- published: 21 Jan 2018
- views: 185
Ortiz (pronounced: [orˈtiθ]) is a surname of both Spanish and Basque origin.
Eloy is a German progressive rock band, whose musical style includes symphonic and space rock, the latter theme being more prevalent on earlier albums. Despite their nationality and time period, the band is not generally considered krautrock because of their sound, which has much more in common with English progressive rock and symphonic rock groups such as Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes and Camel.
Founded in 1969 by guitarist Frank Bornemann, the band has endured several line-up changes, with Bornemann being the only consistent member of the group. In the 1980s, after a series of major splits in the group, Bornemann pursued a more commercial direction. Despite attracting a large following in Germany, the band never gained popularity in the United States. However, in later years, former members of the band re-joined, and in 1998 released the album Ocean 2, a return to the classic symphonic progressive rock genre for which the band was well known.
Bornemann described the origin of the name of the band thus: "The name Eloy is based on the book 'The Time Machine' by H.G. Wells. Wells describes in his book the situation of mankind about 800,000 years later, and 'Eloy' is a human race in his story. The Eloy in Wells' story have made a new start with the help of the time traveler. In a way, it was a new beginning for the human race. German rock bands in the late 1960s played mainly covers from other bands instead of playing their own compositions. Record deals for German bands were absolutely rare and German bands generally were considered to be second class bands in their own country. At that time it was a strong effort for a German band to come out with only their own compositions. It was a start into an unknown future, and from this point of view, comparable to the human race in Wells' story. That is why I got the idea to name the band 'Eloy'."
Eloy was the debut album from German progressive rock band Eloy. It was released in 1971.
Eloy is the surname of:
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The California Community Colleges Board of Governors appointed Eloy Ortiz Oakley as chancellor for the California Community Colleges beginning December 19, 2016. Eloy Ortiz Oakley is best known throughout California and the nation for implementing innovative programs and policies that help students succeed in college. Oakley strongly believes that California’s rapidly changing economy demands a diverse workforce with quality credentials and that the state’s 115 community colleges play a pivotal role in moving California forward. Under Oakley’s leadership, the California Community Colleges published the Vision for Success which lays out a focused strategy on increasing the social and economic mobility of all Californians. Since becoming chancellor, Oakley has positioned the California Comm...
Fireside Chat moderated by Dr. Rebecca Corbin, CEO & President of NACCE, with Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, CA Community Colleges, and Sheneui Weber, Vice Chancellor of Workforce & Economic Development, CA Community Colleges.
Eloy Ortiz Oakley, Long Beach City College, Long Beach Greatly increasing community college students' completion of transfer-level courses through better placement and enrollment strategies. For pushing past barriers to a college credential for more California students, President Eloy Ortiz Oakley is a recipient of a 2014 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award.
Eloy Ortiz Pineda, el luchador social. Nacido el 1 de diciembre de 1957 en Pandacuareo, Zirándaro de los Chávez, Guerrero. Lamentablemente falleció el 25 de octubre de 1997. Nunca te olvidaremos. ¡Viva Eloy Ortiz Pineda!
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Ortiz (pronounced: [orˈtiθ]) is a surname of both Spanish and Basque origin.
Ali e radici il volo e la stanzialità
Il falco e la quercia ali e radici
La mia anima divisa a metà
Sai che un giorno o l'altro
Lo sai che partirò non mi chieder quando
Perchè questo non lo so
E finché davanti a me ancora strada c'è
Finché mi da un senso di libertà
Io non mi fermerò
Mi spingerò sempre un po' più in la
Finché non avrò ancor bisogno di te
Ali e radici e ancora scegliere non so
Se ti do troppo amore si può anche morire
Ma più ancor di solitudine più ancor
E se un giorno torno un po' con te starò
Non mi chieder quando adesso io non lo so
E finché davanti a me ancora strada c'è
Finché mi da quel senso di libertà
Io non mi fermerò
Mi spingerò sempre un po' più in la
E poi ancora più in la
Mi spingerò sempre un po' più in la
Finché non potrò più a fare a meno di te