sos detail on my youtube facebook teachertube黃伯策 huang bo tse mind control 我被不明人士24小時,監視,騷擾,恐嚇,跟蹤,辱罵,在房間做舍麼,上舍麼網,他們都知道,從99年4月底到現在,房間不知從那傳來罵人和敲擊的聲音,跟人講電話時手機還傳來罵人的聲音,我的門號跟無線網路都是o的,上班的時候也是,騎車時也跟著罵,我在o的駐點o社區當夜班保全,另一個保全是o,還會讀心術,我心理想舍麼他們都知道,有人證,也可以測謊,之前住在臺灣oo縣o,目前住o ,電話o,名字是o,還有很多沒講,事情是我在大陸時開始的,我的oo都知道
一直用奇怪的聲音干擾我和我周圍人的神經.我身上有錄到一些證據.車號o 讀心術是完全一字不漏把我腦中所想講出來 另外還有很多沒講的 我有上傳一些影片到youtube 我的頻道上 我可能會失蹤 被逼瘋 逼死 意外身亡 他們會找很多方法弄死我又能讓其他人以為跟他們沒關桸 或找不知道的人弄死我 期間我聽到有住戶說財團兩個字 說要整死我 說oo人都這樣 說我是oo黨 說你們這些oo人 說性oo的都這樣,從當兵到事情2009年.大概5到8月發生之前說的一些話,確實有可能讓我被盯上跟陷入oo鬥爭之中,在之前看過幾次中西醫,都說沒辦法,事情發生期間差點被抓,曾在一家t資廠上班,被一自稱某黨的人欺壓.有人說之前上傳的像耳鳴聲,有公司寄一份儀器測試有兩條曲線的表給我,有人對我的帳號丟病毒,檢舉我的貼文跟某些影片,有人回應說我沒加入某黨才會這樣.在家裡我的手機訊號很差,無線網路也是,還一直中毒SOS detail on my YouTube NONAME yellow BT Huang b t I was unknown persons 24 hours, monitored, harassment, intimidation, track, insults, in room do homes you,
Shang homes you network, they are know, from April 99 end of to now, room not know from that came swearing and percussion of sound, with people said phone Shi phone also came swearing of sound, I of door, with wireless network are is o of, work of when is, bike Shi also followed called, I in o of resident points o community Dang night preservation, another preservation is o, also will read minds,
I heart ideal homes you they are know, was card, also can measuring lie, zhiqian live in
Taiwan OO
County o, currently live o, phone o, name is o, also has many didn't said, things is I in continent Shi began of, I of OO are know
Has been with strange of sound interference
I and I around people of neural. I body has recorded to some evidence. car, o read minds is full a word not leakage put I brain in the by wanted to said out addition also has many didn't said of I has upload some film to YouTube I of channel Shang I may will missing was forced crazy forced died accident died they will find many method kill I and can let other people thought with they didn't shut XI or find not know of people kill I during I heard has households said
Consortium two a word said to whole died I said OO people are such said I is OO party Said you these OO people said sexual OO of are such, from soldier to things 2009. probably May-August occurred zhiqian said of some words, does has may let I was staring at Shang with into OO struggle among, in zhiqian see had times traditional
Chinese and
Western medicine, are said didn't approach, things occurred during almost was caught, had in a t funding factory work, was a claiming to a party of people bullying. was said zhiqian upload of like tinnitus sound, has company sent a copies instrument test has two article curve of table to I, was on I of account lost virus,
Report I posted with some of the film, responded that I didn't join a party they are so. my phone signal is very poor at home, wireless networks are, also have been poisoned
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 161