- published: 06 Jul 2011
- views: 700457
Red Bull Flugtag (German: flight day, airshow) is an event organized by Red Bull in which competitors attempt to fly home-made, size- and weight-limited, human-powered flying machines (max 10m/30 ft, 150 kg/330 lbs). The flying machines are usually launched off a pier about 30 feet (9.1 m) high into the sea (or suitably sized reservoir of water). Most competitors enter for the entertainment value, and the flying machines rarely fly at all.
The format was originally invented in Selsey, a small seaside town in the south of England under the name "Birdman Rally" in 1971. The first Red Bull Flugtag competition was held in 1991 in Vienna, Austria. It was such a success that it has been held every year since and in over 35 cities all over the world. Anyone is eligible to compete in the Flugtag event. To participate, each team must submit an application and their contraption must meet the criteria set forth by Red Bull. The criteria varies with location. In the USA each flying machine must have a maximum wingspan of 30 feet (9.14 m) and a maximum weight (including pilot) of 450 lbs. (204 kg). In Australian Flugtags the wingspan is limited to 26.25 feet (8.0 m) and the weight (NOT including pilot) to 396.8 lb (180.0 kg). The craft must be powered by muscle, gravity, and imagination. Because the aircraft will ultimately end up in the water, it must be unsinkable and constructed entirely of environmentally friendly materials. The aircraft may not have any loose parts and advertising space is limited to 1-square-foot (0.093 m2).
Best of Red Bull Flugtag
Wacky Man-Made Flying Machines Take Flight in Boston | Red Bull Flugtag 2016
New WORLD RECORD flight at Red Bull Flugtag Germany 2012
Top 10 Crashes - Red Bull Flugtag 2013 USA
Red Bull Flugtag 2015 Highlights
Red Bull Flugtag Boston! August 20, 2016
Red Bull Flugtag world record
Premier Falcons Practise for Redbull Flugtag World Record Attempt
Longest Red Bull Flugtag flight - Louisville, KY 2016
MIT Monkey Ballers build a plane for Red Bull Flugtag 2016
In our best of Red Bull Flugtag we follow the event from its very beginning up to the 100th Red Bull Flugtag in Ireland and witness all its amazing creations, stunts and records around the world. What is Red Bull Flugtag you ask? Red Bull Flugtag challenges teams of everyday people to build homemade, human-powered flying machines and pilot them off a 30-foot high deck in hopes of achieving flight! Flugtag may mean "flying day" in German, but all these crafts ultimately splash into the waters below. They are judged not only on their flight's distance, but creativity and showmanship as well http://www.redbull.com _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at a...
► CLICK for more outlandish flying: http://win.gs/RBFlugtag For the first time in its decorated 25-year history, Flugtag came to Boston. At the world's wildest homemade, human-powered flying craft competition, 29 teams tested their crafts over — and eventually in — the Charles River in front of thousands of spectators, some who even took to the water for a closer look at the hilarious action. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on...
Mainz, 28. Mai 2012 -- Das war ein Tag der Superlative: 150.000 Zuschauer, Temperaturen durchweg bei 30 Grad, eine Stimmung wie beim Karneval und dann noch ein Weltrekord! Mit 69,79 Metern ist das Team „Die Rückkehr der Teichfighter" aus Wiesbaden beim Red Bull Flugtag so weit wie noch niemand zuvor geflogen. Ihr aerodynamisches Fluggerät schlug den bisherigen Rekord von 63,09 Metern um fast 7 Meter! Damit bekamen sie den Preis für die ‚Weiteste Länge', aber den Gesamtsieg holte sich „Don Canallie und seine tollkühnen Schurken" aus Stuttgart. Die Jungs konnten mit ihrem Piratenbomber mit einer Top-Weite von 56,87 Metern (der zweitweiteste Flug des Tages) und einer begeisternden Performance überzeugen. Da Weite, Performance und Originalität in die Wertung einflossen, standen sie bei der Sie...
In preparation for National Red Bull Flugtag Day USA on September 21, 2013, we give you the top 10 crashes from the past. Enjoy! Apply at http://redbullflugtagusa.com _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=redbull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter
I got their a little after 12 and took some shots outside. Was about to go home until I decided to keep walking to see if I'd find a line that isn't anywhere near as long as the line I was at. Luckily, with the second line, I was somehow allowed in quickly. Then I took a bunch of random shots inside and every-time I would see an opening in the crowd, I'd go closer and closes. Shot it with a Panasonic AC90 in 1080p60 mode and edited using TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 5. If anyone is willing to get me a 4K professional camera such as the Panasonic UX180, UX90, DVX200, Sony FS7, etc, I'll put a link to your site in the description area of every video I shoot with it. I'd do the same if someone is willing to get me a 4K capable drone such as the DJI Phantom 4, Yuneec Typhoon H Pro or GoPro Ka...
Watch the spectacle of craziness, crashes and splashes (and a new world record!) in St. Paul, Minnesota, as the Red Bull Flugtag lets people test their, um, flying machines above (and into) the Mississippi River at Harriet Island.
The Dukes of Hazzardous had the longest Flugtag flight at Louisville's Red Bull Flugtag at 82 feet!
Red Bull Flugtag is an annual event in which competitors attempt to fly a homemade aircraft off a platform 33 feet in the air. This year, Flugtag came to Boston and the MIT Monkey Ballers entered the competition. Video: Melanie Gonick/MIT Additional time-lapse footage: MIT Monkey Ballers Music sampled from, "Origin I," by Scott Holmes http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/Colossal_Stillness/Origin_l https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Ihr zeugt die Kinder,
Die sie brauchen für den Kampf.
Ihr zeugt die Kinder,
Die sie brauchen für die Front.
Ihr folgt in den Tod,
Gegen die Wahrheit, gegen den Gott.
Ihr seid Sklaven ihrer Lügen -
Doch ihr seid mein.
Ihr tötet alle die,
Die nicht kämpfen euren Krieg.
Ihr tötet alle die,
Die nicht feiern euren Sieg.
Vom falschen Schein geblendet,
Doch das Blatt hat sich gewendet,
Ihr braucht mich, ich brauche euch,
Ihr liebt mich, ihr liebt mich.
Ihr seid mein.
Ihr liebt mich, ihr braucht mich,
Ihr liebt mich, ihr braucht mich.