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Jetpack offers many tools that will allow you to easily customize the way that your site looks.

Are you tired of the same old site design? If so, you’ll be happy to know that Jetpack offers several modules that can help you spruce up your site’s appearance. Whether you want to implement some Custom CSS to easily change colors, fonts, and more, or if you want to speed up your site by delivering your images from’s servers with Photon, you can do it all with Jetpack.

Here are some resources to help get you started:

  • Social Menu - Social Menu allows site owners to create a new menu location, used to display links to Social Media Profiles.
  • Responsive Videos - Jetpack includes an option to add responsive video support to your theme, and thus make sure that all videos display just as nicely on mobile devices as they do on your largest display.
  • Site Icon - The Site Icon module allows you to add an icon for your site. This icon will be used as a favicon and mobile icon for your site, and will persist between theme switches. WordPress itself now has Site Icon built in! You can find it via Appearance->Customize. When we released Jetpack 3.6.1, the setting was in Settings->General and added […]
  • Custom Content Types - The Custom Content Types module adds custom post types (CPTs) to your site. These CPTs allow you to add content that doesn’t necessarily fit into a post, but isn’t right for a static page either. Since this is part of Jetpack, you can even switch themes without losing these custom post types! Portfolios The Portfolio […]
  • Customize Related Posts - Like the other Jetpack modules, the Related Posts module includes filters allowing you to customize the look of the Related Posts to fit all your needs.
  • Related Posts - The Related Posts feature pulls relevant content from your blog to display at the bottom of your posts.
  • Infinite Scroll - Instead of having to click a link to get to the next set of posts, infinite scrolling pulls the next posts automatically into view when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.
  • Custom CSS - The Custom CSS Editor allows you to customize the appearance of your theme without the need to create a child theme or worry about theme updates overwriting your customizations.
  • Photon - Photon is an image acceleration and editing service for sites hosted on or on Jetpack-connected WordPress sites.
  • Widget Visibility - The Widget Visibility module enables you to configure widgets to appear only on certain pages (or be hidden on certain pages) by using the Visibility panel.
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