core accretion model predicts that planets in the Neptune-mass regime should be common around stars with a wide range of metallicities, while giant planets should be more common around metal-rich stars. But the existence of a planet-metallicity relation for low-mass planets is not yet fully confirmed and quantified. We have been using HARPS observations to study a sample of moderately metal-poor stars. Our goal is to detect low-mass planets, in the Earth and Neptune mass regimes, and estimate their frequency around low-metallicity stars. I will present the results of this decade-long search, explain the difficulties that stellar activity poses for planet detection and show how the small number of ...
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Dwarf Galaxy Zoo Gurtina Besla December 5, 2013 Dwarf galaxies are the most numerous type of galaxy in our universe. These low mass, low metallicity galaxies encompass a wide range of morphologies, gas fractions and star formation properties. Yet it is unclear how or if these different subtypes are evolutionarily linked. Being low in mass, dwarf galaxies are more prone to environmental factors (tides, ram pressure stripping), which can facilitate morphological transformations. But is environment the only factor? What about dwarf galaxies in the most isolated environments? Do interactions between dwarf galaxies themselves play a role? I'll provide an overview of the veritable zoo of dwarf galaxy subtypes and our current understanding of their...
The coldest known exoplanets are still much hotter than the gas giant planets in our own Solar System. Pushing to colder temperatures requires observing in the thermal infrared (3-5 microns) where self-luminous gas-giants peak in brightness. Dr. Skemer will present observational studies characterizing the atmospheres of the coldest exoplanets and the coldest brown dwarf. These observations include a planet whose metallicity is higher than its host star, and a 250 K brown dwarf which shows signs of water clouds. Additionally, he will describe a new instrument that can obtain spectroscopy of directly imaged planets from 3-5 microns.
I hope you enjoyed the video! Hypixel ip: mc.hypixel.net Legends Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMosGVHbVOqlrWK4hIIvD0w Ahbstracts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xpmz-DtbC-Qyvk_gUnA2g Music Provided by NoCopyrightSounds: DEAF KEV - Invincible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2X5mJ3HDYE DEAF KEV: https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds/deaf-kev-invincible-ncs-release
Documentary Films: The Search for Earth Like Planets The first exoplanet to be observed circling a Sun-like star was an enormous roaster, spotted by two Swiss astronomers who made the historic discovery back in 1995. Since then, around 1800 exoplanets orbiting stars beyond our Sun have been detected, bringing with them a treasure trove of information describing many rich and strange alien worlds for astronomers to pour over. In May 2014, a team of astronomers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, announced their bizarre discovery that some faraway Sun-like stars, inhabiting our Milky Way Galaxy, hungrily devour tasty Earth-like planets that circle them in searing-hot, close-in orbits. These "Earth-eaters," during their development, snack on large quantities of the rocky stuff ...
[text & music: Kraftwerk - Das Model]
Modela est specie pulchra est.
Libenter hadie domum meam mecum eam auferam.
Frigidam videtur auram tenere,
neminem sibi patiens accedere,
sed ante camera demonstrat artem suam.
Vinum scatens bibit, recte, nocte in caupana,
et in qua judicium de omnibus viris fecit.
In juce arte facta lenis risus juvenilis fulget.
Est pulchra specie, et pulchritudo, pecuniam fert.
Se spectanda propnit pro producto qui mercandum est.
Spectatur a milibus oculorum.
Nova imago eius me effascinat.
Revisenda mihi est, patior, consecuta est.